Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

Will you answer when the fight calls?

I don’t know how 2016 has started off for you but for me, it really seems like it’s been one fight after the other. Not a physical fight or a fight with someone, more like a fight for my future, a fight for God’s plan and purpose, and a fight for the destiny of others.

This year has been incredible in many ways but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel like I’ve already had to face some battles. My pastor once said, “The only way to grow in your authority is to fight some battles.” Well let’s just say I have been growing in my authority, all right!

So what do you do when the fight calls? What do you do when the fight comes knocking at your door?

The way I see it, we have two options:

Pretend no-one’s home: Although this one is tempting, it’s unfortunately a facade. It seems like you can just ignore the fight when it calls, don’t face it, pretend it’s not there, bury your head in the sand. But that’s not reality. The reality is the fight is coming whether you answer or not.

Face the fight: No matter what comes our way, we don’t have to bury our heads in the sand and hope it goes away. We can face the fight head on and deal with it from a place of victory.

I love this verse in the Bible, it’s the words of Jesus recorded in John 16:33: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

What I love most about that verse is the end bit. Jesus says we can have courage and take heart because He has overcome the world. That means that nothing we face has the power to overcome us if we stand up and face the fight. Jesus has overcome every heartache, every disappointment, every frustration – and because of that we can be brave and have peace and calm in our minds and souls.

How good is that? When we choose to face the fight, we face whatever comes our way knowing that Jesus is on our side and with Him by our side, there is nothing we cannot get through.

You know sometimes the only way to get through something is to go through it. So take heart, we can face the fight, and come out on the other side stronger, more resilient, with more authority, and with a greater understanding of the power of God at work within us.

So next time the fight calls, you can answer with a courageous, “Hello, I’ve been expecting you.” Face it head on and with Jesus by your side, you will come out better for it!

Facing the fight can seem daunting if you’re trying to get through it on your own. Jesus is ready and willing to come alongside you and fight with you. Do you need to know Him for yourself? If so, we would love to chat to you more about it. Click on the pop up or link below for more info.

Are you scared of getting old?

Everywhere you look, there are adverts showing women (and men) who barely age. It seems that everyone wants to look younger. Plastic surgery abounds in Hollywood and it’s hard to find someone famous embracing their age and growing old gracefully.

I face this myself as I am just a couple of years away from 40. When I was growing up, 40 years old seemed so old! But now it’s just over the horizon for me.

Grey hairs are making their debut, wrinkles are multiplying and some days I long for my flat stomach that I once had.

But enough about me. How about you? Are you scared of getting old? Is your bathroom cupboard stocked with all sorts of anti-ageing creams and hair dyes?

I don’t think we should be scared of getting old. I’ve decided to embrace it! I think a few grey hairs shows that I’ve lived a little, I have some wisdom under my belt. I’m a mature woman with lots of life experience and I think that’s valuable!

I love this verse from the Bible in the book of Proverbs 9:11: “Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life.”

I like that! Wisdom (which I can only gain from getting older), will extend my days and make them better. So how can you combat the negative connotations about getting older?

  1. Do your best with what you have: I use quality skin care products that nourish my skin and combat the harmful effects of ageing. There is no magic potion that will take the wrinkles away, but good quality facial products will help your skin look it’s best for your age.
  2. Keep exercising: Staying fit and healthy will enable you to enjoy the years you have been given. Think about the future you, being able to run and play with your grandkids instead of being cooped up in a chair all day.
  3. Drink water: Water hydrates your body and your skin and can keep you looking years younger. Be sure to drink about 8 glasses a day and reach for water before any other beverage.

Those are just a few simple things to get you started in embracing your season of life.

Getting older isn’t just about how you look but about how you spend the days you’ve been given. God has laid out amazing days and plans for you but you can only unlock these when you enter into your own personal relationship with Him. If you would like to chat more about this for your life, please click on the link below or on the pop up.

When coworkers drive you crazy

Co-workers can make your job so much fun – or they can make you miserable. Know what I mean?

