Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

3 things your boss wants you to know

Have you ever wished your boss could tell you what they were really thinking? What they really wanted you to know? Do you ever sit in a meeting with your boss and wish they would just tell you what they really mean?

I think it’s difficult to be totally straight-forward with your employees for a few reasons. On the top of the list is obviously that they don’t want to hurt your feelings, they don’t want to alienate you from them, or perhaps they just don’t have the courage to be forthright with you.

So I had a think and have come up with a few things I think our bosses want us to know:

  1. I Notice You: Many times we strive to be noticed. We want to make sure our boss knows how many hours we put into that project, we want them to know it was our idea, we want them to see how hard we are working. Well, I believe they do. I think as an oversight of people, you make it your job to know how people are working. And of course as they say, “The proof is in the pudding”. Hard work shows and your boss notices you.
  2. Can We All Just Get Along? I can only imagine that one of the most challenging things a boss has to navigate is workplace conflict. I know the tendency is to be quick to run to the boss when our colleague is rude to us or we are treated unfairly but I am not sure this should be our first course of action. Your boss has many things on their mind and a heavy weight on their shoulders. The last thing they should be in the middle of is petty office conflict. So, try to resolve it within other channels before dragging your boss into it.
  3. Can I Trust You? Leading people is challenging enough as it is. But if you have to doubt whether your employees have your back, it’s a slippery slope to disaster. Trust is a vital currency that human beings trade with, especially in the work place. If your boss senses that you are undermining their every move, or discuss how you disagree with their decisions with your co-workers or badmouth them behind their back, it’s a recipe for disaster. When your boss knows they can trust you and you are a real team player, there is much more grace for mistakes, or typos, or missed deadlines. But if they can’t trust you, then everything you say and do will be under the microscope. Nobody wants to work in an environment like that.

So heading into a new year, let’s take an honest look at our work ethic, our attitude and our motives in the workplace. Regardless of whether your boss is the best ever or the worst ever, we can only be responsible for us. Let’s determine this year that we will be team players, easy to work with, full of integrity and trust worthy! Let’s trust God that he will reward us for doing what is right.

If you need God’s help to be this kind of employee, He’s just a prayer away! Click on the link below or on the pop up to find out more.

What’s wrong with being lukewarm?

I recently heard someone say, “Well they’re kind of a Christian. I think they believe in God.” And that’s enough right?

To say you align more closely with the idea of God and Jesus versus, say, Buddha or Mohammed…. it’s enough to say you’re a Christian, right? I mean, surely good people who say they’re Christian are going to heaven?

Oh, wait… I probably should have warned you upfront that this post is going to challenge you and may actually offend you. Can I apologise in advance?

I really don’t want to make you mad, but I have this thought on my heart and I can’t shake it. Hang in there though, I am sure my next blog won’t be as confronting!

I have to tell you that being good or just believing in God unfortunately is not enough. The Bible talks about the fact that God, who created you, would either you be cold towards Him and not believe in Him at all, or be totally red-hot on fire for Him. But to be lukewarm? Well, it makes Him sick. Why?

Bear with me here for a second: if you created something because of your immense love for it, and you created a perfect place for this person to live and enjoy life, your heart was broken when they went against your loving instructions – so you sent the most precious thing you had to die for them so that all their wrong-doing could be erased. Then they turned around and said, “Uh well I guess I kinda believe in the being that created me.” It would break your heart, wouldn’t it?

So why does God expect us to give our all to Him – heart and soul? Why does He not accept lukewarm, half-hearted, convictionless belief in Him?

Because He gave His heart and soul to save us .

You see, He didn’t send His left-overs to rescue us. He sent His best, His one and only beloved Son, to come to earth and die in our place for all our wrong-doing. For all our lying, our lust, our greed, our jealousy, our hatred, our unforgiveness. All these things and more separate us from knowing God, and He couldn’t stand by one more second and allow that to continue. He loves us so much that He couldn’t stand to be apart from us even though it was our own disobedience and stubbornness that caused it.

