Monday, February 24, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

How to stop terrorism

It seems to be all around us. Every part of the world seems to have been affected by terrorism in one form or another. Unfortunately, terrorist attacks are not something new. Did you know that terrorism has existed since the 14th century?

That’s right. Terrorism is not just about one group of people inflicting terror and death upon the world. It has taken many different shapes and has had many different faces over the centuries.

Terrorism is defined as “the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”. The dictionary defines it as “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal”.

Well, there you have it. What is at the core of terrorism? What is its driving force? Why does it exist? To frighten people as a way to achieve its goals.

Interesting isn’t it? So it’s not so much about a religion or an ideology. At the heart of terrorism is the goal to instill fear into people to drive an agenda.

So can we stop terrorism? I believe the answer is, yes!

How can we possibly do anything to stop terrorists from achieving their goal?

  1. Refuse to let terrorism in: If the goal of terrorism is fear, then we can begin to dismantle it by not letting it get inside of us. You see, it wants us to be fearful of traveling, of visiting certain places, of being around certain people or certain religions. But the minute we give in to that, it wins.
  2. Wield your own weapon: There is an incredible, challenging verse found in Matthew 5:

But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For He gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?

Our weapon to fight back against terrorism is love. The more you love, the less room there is for fear. Love those different from you. Pray for terrorists. That is our weapon, that is how we win.

I know it’s not easy, but I think it’s worth giving it a try. Don’t be consumed by fear, don’t let it drive you, don’t let it affect your decisions.

The next time you turn on the news and hear of a terrorist attack, fight the urge to fear, fight the urge to hate. Instead, get on your knees and pray for these people. And then go out of your way to find someone different to you and show them love and kindness. That is how we cannot lose. That is how we win.

There is nothing more powerful or life-changing than experiencing the love of Jesus Christ in your life. To find out more, click on the pop up or link below.

Sex: When to say no

When it comes to sex, there is a time to say yes and a time to say no. Do you know the difference?
If you are a young person reading this, you may think that everyone in your high school or university is having sex. Well, that’s simply not true.
Research shows that more than half of young people are not sexually active. What are your views on having sex with someone other than your one-day husband or wife? Do you think it’s acceptable, or maybe even a good idea? Are you unsure?
Here are  some thoughts:

  1. Sex was designed by God to bond husbands and wives together: There is a very powerful hormone called oxytocin which is released during sex and it’s literally a bonding hormone. It brings you and your partner closer together. So if you are sleeping around with other people before you get married, you are essentially gluing yourself to them and you take those experiences into your marriage. Yikes!
  2. Sex makes an imprint on your mind and emotions: Every sexual encounter makes an imprint on your mind which cannot be easily erased. So when you finally are married, your mind and emotions are imprinted with more people than just your spouse.
  3. Waiting is not as hard as it seems but is totally worth it: Are you feeling pressured to have sex before you are married? The truth is that you are in charge of yourself and no-one can pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to. Not everyone is doing it, you are not weird for waiting until you are married and it is not normal to be sleeping around.

Quite the opposite, actually. God created you and He designed our bodies for sex but, in the Bible, He makes it clear to stay away from it outside of a marriage relationship – why? Because He created us, He knows the harmful effects of sex when it’s outside of marriage. He wants to protect us and set us up for a win when it comes to our marriage.
If you have engaged in sex outside of marriage, it’s not the end of the world. God is loving and gracious, always willing to forgive us, wipe away our mistakes, and give us a fresh start. To learn more about this, click on the link below or on the pop-up.
Check back next week for Part 2 where we will look at practical ways to say no to sex now so you can enjoy it to its full once you are married.

Your church can change the world

Do you want to be a part of something that is changing the world? I think we could all say that we do. Well, did you know by being part of a healthy and alive church, you can be a part of changing the world?

My first experience with church was an old Anglican cathedral. There were many pews with a few people sitting in each. We sang sad songs and the minister spoke as if we were at a funeral. But it was all I knew so for me, that was church. Solemn, respectful, quiet, and dutiful.

But then, when I was 11 years old, my mom took us to another church. The atmosphere was light and people were happy. The songs we sang made me clap my hands and smile. The minister was passionate and talked about God in a real and personal way. I wanted to know more about this God they were singing to and talking about.

Churches have changed so much over the last century. Ten years ago, a church with a congregation of around 50 to 100 people was a good size church. They cared for their members and everyone was happy.

