Sunday, March 9, 2025
Home Authors Posts by TJ


Big Up Africa: Cynthia Cheroitich Survives Al Shabaab


This week, we spoke out in condemnation of a deadly Al Shabaab terrorist attack in Kenya that left 147 dead on the campus of Garissa University College. It was yet another heavy and painful reminder of the difficult issues of hatred and evil that continue to plague, not just Africa but the world as a whole. Kenya is still reeling from this terrible incident and it has left an ache in the hearts of those affected, both directly and indirectly.

Yet, out of every tragedy, there are always stories of hope that emerge and they serve to inspire us and, in some small way, put a smile on our faces and help us consider how precious life is. On our Big Up Africa feature today, we celebrate one of the survivors of the Garissa attack. She didn’t ask for it, I’m sure, and I’m willing to bet that if she were to be asked if she would want to go through an ordeal like that again, she’d say an emphatic NO! Still, she has become one of the faces of survival of this brutal attack and reminds us that, out of the darkness there will always come light. Her name is Cynthia Cheroitich (19) and she, like many others, found herself – on what was supposed to be an ordinary day – caught in the centre of a hellish experience. Watch the video below to hear her tell her story.

Today, we salute Cynthia Cheroitich and the many other survivors of the Garissa attack.

On The Lighter Side: Careers24 TV Campaign


Being without regular paid work is no laughing matter. Wherever you are in the world, when you can’t pay the bills and things aren’t working out in that department, it can be extremely frustrating even for the toughest and most resilient of souls. Now, in that situation, imagine meeting an old friend or classmate and then having to deal with questions about what you’re up to now. Again, not funny at all. Especially if they’re looking all fresh and made and seem to have it all together.

Life can be tough but there’s no harm in poking fun at situations sometime. For those who may have missed it, earlier this year, Careers24, the job search and career advice arm of South African media giant Media24, came up with a hilarious TV ad campaign dealing with just how awkward and ridiculous these old-pal-unwanted-reunion situations can be. We feature the ads today on this edition of On The Lighter Side and, for what it’s worth, the entire 1Africa team loooves these ads. Enjoy!

Of the 3, which is your favourite? Hit us up in the comments section and let us know.

God Help Me

I don’t think I have ever known a person or heard of anyone in this world who has never needed help. The word itself, ‘help’, means different things to different people and evokes different emotions, depending on your background and experiences. Some despise the word because they associate it with a person who always asks for help but cares nothing for them; some associate asking for help with weakness and neediness; and, yet others refuse to give any help to others at all because they believe that we come into this world alone and nobody owes anyone else anything. I am a believer in the idea that, sooner or later, whether we accept it or like it or not, we all need help from somebody.

In as much as the human spirit is built to be resilient and able to conquer difficult obstacles, it’s not possible to go through life without getting some assistance. Life is just designed that way. In a sense, I see it as God’s smart way of making sure that we all recognize that we can’t make it on our own. In order to survive, the infant gets help eating from Mama; the pompous sports star gets help from his physiotherapist after a career-threatening injury; the breadwinner father gets help from his teenage son to help him set up his laptop after the company’s just told him that if he doesn’t get computer-literate, he’s out. We will always need help in one way or another and we should accept that it’s a part of life we can’t avoid.

A phrase I utter and often hear from those in trouble is “God help me”. I’ve heard it used by the most religious of people as much as by those who’ve never set foot in a church. We all come across situations in life where even people can’t do much, let alone ourselves. In those moments of agony and trial, we find ourselves, like the soccer commentators often exclaim, like that desperate team, nearing relegation and in need of divine intervention.

There’s so much more to God, though, than a mysterious force we call up when we’re in trouble and need help. When we think of Him as just that, we’re reducing Him and cheating ourselves of so much that we could enjoy. People often get upset when they feel as though they’re seen as two-dimensional and not appreciated for the entirety of who they are and can be. It’s like the girl who feels her boyfriend doesn’t appreciate her and doesn’t “see her for her”. What if it’s the same for God?