Have you ever had a coworker that you help out every time they ask; one that you go the extra mile for, and bend over backwards for? Sure you do, because you’re a nice person. But then, when the time comes for them to return the favour, they’re nowhere to be found and come up with all sorts of excuses why they can’t help you.

Drives you mad, right? I mean, we are all doing our best here and we should help each other out, every chance we get. Well, at least that’s how I see it.

So how do we get along with those coworkers that drive us crazy? A few thoughts come to mind… You could leave a nasty prank on their desk, let the air out of their tires, tell security there’s a suspicious looking person fitting their description…? Just kidding!  I would never do any of those things and you shouldn’t either!

Seriously, do you give up being the “good guy” and give them a taste of their own medicine? It sure would feel good momentarily, but then you’d realise, you’re not “that guy, or that girl”. You are a good person. So here’s how to stop yourself from going crazy and really get along with your coworkers:

  1. Keep doing the right thing, even when you don’t feel like it: The Bible says that what we sow, we will reap. What that means is that if we sow seeds of malice and pettiness, we will reap that in our future. On the other hand, if we sow acts of kindness and do right by others, we will see that come back to us over the course of our life.
  2. Set the example: Believe it or not, but not everybody knows how to act or be kind. Maybe they were brought up to be cut-throat, get-ahead-at-any-cost type of people. You can’t change them but you can show them the right way to act and the right way to treat people.
  3. Let it go: No matter how badly they treat you or stab you in the back, try to let it go. It’s not worth stooping to their level, just to make a point. Let it go and know that you can rest easy with your head on the pillow every night and know that you are a human being worth following and someone your kids can be proud of.

Let’s put these into action and hey, you never know what kind of change you could bring about in your workplace.

It’s not easy to do the right thing or to be kind when others mistreat you. One way to handle it is to turn to God for help when you’re feeling at the end of your rope. Click on the link below or on the pop up if you would like to know more about having a friendship with God for yourself.

Tired of believing?

I was recently going through a tough time and my friend said, “You just have to have faith. Keep believing.” But have you ever gotten tired of believing?

Faith is a tricky thing. First of all, the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is also believing that what you are trusting God for is on it’s way, and living like you already have received it. Sounds pretty impossible right?

I think sometimes it’s easy to have faith, but often it’s downright exhausting! Having faith for a little while – I think most of us can do that. But when what you are believing God for takes time, it gets really difficult to keep on trusting and believing.

And don’t think that the Bible offers any consolation either. Just look at Joseph, for instance. He had a dream at 17 that God would make him a powerful ruler. But what followed that was slavery, wrongful accusations and prison! It took 13 years for Joseph to see God’s promise come to pass in his life.

Then we have Abraham. He and his wife were unable to have children, yet God promised that he would not only have a son, but also that his descendants would outnumber the stars. How long did he wait for that promise? 25 years!

I know when we look at these examples, they are frustrating and depressing. So what can you do if you are tired of believing?

Here’s some things I remind myself of:

  1. God works outside of time: For Joseph and Abraham, those years waiting must have seemed like an eternity. But with God, a day can be like 1 000 years and 1 000 years can be like a day. No matter how long it is taking for you to see His promise unfold, the one thing  you can know is that it will happen. One day, someday, somehow, you will see it in your life. God is not a liar. His promise must come true for you.
  2. Lean on a friend: When your faith is running low and you are just too tired to believe anymore, find a friend who can strengthen you and encourage you. Friends can have faith for you when you don’t have the strength to have faith for yourself. That’s the power of friendship and community.

I know this life of faith isn’t easy, friend. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it! It may not be easy, but I know it will be worth it.

I am praying for you right now that God would strengthen your faith and send you great people who can believe with you.

We will see God’s promises fulfilled in our lives. Of that I am sure!

If you feel lost and without hope in this world, a relationship with God is the only answer. We would love to talk to you more about this. Click on the link below or on the pop-up to find out more.

Do you have a problem with authority?

I once heard someone say, “I don’t have a problem with authority. Just don’t tell me what to do.”

