Friday, March 7, 2025
Home Authors Posts by TJ


What Is My Purpose On Earth?


It would be a reasonable thing to say that most of us want to feel that our lives matter. In this vast world of billions of people, each of us has an in-built desire to know that our existence serves some kind of purpose. Otherwise, why be here at all? Can it just be a random, meaningless thing or is there more to it? What is my purpose on earth?

I’ve heard it said somewhere that all truth is parallel. What I take that to mean is that if something is true in one area or sphere of life, it is true in another. So then, let’s use the very simple example of a gadget. Seeing as I’m a bit of a tech enthusiast, I’ll go with a smartphone for my illustration. A smartphone – whether it’s an Apple iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy – is a beautiful, yet complex thing. It has the potential to do so much to make life easier, help us communicate, organize thoughts and ideas, do research, be entertained and an array of other useful functions. I’ve often found that I get highly frustrated with friends or family members who spend large amounts of money on phones that they only use for texting and calling (Mom!!!). Using something to only 5 or 10% of its capacity seems to make a joke of it and is a huge waste of what was put into making it.

Isn’t it the same with our lives and our understanding of their purpose though? It’s quite possible that most people don’t really explore the full depths of who and what they could be and are content to merely go the easy route of letting life (circumstances, situations, environment and people’s words and actions) just happen.

Here’s our challenge to you: like the smartphone owner will only ever reap maximum gain and satisfaction from his purchase by reading and understanding the product guide and manual, so we need to search deep and discover the ‘manual’ for human life. We are so beautifully and intricately made that there must be a reason for living.

You matter and your life has worth.

If you have questions about this subject and want to chat with us about it, we’d love to hear from you. Leave your comments in the section below and we’ll respond within hours.

If you’ve been struggling with the issue of your own life’s purpose but have a conviction that there’s more to your life than just trying to pile up stacks of money and going it alone, click on the popup or banner at the banner at the bottom of this post. In our video there, we extend an invitation to you to discover the greatest purpose of all.


The Game – Dreams


Perhaps one of the greatest hip-hop albums of the last decade is The Documentary by West Coast rapper, The Game. One of the stand-out tracks on that LP is “Dreams”. Marking his first collaboration with Kanye West on production, Game masterfully narrates the story of his difficult journey and dreams to become a rap legend while at the same time paying tribute to fallen icons like Aaliyah, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, The Notorious B.I.G, Tupac and even Martin Luther King Jr. All these people went from nothing to something because they had a dream and they pursued it viciously till they saw it come to life.


Granted, “Dreams” is an expletives-laden rap song (typical of a lot of commercial rap in that sense) and, though it’s a really deep and sometimes moving track, I also wouldn’t let my kid listen to it. But the message is pretty sharp and clear: if you have a dream, don’t give up on it. Regardless of wherever we find ourselves in lives, our dreams should be so powerful – and our tenacity to see them fulfilled so great – that nothing can stop us.

What have you given up on in life? Remember that your dreams will always face stiff opposition and certainly won’t be handed to you on a silver platter. Remember also that the bigger the dream, the bigger the wars you may have to fight.

Stay strong, hang in there and achieve your dreams.

On The Lighter Side: Carl Joshua Ncube


So we all know Trevor Noah is the hype when it comes to stand-up comedy in Africa. Don’t get me wrong. No hating. Trevor is the real deal and he’s unstoppable worldwide right now. But lest we get it twisted, Africa is brimming with funnymen and ‘funnygirls’ (don’t look it up. My creation) whose surnames aren’t Noah. One such talent is Carl Ncube, a rising star on the Zimbabwean comedy scene. Check him out in our On The Lighter Side post today doing a tongue-in-cheek piece on doing his first joke about his President. Funny stuff… and cheeky too.

‘The King of Anxiety’ (Big Up Africa Feature)


Ummm, so there are times in life where you’re going along minding your own business when you come across something that interferes with the order in your matrix. There you were, knowing what you know and doing what you do then something appears that’s pretty unique and foreign to your ‘zone’ but it’s still pretty downright amazing. I guess it’s safe to say that this is how I felt when I sat down to listen to The King of Anxiety, the newly released EP by Petite Noir – the rising African artist, born Yannick Ilunga.

Petite Noir

Let me say make this statement: creativity is a beautiful thing because it allows us to escape the limitations often put on us by ourselves and others.

The King of Anxiety is, for all intents and purposes, an anxious album. Not because Petite Noir  and his production team don’t know what they’re doing but because it deals with life subjects that make us anxious – love, rejection, loneliness, broken relationships and all of that other stuff – and takes an impressive snapshot of them in song. Can you picture something that opens with some atmospheric synth pads, the semi-crazed laughter of a woman, military-style drum programming and some Tarantinoesque spaghetti western guitar work? Well, that’s Come Inside, song numero uno on the EP and the piece that sets the listener off on the wild ride that is this release:

“Only you can make me feel this way;

Only you can make me feel the pain;

When I fall, you welcome me inside”

So, what do we like about The King of Anxiety? Firstly, it oozes fearless creativity and is most certainly a must-listen for lovers of deep exploration in music and folks who don’t like to be fed the standard ‘creative’ pop fare of our day. Another thing that sticks out quite pleasantly about this album is that each song is potentially a music video director’s dream. It has both a rich visual and visceral sense to it which not a lot of pop music being made out there possesses. Kudos for that! Third, and most important (to me anyway), is that this is fresh out of Africa. It just goes to show that big tings a gwan on our continent and the best is ahead of us, not behind us.