Yes, it is absolutely true that God wants to help us. Why am I so sure? Because He says so in His Word to us, the Bible. But there is so much more. If you are keen to discover and learn about what this “more” could be in your life, please click on the banner below and watch the video that comes up.

Good Friday


There are few days as loved as that amazing one called Friday. For those who go to school and college, it marks the beginning of a short break from that dreaded teacher or lecturer; for working people, it’s a time to escape the nightmares of morning slash afternoon traffic and hopefully just kick back and catch a movie or have some drinks. So hallowed is the day that some clever person out there even coined a beautiful acronym celebrating the love of Friday – TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday). One of the funniest things I encounter every so often is to get back to work on a Monday and hear someone casually let out an exasperated, “Four more days till Friday”.

Apart from being a day to look ahead to rest and relaxation, Friday is also a day where we can look back on what the week has been. Whether it’s been a great weak or a rough one, what better day is there to take stock and reflect than Friday? In as much as we keep things moving and make it happen, we also need to cool down and just think. Plan. Slow down. Focus. Without a moment to deliberately press the pause button, it’s not possible to assess and do better. Friday is a beautiful day. It’s a good day.

Today is Good Friday, a very important day for Christians around the world. As believers in this message, we thought to share the wonderful message that is at the heart of Easter and asking you, if you haven’t done so before, to reflect on it. Artist, Propaganda from Humble Beast, delivers some beautiful and heartfelt spoken word to communicate the message in this video by Central Films:

If this message means something to you personally and you would like to get to know more about Jesus Christ, please click on the banner below and find out how you can take the next step.

From the 1Africa team, we’d like to say “Happy Easter!” May it be a wonderful time for you and yours.

Deadly Al-Shabaab Attack On Kenyan University


There has been a deadly attack on a university in Kenya. Below is an extract of the story as it has unfolded and been reported so far, courtesy of

“A swarm of gunmen stormed a Kenya university before dawn Thursday, firing indiscriminately and taking hostages.

At least 15 people have been killed, security and interior ministry officials said, according to CNN affiliate Citizen TV. The officials said 550 people are unaccounted for at the campus that had about 815 students.

At least 65 people were hospitalized from the attack at Garissa University College, the Kenyan Red Cross said.

The Somali-based Al-Shabaab militant group claimed responsibility. The security and ministry officials said one terrorist was arrested as he tried to slip through the security cordon and flee the scene.

By 1 p.m. local time (6 a.m. ET), eight hours after the attack began, the fight to regain control of the university continued. Kenyan forces cleared three of four dormitories and had cornered the militants in the last one, the interior ministry said.

Garissa is about 145 kilometers (90 miles) from the border with Somalia. Al-Shabaab militants have often launched attacks inside Kenya ever since the Kenyan government sent troops across the border to fight the group.”

We continue to pray for peace on our continent and express our disgust at those who feel that the best way to highlight their causes is to take the lives of the innocent. What is particularly painful is that the lives taken are those of young people who could have played a role in Africa’s success and development story, with their skills and education. We condemn this violence.

What Are You Willing To Die For?


A few years ago, I had what I thought was quite a deep conversation with a friend. He and I were chatting about heroes and all of the amazing people who have made big news in our world throughout history. We found that there was one thing in common with all the giants of the past ­ they were all willing to die for something. They believed that the cause they were a part of was so great that they were prepared to sacrifice their comfort, families and their very lives.

Fast forward to 2015. When we look at the generation of those of us in our teens, 20’s and 30’s, it’s not easy to spot any rising Mandelas, William Wallaces or Patrice Lumumbas. It would seem, when you look at it, that most of us are preoccupied with texting, gaming and what this year’s hottest colour for summer will be. There don’t seem, generally speaking, to be many causes that those in our generation are willing to die for.

What are you​​ willing to die for? Is there anything you believe in so strongly that you would be prepared to give everything for it? Does it even matter? I guess it’s up to each of us to decide.

