Friday, March 7, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

How do you water your ‘God potential’?

Do you know that each one of us is born with a seed of “God potential” within us? I believe it’s part of what God was doing when He says in the Bible, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”

I believe that God has planted this seed of potential in our hearts and I believe that seed cries out for water. Have you ever felt empty? Longing for something but you didn’t quite know what it was? Have you ever tried to fill that desire with relationships, parties, work, or shopping, only to find yourself more empty than when you began?

I know I have been there. The truth is your seed of God potential longs for interaction with its Creator; it longs to be awakened and it longs to be watered.

That seed of God potential lies dormant until it interacts with God, its Creator. Once it is awakened, it is our job to water it and give it every opportunity to flourish.

I remember my life before my God potential was awakened. I was searching and longing for something. I didn’t know what it was and I didn’t know how to find out. Then one day, that interaction with my Creator happened and the seed of my God potential began to grow. What a life-changing day that was!

So how do you water your God potential?

  1. Position yourself in the right environments: Just as a natural seed can only grow in the right soil or environment, so it is for your seed of God potential. For instance, every year I position myself at Colour Conference where women from all over Africa gather in Cape Town to have their worth discovered and their potential watered. Make sure you position yourself in environments that encourage the greatness that is within to rise up.
  2. Water your potential: Just like a natural seed needs water, so does the seed of our potential. Frequent interaction with your Creator is one such way to water it. Find a great church to belong to, talk to God in prayer, and read the Bible. All great ways to water your God-potential.

The greatness that God planted inside of you needs to be awakened. Our continent needs us to rise up as the men and women God created us to be and be the change in this world. Africa is waiting, it’s time to rise up!

The first step to seeing your God potential flourish is a life-changing interaction and encounter with your Creator, God. This happened for me in 1998 and it can happen for you, too. To find out more, please click on the pop up banner or on the link below. We would love to talk more with you.

When people don’t like you

I know it’s hard to admit, but some people don’t like you. It’s a tough pill to swallow for all of us, but the reality is that some people will like us and some won’t.

Some people we will inadvertently rub the wrong way, others will take offence at something we said or did. Either way, chances are there are a number of people in your world right now who don’t like you.

Before you get down in the mouth, I have some good news. It’s good news that I had to recently remind myself of and I’m contemplating printing it and sticking it up on my wall in my office.

Some people don’t like me and that’s okay!

I came across this really cute little poem, which puts it quite nicely:

The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, no matter what you try, will simply not like you. But the world is also filled with those who will love you fiercely. The ones who love you: they are Your People.

Don’t waste your finite time and heart trying to convince the people who aren’t your people that you have value. They will miss it completely. They won’t buy what you are selling. Don’t try to convince them to walk your path with you because you will only waste your time and emotional good health. You are not for them and they are not for you. You are not their cup of tea and they are not yours.

Politely wave them along and you move away as well. Seek to share your path with those who recognise and appreciate your gifts, who you are.

Be who you are. You are not everyone’s cup of tea and that is OK.

Sobering but true, hey? So how do you navigate life when people don’t like you?

  1. Don’t give them a reason: Some people don’t like you no matter what you do; others don’t like you because of something you did do or say. So try to eliminate just cause as much you as you can. Be nice to people, treat them well, and know in your heart you have treated others the way you would want to be treated.
  2. Like yourself: Whether everyone likes you or whether no-one likes you, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you like yourself. That you like the person in the mirror. You like the way you think, you like the way you act, and you like the way you treat people.

There’s a great verse in the Bible that I try to live by. Jesus said, “Do to others what you would have them do to you.” These are wise words that I try to live by. What about you?

Being loved unconditionally by God goes a long way in loving others and yourself. If you would like to know more about this love for you, please click on the link below or on the pop up.