Petite Noir has done a great job with this project and is definitely an artist worth keeping an eye on as a rising star for Africa and the global music scene.

Wanna get the EP? Click here. Want to know more about Petite Noir? Click here.

The Oscars 2015


For the avid movie lovers out there, need I say it out loud?  Probably not. But if I do, for the sake of those who may have missed it or were napping when it all went down, let me belt it out for you – Oscar season is here! Woo-hoo! Here’s the list of nominees in the four juiciest and most coveted categories:


Best Picture

American Sniper; Birdman; Boyhood; The Grand Budapest Hotel; The Imitation Game; Selma; The Theory of Everything; Whiplash

Actor in a Leading Role

Steve Carell (Foxcatcher); Bradley Cooper (American Sniper); Benedict Cumberbatch (The Imitation Game); Michael Keaton (Birdman); Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything)

Actress in a Leading Role

Marion Cotillard (Two Days, One Night); Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything); Julianne Moore (Still Alice); Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl); Reese Witherspoon (Wild)

Best Director

Alejandro G. Iñárritu (Birdman); Richard Linklater (Boyhood); Bennett Miller (Foxcatcher); Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel); Morten Tyldum (The Imitation Game)


For a peek at the other categories and other nominees, check out the official Oscar site and be sure to look out for the announcement of winners (“…and the Oscar goes to…”) on Sunday 22 February 2015.

Have you watched any of these films or performances and want to let us know your thoughts on them? Please hit us up in the comments section or on our Facebook page. Perhaps you want to vent your rage about your favourite film being left out of the race for the Oscars 2015? That’s OK, we’re good listeners. Get in touch!

Did the world ignore Boko Haram’s Baga attack?


Those following world events will know that two significant things happened over the last week. Armed militants, reportedly linked to al Qaeda, attacked the offices of satirical Parisian publication Charlie Hebdo, and fired automatic weapons, leaving 12 dead and about 11 injured. The violence that began on January 8 continued in Paris over the days that followed and, after gun battles between police and the jihadists, 17 people had lost their lives. Three of the suspects involved also perished.

Hebdo Attack

A few days before this, on the 3rd of January, residents of a small northeastern town in Nigeria woke up to what many thought were the sounds of the army carrying out training routines. It was actually the sound of the beginning of a brutal attack by Islamist militant group, Boko Haram. When the insurgents were done razing and killing, a reported 2,000 innocent people had lost their lives. This attack has been described as the deadliest of all by Boko Haram and has left many in shock about just how merciless this group can be.

Boko Haram

Since the events of last week, I’ve been hearing a lot said about the difference in media attention given to the two incidents. Worth noting is the outcry that it’s unfair that the story about the death of 17 people in Paris received much more coverage and seemed to be more significant than the death of 2,000 in Nigeria. These comments come in light of the massive unity rally in Paris after the Charlie attacks, attended by over a million people and including about 50 world leaders. Articles like these are asking the question of what makes one massacre more newsworthy than another.

I must admit that if this had happened a year or so ago, I’d probably be up in arms about the apparent disparity too. Lately however, I have adopted the view that unless we value our own, we should not expect ‘outsiders’ – in this case, Europe and America – to do it for us. If the presidents of South Africa, DRC, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya or any other African country are not willing to stand in solidarity with Nigeria – and do it vocally and emphatically too – why do we reasonably expect America, England and Germany to make noise about Boko Haram and other African problems? If the leaders of Nigeria themselves are not making a fuss about a problem in their own country, is it sensible for us to expect widespread media coverage around the world?

Charlie March

Nations or regions that do something to honour their own are to be applauded, whether they be in Europe, America or Africa. I was in New York late last year and got the chance to visit the memorial built for the victims of 9/11. There was something moving and poignant about being there. I realized then that there is something powerful about a nation or a region when it goes to these lengths to remember its own. Monuments or marches do not bring back the dead but what they are is some kind of a symbol to the living, which says “If you’re one of us, you matter”. I dream of an Africa where we celebrate our own before expecting others to do it. I dream of an Africa where its citizens believe they truly matter to the people who govern them.

So, did the world really ignore Boko Haram’s Baga attack? Yes it did. Because we did.