How do you react when people tell you what to do? Do you obediently comply or is there an inner struggle that rises up within you?

If you did have a problem with authority, how would you know? Here’s a few things to ask yourself:

  1. Are you usually the one trying to find a way around rules and regulations?
  2. Do you think the rules don’t apply to you?
  3. Do you struggle to take instructions from a colleague?
  4. Do you often find yourself challenging the way things are done?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, chances are you have a problem with authority. Now before you beat yourself up about it, take heart – you are not alone, I promise!

Many of us, especially strong-willed people, struggle with authority. I think God made us that way so that we don’t just take everything handed down to us. I think He made us that way so that we will stand up against injustice, corruption and inequality. But if left unchecked, it can lead to rebellion and pride.

So how can you stand up for what’s right while still respecting authority?

  • Understand that all authority comes from God. The Bible says in Romans 13:1: “Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.” Trust that God sees it all and respect those that God has placed over you.
  • Stay humble. It could be pride that causes you to knock heads with authority. If you think too much of yourself, you will see others as beneath you and submitting to them will be next to impossible. Make a decision that you can learn from anyone. Whether you perceive them to be above you or beneath you, you can learn something from everyone.

I know it’s not easy, but make a conscious effort to respect and honour everyone….from the homeless person on the side of the road to the CEO at your company.

I will leave you with this parting thought: The seeds you sow towards authority in your life, you will reap when you are in a position of authority. If you are difficult to lead, you will reap that in your own leadership journey. So remain teachable, stay humble and be easy to lead. Your future you will thank you!

The first step to submitting to authority is to submit to God’s authority in your life instead of trying to go your own way. To find out more about this, click on the pop up or link below. Let this be the beginning of your journey to being your best you.

When the Church hurts you

I grew up going to church my whole life. I’ve seen the church be there for my family, help those in need, give us a place to worship God, build friendships, and grow as believers of Jesus.

But I’ve also see the church hurt people – hurt people I love; hurt me. I’ve seen the church judge people, blame people, treat people unfairly, reject people, and turn their back on people.

So what shall we do? Turn our back on the church; shun her; condemn her; judge her; reject her; publicly defame her? After all, that’s what she has done to us, isn’t it?

The problem with this tempting philosophy is that it is flawed. While many of the things I mentioned have happened to me and perhaps to you, the church is not a human being, it’s not a single person that did these things. The church in and of itself can’t do much at all. Without the people that make up the church, it is just walls and chairs and lights.

The truth is, the church didn’t hurt us – people did. A person, or a few people said those things, did those things that hurt us. But turning your back on church because certain individuals hurt you is like boycotting McDonald’s because one of the cashiers insulted you.

Being hurt by people in church is unfortunately a very raw reality for too many people. So what should we do? Here’s a couple of things I try to remember:

  1. The church didn’t hurt you, people did: Whether you like it or not, God has chosen for the church of Jesus Christ to carry on the work He started here on earth. To be His hands and feet, to bring light into dark places, to help those who are in need.  People aren’t perfect; people mess up, people are sinful, and people make mistakes. But don’t turn your back on God’s idea because some people blew it.
  2. Watch what you say: The Bible says that the Church is the bride of Christ and He is coming back for her. Now “She” is made up of all of us who believe in Jesus and gather together in His name. So if She is His bride then we must watch what we say about Her. You would never say to a bridegroom, “Hey, I like you a lot but your bride sucks!”. So why do we say that to Jesus? If not with our words, then certainly with our actions.

I am sorry if people in church have hurt you. I pray that you will be able to forgive them and try to move past it. I pray that you will find a church that you can call home. I pray that you can play your part to see the church fulfil her God ordained destiny on the earth.

And I pray that when Jesus comes back for His bride, the Church, that you will be found in that number.

Perhaps being hurt by church has caused you to walk away from God. Or perhaps you have been so put off by how people in the church have acted, that you’ve never opened your life to Him. I pray that you would come back to Him today, or open your heart to Him for the first time. If you’d like to do that, please click on the link below or on the pop up.