Churches today all around the world, look much different.  In many parts of the world, congregations are at 480 000 people. A church of today with 10 000 people seems normal. Now don’t get me wrong, a big church does not mean an effective or healthy church. I am just saying that it’s incredible how churches have grown over the last 50 years.

So what’s the big deal about going to church, you may be asking? How can it be changing the world?

  • Healthy families: Healthy churches can help produce healthy families and healthy families have a positive impact on their society.
  • Community outreach: Healthy churches find ways to donate food, clothing, and money to those in need. I know of a church that is contacted by their city when a fire or disaster breaks out because they know that church can rally its people to meet the need on a large-scale basis.
  • Eternal destiny: When people come face to face with the reality of a God who loves them, a Saviour who freely provides forgiveness for wrongdoing, and the invitation to a relationship with a living God, it changes them. It changes them for the better. No-one is perfect, but people who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ are taught to love more, to live lives that please God, and to prefer others above themselves. That leads to  an immeasurable positive impact on families, suburbs, cities, and nations.

When last did you attend a church like that? If it’s been a while or if you never have, why not take the plunge and give it a try. You may just become an integral part of changing the world!

To learn more about this life-changing, destiny-altering relationship with Jesus, simply click on the link below or on the pop up.

How to be less selfish

Last week we looked at how you can know if you are too selfish. How did you do on those revealing questions?

What I found is that the two events in my life that have made me less selfish is getting married and having children. But if I’m not careful, it can stop there. I can be less selfish at home but, and then super selfish at work or with my friends, or just selfish in general to people around me in the world.

Here are some things we can all do to be less selfish:

  • Listen to others: This is a great place to start being less selfish. When someone talks to you about something they are dealing with, just listen. Not listen but then automatically start thinking about a brilliant solution. Not listen but then you can hardly wait for them to take a breath so that you can start talking about what you’ve experienced or how that has happened to you. It’s annoying, trust me. Just listen and when you open your mouth to respond, ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say going to help this person or am I just eager to bring the focus of the conversation back onto myself?”
  • Do something for someone who can do nothing for you: These days, it’s the “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality. But that will not help you to be less selfish. Instead, look for ways to do something for someone who can do nothing in return for you. Maybe it’s the petrol station attendant, or the cashier in the grocery store, or car park assistant. Do something nice for them or buy them a treat. Or do something for someone you know, but do it anonymously. For instance, wheel your neighbour’s trash can back into their yard, mow their lawn when they are not home, or bring a co-worker a hot beverage when they step away from their desk. I think you get the picture.

These are just a few things we can all start doing that will go a long way in helping us to be less selfish. Willing to give it a try?

The Bible talks about the most selfless act in the whole world is someone giving up their life for someone else. That’s what Jesus did for us all. To learn more about this selfless act of extreme love, click on the pop up of the banner below.

Reading the Bible: Where do I begin?

Do you know that the Bible is the most talked-about book in the world? With over five billion copies printed, it is the best-selling and most widely distributed book in the world.

Have you read it? Or maybe I should ask when last have you read it? Although the Bible is a popular book, I think it can be a daunting book to read, especially when you don’t know where to begin.

We are going to look at the best place to start reading the Bible and some tips to get the most out of it. But first, here’s some things you need to know about the world’s most talked-about book:

  • The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years by about 40 different people.
  • The Bible is the only book that contains the words of God. It says that God inspired people to write the books of the Bible which all carry His message to mankind.
  • The Bible is full of answers, help, encouragement, and direction.

So now that you know a little about the Bible, where do you begin in reading it? Maybe you’ve tried before and it got too boring or too difficult to understand. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Let’s have a look at how to start reading the Bible:

1. Find a translation that is easy for you read and understand. Some of the more popular versions are the New International Version, New Living Translation, and The Message paraphrase.

2. Be intentional about the order in which you read the various books. A good place to start might be by reading these books of the Bible in this order. There is no right or wrong way to start reading the Bible, but reading in this order can make the Bible more interesting, easier to understand, and more applicable to everyday life. Here’s a suggested list:

The Gospel of John
The Gospel of Mark
I John
II John
III John
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Matthew
I Corinthians
II Corinthians

I always pray before reading the Bible, just asking God to speak to me through the words I read on the paper. This is God’s letter to us so as you read it, be open to God’s message speaking into your heart.

Why not give it a try this week? You don’t have to read it for hours at a time – just get started. Find a comfortable place to sit, make yourself your favourite beverage, and begin reading. I think you’ll find it more powerful and helpful than you ever thought it could be.

If you would like to know more about having your own personal relationship with God, click on the link below or on the pop up. We would love to chat to you more about knowing God.