Asking for the impossible

In December we found out that we have another baby on the way! Surprise! Although we are super excited and thrilled, to be honest, children are expensive and we need some financial miracles. So what should we do? Just pray for money to fall from the sky? I don’t believe God works like that. God has opened opportunities for both my husband and I to earn some extra income on the side, but guess what? It requires hard work and dedication – it requires something of us to see the miracle unfold.

This reminds me of a story found in the Bible in Matthew 20:29-34 where Jesus encounters two blind men begging on the side of the road. As He walked by, they called out to Him and refused to be silenced by those around them. I love how Jesus responds as He turns to them, “What do you want me to do for you?”. Although Jesus of course knew what they needed, He wanted to hear them say it. You see, they could’ve just asked for enough money to get by that day or they could’ve asked if He could put them in touch with one of His disciples that could look after them and provide for them. But instead, they said, “we want our sight”.

Receiving their sight would actually require something of them. No longer would they be able to sit on the side of the road and expect people to provide for them. Receiving their sight meant they would have to get cleaned up, learn a skill, find a job, get a place to stay, and stand on their own two feet. Definitely not an easy road ahead for them, but definitely worth it.

I believe Jesus is asking the same question of you and I today. “What do you want?” What do we want Him to do for us? What do we expect Him to do? What do we believe He can do? We have a choice like the blind men: do we just ask for what we think is possible; what we deserve? Or are we bold and brave enough like these two men to cry out for the impossible? Are we gutsy enough to ask for and believe God can and wants to perform miracles in our lives?

The blind men could’ve just kept quiet and accepted their situation. Instead, they chose to call out to Jesus, took a step of faith, and received their miracle.

What about you? Will you allow your situation and society to silence you? Are you just going to accept your circumstance because that’s just the way life is?

I pray that we all have the guts to:

  1. Call out: Don’t let your circumstances keep you quiet.
  2. Take a chance: See beyond the ordinary. Don’t settle for normal, ask for the impossible.
  3. Do what it takes: With every blessing comes responsibility. Are you willing to do what it takes to see the miracle unfold in your life?

If this has spoken to you today and you know you need to call out to Jesus to see some change in your life, can I ask you to click on the popup or link below? We would love to chat more.

Just do it!

I know we are only in March, but I think it would be safe to say that many of us have settled into our routine for the year and are going about life as usual. But when was the last time you tried something for the first time?

It’s a scary question, I know. I think it’s because we are mostly creatures of habit. Most of us like to do things we already know how to do, go to places we’ve already been, and hang out with people we already know.

I know for me especially, I really like talking to people I already know. But talking to people I don’t know…..not so much. It’s kind of ironic because how will I ever talk to people I know without first speaking to them as people I don’t know? Make sense? I know, I confuse myself sometimes!

So back to my original question. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I recently faced this myself. I had to do something I had never done before. I had only seen other people do it and they were much more talented, experienced, and gifted than I am. So I had a choice to make. Was I going to just do what I was comfortable with, or would I step out, take a chance, and see what happens? Well, I am happy to say, I took a chance and stepped out and it turned out way better than it played out in my imagination. I’m really glad I stepped out and gave it a try.

Here’s a few things I learned:

  • It’s only the first time, the first time: We can get so caught up in the fact that we’ve never done it before, we don’t know how it will turn out and we don’t know if we have what it takes to make it happen. But we only ever have to wonder that one time. Once you’ve taken the plunge and done it, it becomes something you’ve done before!
  • You’re better than you think you are: We can often be our worst and harshest critics. I promise you that you are more talented than you think you are, smarter than you think, more capable than you think, and braver than you know.
  • Life is short: We only get one life to live and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather slide into eternity knowing I gave this life my all, than play it safe and enter eternity full of regret and what ifs. What’s the worst that can happen? I say, if you gave it your all and you gave it your best shot, there’s absolutely no way you can fail. Even if it doesn’t work out quite as well as you hoped, at least you gave it a try – which is more than many can say.

So the next time you are faced with trying something for the first time, I pray you take the plunge. You are more able than you know!