Cluttered space, cluttered mind

Growing up, how many times a day did your parents have to tell you to clean your room? Lucky for me, I was naturally a neat child so my room was always clean and put away, cupboards organised neatly.

But then I got something called a husband. He did not share my passion for the neat and organised. His motto is, “Just shove it away in a drawer somewhere.” So going on 17 years of marriage, I am sad to say that I long for the days of my neat, organised room. It’s not that I no longer like my space to be neat and organised, it’s that I’ve lost the will to fight the three other messy monsters that live in my house.

There are days where I just give up. And I don’t care that the washing needs to be folded or has been folded for four days and needs to be put away! Do you ever feel like that? So overwhelmed by the chaos that you just give up?

I think we can all agree that a cluttered space translates into a cluttered mind. I have yet to meet someone who says they prefer to work or live in a big pile of unorganised stuff.

So how do you keep a handle on your space so that you don’t end up with a cluttered mind?

  1. Start small: If your whole house is in a shambles, tackle one room at a time. Once you have one neat space behind you, you’ll be surprised how it’ll fuel you to keep going!
  2. Prevention is better than cure: I don’t always get this right, but my friend told me that they don’t go to bed unless the kitchen and living room are tidied up. Their family all spend 5 or 10 minutes before bed putting away toys, clothes, papers etc. That way, when they wake up, the house is neat and tidy and ready for any surprise visitor.

Give these a try, and let me know how it works for you!

Just like our minds can become cluttered when our work or living space is cluttered, our souls can get cluttered too.

We can get so busy doing this or running there, that we can totally overlook the best thing for our soul, which is time with Jesus. Sometimes we just have to press pause, make a cup of tea, pull out our Bible and meditate on Him for a few minutes.

Nothing clears my soul and my mind quicker than some good quality time with God. When’s the last time you had some quality time with Him?

If you want to know about having your own relationship with Jesus Christ, we would love to tell you how. Simply click on the pop up banner or link below to find out more.


The prostitute next door

What would you do if you found out you had a prostitute living next door? What would your first reaction be? Call the police? Confront her?

Well, believe it or not, I have recently been faced with this dilemma. Now I don’t have concrete proof, just suspicious behaviour and a hunch.

At first, as you can imagine, I was outraged. I wanted justice. I called the police and demanded they do something about it immediately. I just wanted her to move and be gone out of my neighborhood, out of my life. But then as I began to calm down, I thought to myself, “If she moves away, she’ll be out of my life but she won’t stop what she’s doing. She’ll just be doing it somewhere else.” And then I began to think of what must have happened to her in her life for her to live this way. What kind of abuse must she have gone through to turn to this lifestyle?

And then I began to think of what Jesus would do if He lived next door to her. The Bible says that Jesus often went to dinner with prostitutes, cheaters and corrupt politicians.

I can definitely tell you that I wasn’t anywhere near ready to have dinner with my neighbour, but I did start to think of ways I could engage with her and perhaps somehow reach out to her.

Here’s some things I realized:

  1. If I didn’t try to help her, who would? As Christians, I think we often want justice first and foremost because after all, she is sinning and going against God’s way. But what if the whole point of me living next door to her was to show her the love of Christ that far exceeds any sin, wrongdoing or illegal behaviour she was engaging in? What if God loved her so much that He couldn’t bear to see her ravage her soul any longer, that He orchestrated her moving in next door to me in the hopes that I would follow His prompting and somehow be the hands and feet of Jesus to her?
  2. I need to look past the outward behaviour that angers me and see the person God intended her to be when He created her. Now this is a tough one! But I have to remind myself that she is not what she does. Deep down under all the sordid behaviour, is a precious girl who once had hopes and dreams. I am sure she never thought, “I want to be a prostitute when I grow up!” I am still working this out, but I am praying that God will give me the grace and compassion I need to reach out to her in some small, but hopefully significant way. Above all that though, I know I can pray. Pray that she finds the love of Jesus; pray that she is set free from this lifestyle; pray that she be healed of all her brokenness.

