Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Ryniel Muthusami

Ryniel Muthusami

The Burger Festival


The 1Africa team recently got to attend  The Burger Festival, hosted by Flavorful Events in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town. With some of the best gourmet burgers in the Mother City on display, the atmosphere was inviting to say the least – and let’s just say the whole experience of going to each burger stall made us very hungry! It also made choosing a burger hard, as they all looked and smelt amazing.

Of the many burgers we could choose from, the Fat Harry’s selection stood out to us – probably because they were absolutely huge (and when you’re hungry, huge often wins!).

Check out the pics – and, of course, the burgers! – below.

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SA’s Power Couple share their secrets

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we caught up with South Africa’s very own Power Couple winners, Emile and Razia Samson, for a quick chat about their experience on the show and, of course, some relationship advice!

Tell us about your experience Power Couple SA?

Razia: It was a phenomenal experience for us. We had a chance to shut out all the noise of life and spend time together.

What did you learn about yourselves and each other?

Emile: It affirmed for me that Razia is a strong and resilient woman. I have learnt that she is truly God’s best for me and that I am so blessed to have met her all those years ago.

I also learnt afresh that I have limitations and strengths within my make-up and it gave me an opportunity to come to a place of contentment with who I am, and who God has designed me to be.

Razia: It definitely taught me to face my fears, to always stay true to yourself no matter what, and to treat others the way you would like to be treated.  I learned that Emile would always have my best interests at heart regardless of the situation. He is consistent, loves unconditionally and has a strong drive to succeed, yet stay grounded. He is the most patient person I know.

What does true love mean to you? 

Emile: True love is making yourself less so that your partner can be more. The success behind this, however, is that this attitude needs to come from both partners. If this is a mutual view both partners in the relationship will win. Striking a balance in this is not easy, but crucial.

Do you think Valentine’s Day puts unnecessary pressure on people to find that special someone? 

Razia: I think in today’s climate people are a lot more individualistic and independent in their thinking. However, if we submit our thinking to the ploys of aggressive marketing campaigns from some shady commercial enterprises, this may make us feel the pressure of Valentine’s Day a bit.

How do you, personally, feel about Valentine’s Day?


Emile: I have absolutely no opinion about Valentine’s Day. Razia and I, however, do not celebrate it.

Razia: Each to their own – It is not something we partake in.

So what will you be up to on Valentine’s Day? 

Emile: It will be on a Sunday so it means we’ll be spending it with our Joburg-based family and our three beautiful daughters.

What do you think are the secrets to a healthy relationship? 

Emile:  Focus on treating your partner with gentleness, kindness, and patience. When you fail to be this person, just apologise, pick up the pieces and continue to refocus on treating your partner in this way.

Razia: Love without limits. Communicate with your partner. Make sure that you understand each other and that you are on the same page. Don’t go to bed if you have unresolved conflict.  Have date nights at least once a month so you can spend quality time together. Never speak badly about your partner to others.

Balmain Paris in H&M Stores world wide on 5 November

We are excited to finally see the new collection from Balmain Paris. We thought that you might be too.  It will be available to purchase tomorrow the 5 Oct 2015.







If this doesn’t inspire you to dress better then I don’t know what will? Even though it is a very luxurious range some of the items are accessible to the average consumer. I think that the higher priced garments put value on the collection, you can see that every piece has been put together with precise detail and thought has gone into every stitch so I can appreciate the price range.

Click here to enter the world of Balmain Paris Collection be prepared to have your mind blown.





The official opening of the much-anticipated AKJP Collective, the latest brainchild of designersKeith Henning and artist Jody Paulsen, took place on the 20 Oct 2015 and promises to be the first step in an exciting new direction for the talented twosome as well as for concept shopping in SouthAfrica.