Knowing who you are is rooted in a real relationship with Jesus Christ. If you would like to know more about this, please click on the link below or on the pop up. We’d love to chat more!

4 things you need to know about Easter

Do you know what the big deal about Easter is? I mean, we get a few days off work, eat some chocolate eggs and maybe go to church… but what’s the big deal?

Growing up, I associated Easter with massive, delicious chocolate eggs, hot-cross buns and solemn church services. I didn’t always know exactly why people were so sad in church but then afterwards, we ran around excitedly hunting for delicious candy eggs.

What has been your experience with the Easter weekend? I can imagine each family would have celebrated it differently and that’s fine. I guess my question to you today is, now that you are an adult, what does Easter mean to you?

As I have grown older, here are some of the things I have to come to know about Easter:

  1. It is significant in every way: The Easter weekend is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. God sent His only Son to the earth to live as a human, going through life as we do. He then gave His life on the cross to pay for our sin and mistakes, making it possible to have a real relationship with God.
  2. Jesus’ death and resurrection changes everything: When Jesus died a torturous death on a cross as an innocent man, He paid for all the evil and wrong in the world so that nobody would have to live with the guilt and shame we experience when we mess up in life. When He walked out of His grave after 3 days, He won the battle over death, sickness and evil. That means we can have life even after our life on earth is over, we can be healed of every sickness and disease, and evil cannot overcome us unless we allow it.
  3. I have a responsibility: I cannot keep this good news to myself! In a world that is broken, hurting and full of questions, I have a responsibility to share with them the good news that there is another way to live. Jesus is the answer to every problem plaguing our world, our nations, our cities, our neighbourhoods and our families. People just need to know there is a God who loves them, cares about them and is ready and willing to come to their rescue if they just reach out to Him.
  4. The white powdered chocolate eggs are the most delicious: I feel like I have tasted enough Easter eggs in my life to know that these ones are the most delicious. The crispy sweet outer shell cracks beneath your teeth to reveal smooth, rich chocolate deliciousness. Which egg is your favourite?

There’s a beautiful old song that says:

He paid a debt He did not owe; I owed a debt I could not pay; I needed someone to wash my sins away. And, now, I sing a brand new song, Amazing Grace.

I pray that the truth of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection takes on a whole new meaning for you this Easter weekend.

If you would like to know more about the price Jesus paid for you, please click on the pop up banner or link below.

Who says I have to cook?

Have you ever heard it said, “Women belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant?” What a bizarre saying! Let’s be honest though, for many years, and now in some cultures, women are labelled as the cooks and cleaners of the household.

But who says I have to cook? Just because I’m a woman, do I have to be the one in the kitchen cooking all the meals? Why?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of feminist nazi who thinks women should revolt against everything feminine and domestic. I’m just asking the questions.

You see in my household, my husband gets home before I do. He loves to cook and he’s really talented at it. So why do I have to cook? Just because I’m the wife and mother? No, I don’t think so.

You have to do what works for your family. My husband makes dinner and then I make sure everything is cleaned up. I do the washing, make the children’s school lunches, take them to and from school, clean the bathrooms (the list goes on).

So if my husband wants to take up cooking of dinner, guess what? I’m going to let him! We share the responsibilities of the household and we do what works for our household.

In seasons where I got home before him, I would do the cooking and I’m sure I will again if our seasons change. But for now, it works for us.

So what about you? Is your household running according to what society dictates you should do, or is it running according to what works for you?

I just think there should be freedom to do things in your family that makes everyone’s lives easier. There’s no right or wrong way to share the household responsibilities as long as no one person feels burdened and overwhelmed.

So here’s a few things I try to remember:

  1. Find what works for your household and do that: Don’t feel bad about what people might say or think. It’s your life to live, not theirs!
  2. It’s a partnership: In a partnership, roles are interchangeable according to the need and season. Don’t get stuck in a rut. As long as you are tackling the household duties together, it doesn’t really matter who does what, as long as it’s getting done.