Pointing the finger and demanding justice is easy. Loving the unlovable, the sinful, even the evil? Now that is difficult. But I am convinced now, more than ever, that this is what God is calling us to do.

If you need to know God for yourself, or you have areas in your life that need to be healed, God’s love is more than enough. Click on the pop up or the link below to find out more about the love God has for you!

The working mom: Can you do it all?

I was recently chatting with someone about this very topic. Many people are getting married and their careers are in full swing, but they also want to start a family. Do you have to choose between being a mother and having a thriving career?

Or maybe you are a mom, trying to juggle all that motherhood demands as well as give your best to your employer. So can you do it all?

I believe you can. I believe you can do anything you put your mind to. I get this question asked to me quite often because I have quite a full-on job that I love but also a 15-year-old, a 10-year-old and expecting my third later this year. So how do I balance it all, and how can you?

  1. Only do one thing at a time: I try to stick to this as far as possible. When I am working, I am fully working. All my time, focus and energy is on my job. My children know I am always reachable in an emergency, otherwise, they’ll need to wait until I get home. When I am at home with them, I am with them. I try to only answer messages when they have gone to bed.
  2. I know life has seasons: If I am in a busy season – maybe I’m travelling quite a bit or have conferences I have to attend – I remind myself that it is a season that will not last forever. I make sure I have a great support structure during these times. For example, my husband and I make sure that we are not both travelling at the same time, or my mom will help out and take the kids for a few days when necessary. Plan ahead when you  know the season is busy. Plan simple meals and try make it as stress free as possible for yourself and your family.

The Bible says that Jesus has come to give us a full, abundant, awesome life and that means we can do all things through God who strengthens us! So the next time work and family get a little crazy, grab a coffee, put your feet up and say: “God, I know you have blessed me with a great life. Help me to give my best and do my best with what You have given me.” I promise you, He will!

If you would like to know more about having your own real relationship with Jesus Christ, we would love to chat to you and pray with you if you’d like. Simply click on the pop up or banner below.

Saying yes when you want to say no

Have you ever had to say yes to something when all you actually wanted to do is say no? Now I’m not talking about being forced to do something against your will….what I am talking about is doing the right thing when you actually don’t want to.

Now why do we have to? Why can’t we just live our lives the way we want to, stay in our comfort zone, and look out for number one?

Well, I guess, technically, you can. No one can make you do anything. Then again, nothing worthwhile having ever comes easy. Sometimes you have to take the crazy leap of faith to do what you know in your heart, is what God is leading you to do.

I just love this verse found in Matthew 16:24-26:

Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?

Self-help is a word we hear often – but self-sacrifice? That’s a new one to many of us! You see this world tells us to look out for ourselves, to stand up for ourselves, to think about ourselves. In the right context, there’s nothing wrong with that. But what Jesus is saying here is that the only way to find yourself, is to lose yourself. The only way to gain everything is to get rid of everything. Everything that holds you back; anything that keeps you bound.

So what does self-sacrifice look like? Why is it important to say yes, even when we want to say no?

  1. Put God first: A wise pastor said, “You’ll never come second by putting God first.” It’s so true. To the world it seems like the opposite is true, but when it comes to the way things work in God’s Kingdom, if you put God first, He’ll put you first. If you honour God in your relationships, in your finances and in your thoughts and attitudes, He will make sure that you are well taken care of.
  2. Do it afraid: Even if you feel like what God is asking you to do seems super scary or super crazy, do it anyway, even if you’re afraid. I don’t know what that looks like for you – it’ll look different for all of us – but take a leap of faith and see what miracles God has waiting for you.

Self-sacrifice is not a popular word in our culture, but why not take this challenge: For one week, look for ways and instances where you can sacrifice your needs and wants and put someone else’s needs above your own. Tell me if you don’t feel so much better about yourself and about life.

Do the right thing, even if it costs you.

The only way to find your life, is to lose it. To find out more about what this looks like, click on the pop up banner or link below. I dare you!

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