The Adriaan Kuiters + Jody PaulsenSpring/Summer 2016 collection–their biggest to date –is available in the new concept store too. Says Henning: “We have used women’s items on men and men’s items on women. The fits are spacious and forgiving. We have introduced fitted women’s trousers and shirts, and paired them with boxy and loose garments to retain an effortless, easy-wearing look.”The colours are typical Adriaan Kuiters + Jody Paulsen and nudes, whites, greys, black and primary colours dominate. The collection, to quote GQmagazine, “broke the runway” at this year’s Mercedes-Benz Cape Town Fashion Week.

The AKJP Collective is available online at





THE RANGE AT MBFW 2015Untitled-3

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“For our SS16 collection lookbook, we took inspiration from Lucinda Childs’balletDance. Sol LeWitt’s use of black and white imagery in thevideo createsstrong graphic imagery and motifs, whichspeak to our collection’s applique and deconstruction. We felt that shooting in black and white with photographer Nico Krinjowill bea new direction for usas it puts the focus back on cut and silhouettesrather thanprints. The lookbook symbolises strength in movement toowhich speaks to our initial minimalist ethoswhich wasrooted in sportswear that shifts easily from day to night.”



Store: 73 Kloof Street, Cape Town (021 424 5502)

BentoLookbook: Photographer: Nico Krijno

Models: Elle Jayne Baily Potgieter (at Boss Models)

Azuli Peeters (at Ice Model Management)

Jae Won Kim (at Twenty Model Management)

Hair and makeup: Suaad Jeppie at One League Creative Management


Twitter: @AdriaanKuiters + @jodypaulsen87

Instagram: @adriaan_kuiters + @jody_paulsen


Trevor Noah Meets Ellen

‘The Daily Show’ Host and fellow South African meets Ellen Degeneres.  In the video She congratulates him for how well he is doing. They banter back and forth about how he grew up also as Ellen Does with all her guests, gives him a really awesome but of cause funny gift.

Watch the video, you will be pleasantly entertained.


Trevor is doing a phenomenal job on The Daily Show but he almost turned it Down! Watch this next video to find out how he actually landed up getting the gig.




Hailee Steinfeld “Love Myself”

What are your first thoughts when you hear the phrase “Love Myself?” I find it to be such a controversial statement, in this day and age; it can easily be taken in a negative light. In a world where selfies, superstars, entertainment and SELF confidence is at the forefront of our culture, it’s hard to say that you love yourself because it could come across as conceited or self-centred, and that’s the last thing we want people to think of us.

At the end of the day it comes down to us caring what people think. Why do we as humans care so much about what others think of us? That is a tough question to ask because it might cause us to actually dig deep and find some issues that we do not want to face.

I took the time to ask some people in my world what is the first thing was they thought of when they hear the phrase “Love Myself “, and these are the answers I got.

“Identity – What is my identity?”

“That song from Hailee Seinfeld” haha I thought that was funny

“Do I love myself??”

“Being called vain”


“Selfies” Hahaha

“You do not care what people think because you know God Loves you”

“Knowing that your worth comes from God”

“Acknowledging your beauty inside and out”

“Being full of yourself”

These were just a few honest answers that I got from ladies that I know. Some of them are positive and some are not so positive, but all of them are real feelings of how people see themselves. If I can be honest, there are times I don’t know if I like myself, but then I have to ask another honest question: “Do I have the revelation of knowing who I am in Jesus?”

Sometimes you can be the “most spiritual person” but still struggle with loving yourself. Knowing that you are made in the image of God is one thing, but actually making a decision to believe it is another. It is a daily decision that we have to make, that what the word of God says about me is true.

Hailee Seinfeld’s New single “Love Myself” is a declaration of freedom in being who you are. Also there is a short clip of behind the scenes of why she decided to do this song.

It is my hope that we all can learn to be confident in our own skin. What would happen if we all decided to love ourselves in a healthy way, not in a vein or conceited way, but in a way that would inspire others around us to love themselves.

Our true Identity comes from God, and who we really are lies in what the bible says.

If this post has spoken to you, I encourage you to click on the banner below to know more about how you can learn to love yourself; because you are made in His image.


Selena Gomez: Assumptions Are Just That, ASSUMPTIONS!