Are you too selfish?

It’s all around us, isn’t it? This blaring message everywhere we turn that it’s all about us; it’s all about what we want, what we need and where we are going in life. The problem is that all these self-affirming messages are making us selfish.

Now don’t get me wrong, of course there is a time and place to focus on your goals and dreams and I am all for a positive self-image, but I think we may have gone too far. Let me ask you some questions to see where you are at:

  • When last did you do something for someone else without any strings attached? It’s easy to bring your boss a cup of coffee or offer to help someone who is in a position of influence because we hope that it will help us in the future. It’s easy to help those who can help you, but when last did you help someone who could do nothing for you?
  • When last did you put your needs or wants on hold for the sake of someone else? It’s so easy for us to think about ourselves first and make sure we are okay; that we are getting ahead and getting what need. When last did you put yourself second and put the needs of someone else first?
  • When last did you do something to help someone that inconvenienced you or cost you something? The two things we can most easily be selfish with is our time and our money. When last did you sacrifice your time or your money to help someone else?

If you cannot answer these questions above, welcome to the selfish club, my friend! Don’t worry, you’re certainly not the only one. None of us are naturally unselfish. Being selfish comes easily, almost naturally you might say. So what can we do about it?

If you, like me, want to be less selfish, we have to be intentional about it. It will not just happen automatically. We have to go against what is our natural, selfish instinct and intentionally look for ways to be less selfish.

Check back next week for Part Two of this blog where we will look at practical things we can do to help us be less selfish.

The most unselfish person who ever lived was Jesus Christ. He gave up His very life for a world that could give Him nothing in return. Want to know more about Him and His love for you? Click on the pop up or banner below.

Does the Bible teach racism?

I’m not sure if you’ve seen it in the news this week but in South Africa, in an unapologetic act of racism, a guest house owner said “blacks and government workers” are not allowed to stay at his guest house because “it’s God’s law” to segregate people by race.

I found this so shocking that I couldn’t believe my eyes as I read this news story. I am not sure what Bible this guy is reading because I certainly don’t find my Bible teaching that it’s God’s law to segregate people by race.

Have you heard people say that the Bible teaches racism? Allow me to share a little bit of what the Bible does say in regards to this.

  • God created only one race and that is the human race. There are different ethnicities within the human race such as African, Asian, Arab, Caucasian, Indian, and Jewish, but they are not different races. The Bible says in Acts 17:26, “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.”
  • In the Old Testament, God made a distinction between Jewish people and non-Jewish people (Gentiles). God’s intent with this was for the Jewish people to minister to the Gentiles and show them God’s ways. Instead, the Jewish people got proud and began despising the Gentiles. When Jesus came to earth, He challenged and rebuked this thinking. The Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

So racism actually goes against what the Bible teaches. An eye-opening verse in 1 John 2:11 says, “But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.”

Racism is not from God, it’s actually really evil and we should never be shy to address it when we see it in any form.

Remember this:

  1. God loves everyone, even those who don’t acknowledge or love Him. So should we.
  2. God does not show favouritism, we are all created by Him, in His image, and He has great plans for all our lives.
  3. Pray for those who are in the darkness of racism, that God will show them the truth.

We are not responsible for other people’s actions, only our own. So let’s all be the change we want to see in the world. Putting an end to racism start with me and it starts with you.

When you don’t want the season you have

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and my newsfeed was filled with pictures of people enjoying a totally different season than the one I found myself in.

For example, a beautiful, single girl was vacationing in Europe. She has a very successful career, makes lots of money, has a lot of vacation time, and no-one to spend her money on other than herself. For a minute, I thought to myself, “Wow, must be nice to stroll around Europe, visiting cafes, shopping, and being carefree.” Here I sat with kids who needed stationery for school, new school uniforms, dishes, and laundry to wash. I sometimes feel I can hardly find a minute for myself.

But then it hit me! Just as I was looking longingly at this girl enjoying her single season, there’s a very real possibility that she is longing for the season I am in. Longing for a loving husband, longing for children of her own, longing for a house filled with love and laughter and the busyness of family life.

It’s easy to look at other people’s highlight reel and long for the season they are in.  It’s so easy to not want the season you are in.

We are so funny as human beings. Have you ever noticed that children want to be teenagers; teenagers want to be adults; adults want to be younger. Single people want to be married, and some married people long to be single. The childless long for children while others wish they could get some time away. We don’t seem to be able to be content with the season of life we find ourselves in.

What about you? How are you feeling about the season of life you are in?