I hope this helps you today and gives you the freedom to change up things in your home to make life easier for everyone!

Marriage requires much love, patience and perseverance to make it great. The one thing that really helps hold everything together is that we both put God first in our lives and in our marriage.

If you would like to know more about this for yourself, or maybe you need some prayer for your marriage, please click on the link below or on the pop-up – someone is ready to chat to you.

Expect the expected

I’m sure you’ve heard it said, “Expect the unexpected.” But recently I heard someone say, “Expect the expected.” I was completely floored and puzzled by this statement. What does that even mean?

I think in life, so many times, we are preparing for the:

  • inevitable
  • unexpected
  • worst case scenario
  • unknown

If you become a follower of Jesus, you don’t have to live like that. He has promised many good and awesome things to us in the Bible – what if we began to expect what He has already promised? Expect the expected!

What if we expected:

  1. God is with us and He wants to see our lives move forward in a great way.
  2. If God is with us, then it doesn’t matter who or what might come against us. We are no longer at the mercy of fate.
  3. If God is with us, there is nothing we cannot do. With Him by our side, the impossible things can become possible.
  4. If God is with us, then He will lead us and guide us into making great decisions that will bless our lives. We don’t have to figure it out on our own.

It’s a pretty simple thought but one that has been challenging me. Let’s begin to expect the good things God has in mind for us as we follow Him.

Let’s expect for God to bless our lives, to lead us and guide us into the best life possible. Let’s expect Him to answer when we cry out to Him and let’s expect to be His answer and solution to our world that is in desperate need.

Are you following God’s way for your life? Do you know Him? If you are unsure and want to know more, we would love to chat with you. Simply click on the pop up or link below and we will be in touch with you!

The right way to rest

I know it’s only March, but I’ve heard many people say they need another holiday again. What about you? How’s your year going? Stressed out yet? Exhausted yet?

I used to live from holiday to holiday, vacation to vacation, just hanging on until the next break. But I soon realised that’s no way to live. No matter how amazing your vacation may be, the effects of rest and relaxation only last so long. Before you know it, you’re stressed and tired again.

So what do you do? Quit your job or your studies and go relax on a tropical island somewhere? Sounds divine, doesn’t it?

But wait, that’s not reality. And to be honest, I think after a while we’d start to get bored!

So how do you keep yourself rested between holidays?

  1. Find out how you rest best: Do you know that there is a right and wrong way to rest? Some people rest best when lying on the couch watching movies. Others rest best by being out in nature or taking a walk on the beach. Others rest best by being around people. Others rest best by spending some time alone. If you don’t rest in the right way for you, you’ll end up feeling more drained and lethargic than before you started resting. Rest doesn’t just mean not doing anything. Some people can be totally drained by playing video games, while others may be totally refreshed by it.  How do you rest best?
  2. Be intentional about your rest: Make time each week to rest and unwind. Once you’ve figured out which way you rest best, schedule that into your week. Even if you can squeeze in 15 minutes of your best rest, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make.
  3. When you’re off, be off: Technology is a great tool and asset in our lives but it can also be the biggest rest robber ever! When you have a day off, make sure you are taking a day off from technology also. When you’re tempted to check that email that just came in, don’t. If it’s really urgent, people can phone you. Believe it or not, emails can wait until the next day. Make sure you schedule some time away from social media. It’s a great way to stay connected but we do need to unplug and disconnect from time to time.
  4. Get creative: Do something out of the ordinary. For instance, I’m quite keen to try adult colouring books as I have heard they are an excellent way to de-stress. I also grab a crossword puzzle from time to time. My brain really enjoys the break from screens and is engaged in a different way. Experiment with different ways to relax and find what’s your best way to rest.

So until our next holiday, happy resting folks!

Sometimes no matter how much we try to rest, our anxiety and restlessness doesn’t go away. The only cure I have found for that is having a real, meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. If you would like to explore this further, please click on the pop up or link below.