Easter is on the way. The entire premise of this sacred Christian holiday is based on Christ’s love and how He was prepared to overlook mankind’s failure to the extent that He was willing to die for sin. If ever there was a cause worth dying for, this one is truly special and stands above them all. As we celebrate this unique cause, we invite you to discover a relationship with Christ and how it can change your life. Please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.


Big Up Africa: The Ebola Front Line


On today’s edition of Big Up Africa, we’d like to pay a special tribute to a very special group of people. Our beautiful continent – particularly in the West African nations of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra – was hit by an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in 2014. Though there isn’t much noise being made about it anymore, Ebola is still alive and well and a huge problem. According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of the 26th March 2015, 10,338 people have died from Ebola in the three countries with widespread transmission.

A lot has been said about this dreadful disease and how the world, even Africans themselves, have been slow to act and step in to assist the affected countries. The tale of African leaders showing zero leadership when it comes to dealing with African issues is often told so we’re not going to focus on that. Instead, this post is to celebrate those who have stood up, shown compassion and taken action. The health professionals and volunteers fighting against Ebola hail both from the continent and beyond its borders.

For fear of leaving out people and organizations whose names may not be making it into the headlines and who truly are doing good work both by providing care and by their generosity in giving money, time and other resources to the effort, we’ll just keep it simple and say that today’s Big Up Africa is dedicated to all those at the front lines of the fight against Ebola.

We salute you.

Deaf Muslim Gets Healed And Turns To Christ


We live in a world where, to quote the rap community, “cash rules everything around [us]”. It’s a material and materialistic world and, sooner or later, most people find themselves caught up in the rat race. Try as most people do to get out of it, it becomes all-consuming and, in the end, life becomes meaningless and mundane.

What about the deeper issues of faith and understanding where we came from? It looks like the individual-centered lifestyle most of us lead has made us forget this.

Thankfully, every so often, we come across stories that remind us that there is a God who still gets involved in the issues of this world, loves people and wants to attend to their basic needs. Please watch this amazing testimony of a deaf Muslim man who shares his story of getting healed and turning to Christ.

Miracles still happen and the miracle of your life need not be watered down by only pursuing and living for things that you actually can’t take with you when you die. There is more to life than just money and success, though I’m not saying those things don’t matter at all.

If you are searching for meaning and want to discover a relationship with Jesus Christ, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows. Though we don’t hear about it in the news, God is still changing lives and He can change yours too like he did for Mohammed.

Overcoming Depression


We all love a good life hack – something simple, usually a list or ‘how to’ piece that gives us answers to everyday questions and that helps us know how to do or understand certain things better. The reality is that we live in trying times and many of us feel pressed from all sides. The average young person in Africa struggles to make real sense of life and, because the socio-economic climate on our continent is challenging, it’s not always easy to get by.

One of the silent killers of our time is depression – probably one of the most misunderstood conditions facing many people today. I wish I could say that this post is a straightforward life hack or list, detailing how depression can be overcome. Sadly, it’s not quite that simple. Still, we’d like to offer a few tips on how depression can be managed and, hopefully, overcome.

The first thing that needs to be said is that depression is not what most people think it to be. Sometimes, we come across people having a really bad day and we are quick to describe them as depressed. That’s not how it works. The reality, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), is that “everyone experiences sadness from time to time. But depression lasts longer, interferes with daily life and can cause physical pain”. Most people are unaware of the difference between sadness and depression. The APA site then goes on to say the following: “While everyone occasionally feels sad or ‘blue’, these feelings tend to pass rather quickly. By contrast, someone with depression experiences extreme sadness or despair that lasts for at least two weeks or longer. Depressed individuals tend to feel helpless and hopeless and blame themselves for having these feelings. Depression interferes with activities of daily living — such as working or concentrating on tasks, or even eating and sleeping. Other possible symptoms of depression include chronic pain, headaches or stomach aches. Some people may feel angry or restless for long periods.”

There’s no question about it. This is a serious matter. So, what are some of the things that one can do to overcome depression?