“Selena Gomez has just taken a plucky step in breaking her silence on those “rehab rumours”. The truth: the young singer has lupus and now she’s boldly opening up about it, and revealed that she’s been keeping an even bigger secret – she went through chemotherapy.

“I was diagnosed with lupus, and I’ve been through chemotherapy. That’s what my break was really about. I could’ve had a stroke,” Gomez says in a recent interview with Billboard magazine. She is referring back to 2013 when she had to cancel legs of her tour, which caused a burst in speculation as to what was keeping her away. Naturally the rumor mill started moving and soon the gossip was that Selena had checked into rehab.”

When I read this article by Grazia Daily I couldn’t help but think how this applies to our lives too. Why is it that we as humans feel that we can make assumptions about other people and then take it a step further and tell other people that it is the truth.

Rumours and assumptions are ugly and are in ill taste in my opinion.





a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.





a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

Both of these Definitions basically state that the person bringing the information forward is 1. Uncertain about what the truth is, 2. They have no proof that what they are saying happened and 3. Because it has be accepted by society then that means it ok to keep spreading it.

Yes I get that Selena Gomez is a famous superstar in many peoples’ eyes, but she is also human and deserves her privacy (how would we like it if our personal lives were purged all over the media?) I for one would not be a happy camper. Rumours and assumptions have never helped anyone move forward in life, it also brings division and disunity amongst people we do not know as well as our own friends and family.


It only brings division and insecurity – two things that we do not need in our lives if we want to keep moving forward in bettering ourselves.

If you happen to find yourself in a situation where people are talking about others behind their backs, feel free to kindly remove yourself from that conversation or try change the subject. For example: if someone says: ” OMG did you hear that she/he got fired because… (you fill in the blank) “, then your response could be, ” oh really? I haven’t heard that from them. I am sure that whatever happened God has the best for their future, it’s none of our business anyway.”

If you stand up for someone then you have put your foot down and shown where you stand on the topic. That person who told you the rumour probably will not chat to you about that kind of thing again because they know that you will not fuel the fire.

I know it is easier said than done but if you know in your heart of hearts that what people are saying about you is not true then you can rest assured knowing that it does not matter what others think about you. If the people who are spreading the rumours about you are your friends then sadly they probably are not your “real” friends. Friends have your best interests at heart and will stand up for you no matter what.

Even if what people are saying about you is true, it also does not matter. God deals with us in our own way. He is the judge and knows the ins and outs of or struggles. In John 10:14 it says “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me,”

No matter where we stand in our relationship with God he knows our hearts and everything about us but without having a relationship with God it is hard for God to change us. We have to be the ones who want to change. If you have ever struggled with rumours being told about you know that God is by your side always or maybe you are the one spreading them, its ok God’s grace is bigger than any mistake we could ever make.

Click on the banner below to know who this God is and how he can change your heart from the inside out.



“Last month, Petite Noir released his debut full-length album La Vie Est Belle / Life Is Beautiful, and with it ushered in of a new genre of sleek, stylistic uptempo pop music he’s dubbed “Noirwave.”

Check out the video in its entirety and read the interview he did with Urban Outfitters.

Also Check out the behind the scenes shots from the Brooklyn-based shoot below.Bernstein-Jono_Petite-Noir_UO-BTS_HQ 04Bernstein-Jono_Petite-Noir_UO-BTS_HQ 09Bernstein-Jono_Petite-Noir_UO-BTS_HQ 07




Photos by Jono Bernstein

video director and documentarian Alan Del Rio Ortiz



On Saturday the 17 April We got to be apart of  the A21 #WALKFORFREEDOM Campaign. A21 ( Abolishing injustice in the 21st Century ) Host a  walk every year globally, with Countries all over the world to shed a light on the 27 million men, women and children who are still in bondage.

“The #WalkForFreedom is our collective effort to heighten awareness of modern-day slavery and raise funds to take us one step closer to ending human trafficking in our lifetime.”

Learn more about the A21 Campaign and how you can get involved and be apart of standing against modern day slavery in the 21st century

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