When God doesn’t come through

Have you gone through a time where you feel like God hasn’t come through for you? Have you ever prayed for something and it seems like the opposite happened?

Well honestly, I am going through a time like that right now. It seems like things are going wrong at every turn. One frustrating thing after the other.

So what do we do?

Give up?

Get mad?

Lose hope?

I would be lying if I didn’t say that all those have crossed my mind. But then, in that moment of utter frustration, I remembered this verse in the Bible, found in the book of Psalm 27:13:

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

What the writer here was saying is that although he had faced many trials (much worse than what I am complaining about), his confidence remained in the goodness and faithfulness of God.

Many people say that when we get to heaven one day, everything will be fine. The Bible talks about it as a place of perfection, where there is no sadness, no pain. But this writer is saying he is confident that he would see God’s goodness while he was still alive. That encourages me – how about you?

It’s a decision I have to make, to stay confident that I will see God’s goodness and faithfulness in my life in the here and now. Regardless of what my circumstances are screaming, I am choosing to stay close to God, to read the Bible, to talk to Him and trust, trust, trust that He loves me, that He is ultimately in control, and that He will work out all these things for my benefit.

I don’t know where your life is at right now, but if you are in a tough place like I am, can I encourage us both? Life is all about seasons. If you see other people’s lives and it seems like everything’s going right for them, that’s awesome because they are in a summer season. Maybe you, like me, are in a winter season where everything is going wrong. Take heart, it cannot stay winter forever. The seasons must change, for us all; they must change; they will change. For every night, there is a sunrise. We just have to hang in there, trusting our season will change and we will see summer again!

So if you’re in a tough season too, let’s do this together:

  • Let’s stay close to God by reading the Bible and talking to Him.
  • Let’s stay on the path and not give up.
  • Let’s remember that both good times and bad times come to us all. So when our season shifts and someone else finds themselves in a hard season, we can be there for them and help them get through it.

I will stay confident of this one thing friends: we will see the goodness of God in our lives, in the here and now!

If you know that your relationship with God is not where you want it to be or where it once was, can we pray with you? Click on the pop up or link below.

How to make the most of your time

Time management can be such an elusive concept. What does it mean to manage your time and manage it well? How do you make the most of each day? How do you stop running out of time?

These are all good questions that many of us are asking on an almost daily basis. I deal with mostly 18-35 year olds and I can honestly say that time management is the one thing they struggle with most. What about you? Do you feel like there’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done? Are you constantly running late?

How can you take back control of your time and manage your day well? Here’s a few things that help me:

  1. Identify pressure points in your week: If you know you have a few important meetings coming up this week or some deadlines looming, plan for that and take it into account. Sit down at the beginning of each week and take a look at all that is coming up that week. Identify pressure points in your week and make allowances for that by cutting out some other activity that is not as vital. You can always pick it back up again when your week goes back to normal.
  2. Tackle one thing at a time: Do you ever look at your desk or things at home and immediately get overwhelmed by the magnitude of what needs to get done? Tackle one thing at a time. Start with the most pressing task and work your way down from that. If you try to do many things at once, you’ll end up doing nothing well. Give each task your full attention and you will find you will get through your to-do list much quicker and more effectively than when you try to juggle everything at once.
  3. Know the power of 10 minutes: Find yourself having 10 minutes to spare? There is a lot you can do in 10 minutes and if you discipline yourself to use them wisely, you will see how much more you can get done in a day. In 10 minutes you can: make a phone call, respond to an email, proofread a document, make a decision, grab a cup of coffee, take a walk outside to clear your head, catch up with a colleague… even pray!

Don’t waste the extra minutes you have between tasks or meetings. Instead, put them to use and you will find that you will finish your day feeling on top of it all instead of feeling like you’re buried underneath it.

God has given us time to use to live the great lives He has planned for us. Do you want to know more about God’s plan for you? If so, simply click on the link below or on the pop up.

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