1. Don’t be in denial. This applies both to you if you are dealing with depression or to the friend, colleague or community around you. Many times in life, we sabotage ourselves by not taking stock of the reality of the mess we are in. When we downplay, ignore or sweep issues under the rug, we are less likely to actively look for solutions.

2. Get the facts. In order to overcome something, it’s important to get as much understanding about it as possible. A lot of articles written about overcoming depression tend to achieve the opposite of what they set out to do because they are clearly written by people who have not taken the time to get clued up about what they are talking about. If you are dealing with depression in your own life or know someone who is depressed, read up and do what’s necessary to know more. Information is power.

3. Do the work. Problems and challenges don’t just go away. It requires us to be courageous, diligent and do whatever it takes in order for us to beat them. If you are in a position to seek medical help or get the help of a relevant community group, do so. Don’t sit around and just think that things will get better on their own. Whenever great change happens, there is always an active agent.

4. Keep hope alive. The human soul withers and dies where there is no hope. If you are suffering from depression or know someone who is, don’t lose hope. Surround yourself with people who fill you with useful encouragement and, as much as possible, be in environments that are positive. The types of books you read and the material you consume and allow to affect your mind matter.

One encouraging thing to know in the spirit of keeping hope alive is that, even on the darkest of days, God has a plan for you and He has given His word that He will never leave us or forsake us. This applies also to the person living with depression. If you’ve never considered that a relationship with God could offer you hope in the midst of difficult times, we’d like to share our faith with you. God’s ways are never always a quick fix, as many would have us believe. Sometimes, He takes His time with us so that, as He helps us through specific challenges, He also molds our character. If you’d like to know more about beginning a relationship with God, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows. We’d love to connect with you.

I Want To Feel Like I Matter


One of the great phenomena of 21st century entertainment is reality TV. You can’t switch to any mainstream station anywhere in the world these days and not see a huge number of reality shows as part of the line-up. In fact, there are tonnes of satellite and cable channels dedicated to showing reality shows 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year in and year out.

When I was growing up, the stars were the actors and actresses who had major roles in fictional TV shows and movies. It was guys like Rambo, Bruce Lee and Indiana Jones. Now, the stars are the Kardashians, the contestants who take part in themed series like The Amazing Race and Survivor; or virtual unknowns who live together as housemates in a controlled environment and are transformed overnight into celebrities in the Big Brother franchise.

An interesting trend I’ve picked up though, is that after a season of a reality series has long come to an end, I read online or in the paper somewhere about some unbelievable stunt pulled by a star from said series. Perhaps it’s a bar fight involving the third-place contestant from X-Factor or some shocking picture posted by one of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. It’s almost as if the fear of being forgotten or dumped in the dustbin of oblivion is too great to bear so they do what they can to make sure they stay in the limelight. Sometimes it’s really pathetic but, at the same time, isn’t it pretty normal?

The reality is that we all want to feel like we matter. We want to be convinced that, when the curtain of our lives comes down at some point, it wasn’t all for nothing. I can’t think of many people who want to regard themselves as having been nothing but a nameless phantom that floated through the earth and made no difference or left a legacy. Without a doubt though, some people take the desire to feel they matter to whole new levels of ridiculousness. The scale at which it happens may be grand and the platforms very public but, again, I’m convinced that we’re all the same – or, at least, most of us are.

At 1Africa, we believe that significance and worth are found in understanding that we are created with a purpose. It could be that some of the acting up we do to get attention comes from not fully connecting with the author of purpose. When we don’t truly know where our identity lies and pursue the source of it, i.e. God, we end up, as it were, throwing all kinds of tantrums and trying to be who we’re not. Is it any surprise then that thought leaders in our day talk about a prevailing identity crisis?

If you have questions about your purpose or have been doing all you can to feel like you matter, we want to share with you a message of hope about a loving God who can restore that sense of worth in you. Please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows. You may realize that you matter in ways you never could have imagined.

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