Je suis Charlie


This week, Paris was rocked by a horrific terrorist attack that has left the nation of France reeling in its aftermath. It has been described by many as possibly the worst attack on French soil in modern history – brutal and calculated in its execution. At about 11:30am local time, two men, clad in balaclavas and carrying automatic weapons, entered the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and unleashed a wave of violence that left 12 dead and several others injured. The shootings were apparently to punish the magazine for publishing cartoons that were deemed disrespectful towards the Prophet Mohammed. Among the dead are Hebdo‘s editorial director, four cartoonists and other members of staff. Since then, those opposed to the actions of the masked gunmen have rallied together under the hashtag ‘Je suis Charlie’ (I am Charlie).

The video below, courtesy of Sky News, is a breakdown of a few moments during the onslaught. It shows us that these were highly trained men who knew exactly what they were doing and who had every intention of killing in cold blood.

In a world that is increasingly violent and terrifying, where does hope lie?

Where Will I Go When I Die?


If you’re like me, at one point or another you’ve stopped and asked yourself that question none of us ever really wants to talk about: is there life after death? Another way we often ask the question is more personal: where will I go when I die?

It’s an unpleasant question, that’s for sure. It touches on a part of existence that is heavy, difficult and depressing and yet we still want to know. Whether the thoughts come up in unprompted moments of deep reflection or after we have seen death come very close to us, we are curious. Most times, we pretend not to care but in reality, the majority of us do. We have a fascination with knowing if this life is all there is to it or if, perhaps, there is something more ‘on the other side’.

We have just come out of the holiday and festive season and, as it happens every year tragically, many have not made it into the new year because of accidents and other disasters. What was meant to be a season of celebration and anticipation of new things is now a time to mourn and say goodbye. As this post is being written, teams are out  searching the Java Sea and looking for bodies from AirAsia Flight 8501 while, in the Philippines, a tropical storm has taken dozens of lives. Others have lost dear and loved ones in very different circumstances. Whichever way you look at it, it hurts.

We just never know when our time will come but it will come. When it does, what happens next?

As this new year begins, it may be good to do some introspection before the hustle and bustle overtakes you and possibly makes you lose perspective. Do you ever think about your legacy and try to live your life with faith and hope in an eternity that lies ahead?

If you have questions about the issue of life after death and want to talk to us about it, click on the banner or popup below. We’d love to hear from you and have a conversation.

Big Up Africa


On this week’s edition of Big Up Africa, we want to do something a little bit different. Seeing as it’s a brand spanking new year, why not take our hats off to the very people we write this weekly piece for? The people I’m talking about are friendly, resilient and know how to have a really great time! When it’s time to work, most of us work hard and grind till it hurts. It’s true that we have had our challenges and still have some work to do before we reach that promised land of opportunity and prosperity for all.

If you’re still in doubt and not sure where we’re going with this, our first Big Up Africa post this year is dedicated to the people of the beautiful continent of Africa. It doesn’t matter what race or ethnic group you belong to; whether you are rich or poor; whether you are educated or not; or what the circumstances or background of your life might be. As long as you belong to Africa, have a burning desire to see things get better and are doing something about it in one way or another, this Big Up Africa is our shout-out to you!

We figured that this TV spot from the peeps over at DStv might inspire you and get your 2015 juices going. Go hard and go get ’em this year!

Blessings from the 1Africa team.

Keys to Happiness in 2015


The pursuit of happiness is common to all of us. In fact, one nation – the United States of America – has placed so much value on this pursuit that they have made it a part of their Declaration of Independence. Other countries may not necessarily use this exact term but the thinking is the same. We all want to be happy and satisfied with our lives in one way or another.

Recognizing that it’s a brand new year and that we all want to make 2015 count, we thought we would share with you 4 keys to happiness in 2015.

1. Forget the past. Whatever happened happened. There is no use thinking about it or letting it destroy you on the inside. If at all you are going to think about the past, it should only be as a fuel for what’s ahead

2. Be generous. There is so much more value in doing things that impact others than in living a self-centered life. Think of the great people you respect and admire. It’s likely that you know them because of their generosity at some level

3. Demonstrate love. Love is a language we all understand. When we show it to others, it not only touches their lives, but it changes ours too

4. Work at it. Whatever you want to see in 2015 won’t happen by waving a magic wand . You will need to be consistent and be diligent about some things. Yes, there are many things that are out of our hands but a good number we can do something about. Don’t be lazy

That’s it!

We hope that as you put some of these actions into practice, you will see some things happen and get better for you in 2015.

You may be reading this list now and wondering if we just sucked our thumbs to create a list so we could join the bandwagon of folks putting out New Year articles on happiness all over the web. If you are thinking this, the answer is a simple ‘no’. We didn’t come up with any of these things but each one is actually grounded in truth that has stood the test of time.

As we enter 2015 and look forward to it being an amazing year, we want to share more of these wonderful principles with you as well as our faith in a creator who is able to give us the strength to make them all a part of our lives.

Please click on the banner below or the popup as you scroll down to begin this journey with us. Even if you disagree of have questions, we’d love to hear from you.

May 2015 be a year that is filled with happiness and fulfillment for you!

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