It’s easy to be discontent and look for greener grass on the other side of the fence. But as they say, “the grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.”

So how do you stay content with the season of life you are in?

1. Remember what life was like before you were in this season: If you are married, remember how you longed for a partner when you were single. Reflect and find the joy you had when you first entered this season.

2. Remember that seasons change: If you find yourself in a particularly challenging season of life, just remember that it won’t always stay that way. Just like you weren’t a child forever; you weren’t single forever; you weren’t in your previous job forever. Whatever it may be, things change – life changes, we change.

Make the most of the season you are in, embrace and accept it, and you will start to find the joy in it.

The next time you see someone else’s highlight reel on social media, just remember they might be longing and praying for the exact season you find yourself in. Let’s be full of gratitude for the life and blessings we do have and not worry about what we don’t have.

The best way to find fulfilment in every season of life is by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. To find out more, click on the banner below or pop up window.

You make God happy

I first heard this statement a few days ago and was taken aback by my reaction to it. Have you ever heard anyone say “You make God happy”? What is your initial reaction to that statement?

I think it’s difficult for us to grasp what that statement actually means. Religion will tell you that God is mad at you and needs to be pleased by all the different “good” things we do for Him or in His name.

Many religions teach that God cannot be pleased so it’s a “be a good person and hope for the best” kind of life we live. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Although this statement “You make God happy” shocked me at first, I must say that I totally believe it. You make God happy! Repeat after me, “I make God happy.”

How can this be, you might ask?

The Bible says that if anyone has put his or her faith completely in Jesus Christ, they become a new person. That means that old way of life is left behind and they receive a fresh start. So technically, when God looks at us, He sees us as who we are because of what Jesus did for us.

That takes the pressure off, doesn’t it? It’s no longer about how “good” or “bad” we are, it’s about how good and powerful the work is that Jesus does in our lives.

It’s not what we do that makes God happy, it’s who we belong to that makes Him happy. And when we believe in and follow after Jesus, we belong to God, regardless of what our past has held. That is awesome news!

I really like this verse found in the Bible in Ephesians 2:10. It says:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Let that sink in for a moment… you are God’s masterpiece. Wow! That means you are unique, you are valuable, and you are wanted.

If we truly grab a hold of this awesome truth, it should make a difference in our lives. When we realise we are God’s masterpiece it will:

1. Compel us to live lives that please Him: In response to all God has done for us, we are compelled to change and grow and live in a way that pleases God.

2. Make us realise we have a part to play: I love the end of that verse where it says, “…so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” God has planned some awesome things for us to do and be a part of. Perhaps you can take some time to pray and read the Bible and ask God to show you the plans He has for you. Or perhaps you can visit a great church near you and talk to someone there.

If you don’t yet have your own relationship with God, you don’t have to stay that way. Click on the link below or on the pop up to find out how you can know Him for yourself.

What your family really needs from you

There is so much pressure today on parents to provide for their children, to give them a good home environment, provide for their needs, set them up for success, and teach them how to be productive members of society. The list goes on and on. Sometimes, it’s just plain overwhelming.

As a mother of a teenager, a pre-teen and soon to be newborn, I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with all my children need from me. If I’m not careful, it doesn’t take long for me to feel like I am under-performing, under-providing and under-equipping them.

What about you? How do you feel like you are measuring up under the pressure? Doesn’t it feel like there isn’t ever enough time, enough money, or enough of you to go around?

But then it hit me one day. My family doesn’t really need all those things from me. Yes, material things are nice and make our lives comfortable, but there a few things they need that are much more important.

1. Your family needs your love: In a world that is performance driven, it’s easy to fall into the performance trap. Your family needs to know that you love them unconditionally. Not because of what they do, or how they behave, but actually in spite of that. Your family need to know that even on their worst day, you will still love them. Not because of what they have done or didn’t do, but simply because they are yours. You should be the safe place they can turn to where they know they are loved, accepted, and celebrated.

2. Your family needs you: Hear me now: They don’t need your money, or your connections, or fancy holidays, or expensive clothes. They just need you – there, present, engaged, and interested in their lives. In a world where they are fighting for attention and approval, our families need to know they can count on us to listen to them, be interested in what’s happening in their world, and be there without always trying to offer advice or correct them in some way. Just be; just be together; just be there. That’s what they really need.

So the next time you feel the pressure to be everything and do everything for your family, take a minute and realise that you loving them and you being present in their lives will mean more than anything money can buy.

God offers this same unconditional love and acceptance to us and wants to be involved in our everyday lives.

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