Can I ask you today to do a couple of things?

Can I ask you to:

  1. Get off the fence and make a decision one way or the other: I believe the time for playing games with God is over. The time of being lukewarm has come to an end. Either choose to follow Him and love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, or walk away. I’m sorry if that seems harsh but it’s time to stop living half-hearted, using God when it suits us and live our selfish lives the rest of the time.
  2. Respond to His great love for you and the sacrifice He made to be close to you: God’s not out to ruin your fun or lay down all kinds of rules and regulations. He loves you and wants only the best, most amazing life for you. Give it a try, won’t you?

If you’re ready to get off the fence and respond to Him, or if you want to chat further about this, please click on the link below. It’s the best decision you will ever make, guaranteed!

You are awesome, thank you for reading this post. I am praying for you and cheering you on 🙂

Fake it ’til you make it…. Really!?

You’ve heard that saying right? When things are tough and you don’t know what to do, there’s always that person who will say, “Just fake it ’til you make it!”.

What does that mean anyway? Pretend you’re okay when you’re not? Pretend you like someone when you don’t? Pretend you can afford it when you can’t? Pretend you’re happy when you’re not?

I think today something that is plaguing our society is the over-abundance of fakes. Influenced by the pressure of social media, people are becoming less genuine, less authentic and more and more fake. I think the bombardment of social media is stunting people’s ability to know who they truly are. Instead, they mimic what they see portrayed and attempt to be the coolest version of what fills their News Feed.

So, what to do? I think the first step is to admit that there is pressure to be who you’re not. It’s much easier to be fake than to know who you really are and stick to it!

How to be the real deal?

  • Say what you mean and mean what you say

Genuine people are true to their word. Don’t be flaky with people. Show up on time. Do what you said you would do. This will go a long way in our families, relationships and work places.

  • Be okay with not being liked

Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay! I know it’s hard to hear but really, if you’re going to stay true to who you are, you are going to have to be okay if not everybody likes you.

  • Be aware of others in the room

Take your focus off yourself for a moment and look around the room. Are people shy, intimidated, lonely, insecure? Don’t add to that, be the solution. Sometimes we are so focused on how we are feeling that we very rarely see the needs of people around us. Reach out to them, be the friend they need, the listening ear. You’ll be glad you did!

As I mentioned earlier, a big reason why so many of us are fake is because we don’t know who we really are. We don’t know why we were created or what we were created for. You don’t have to live this way!

The Bible says that you were created by God, on purpose, because He loves you and He has a marvellous plan for why He created you. You can find out more about this by clicking on the link below or on the pop-up banner. You won’t regret it!

So come on everyone, enough with the fakes and phonies. Let’s be a people who are real, authentic and genuine. We can make this world a better place!

Let Dead Things Lie – Overcoming Temptation

I want to talk you about how to overcome temptation. Temptation is all around us and the minute you think you’re immune to it, that’s when you’re in trouble.

So what’s with the “Let Dead Things Lie” title? Well, here’s something interesting to consider: Many people who are still on the fence about Christianity or following Jesus, seem to think that becoming a Christ-follower is all about rules and restrictions. That God just wants to kill all their fun and turn them into stiff Bible-bashing robots.

This could not be further from the truth. We are all faced with temptation – whether it be to do something unethical for our own personal gain; to go to a place that only will lead to trouble; to get into a relationship with someone who we know will be bad for us. Maybe one of the most common temptations of all is to look at images and videos that we know we shouldn’t.

As I was wondering about this topic, I was thinking how the lure of temptation can be so strong and at times overwhelming. I was thinking, “how can we overcome temptation and not give in to its desires?” Just then, a thought came to me:  Why awaken what is already dead? Strange thought, I know. Allow me to explain.

When you become a believer in Jesus, the Bible says that our old way of living dies and we begin a new way of living. You see, temptation is part of our old way of living, our old way of doing things that left us hurt, broken and unfulfilled. So why awaken your dead past? There’s an old saying that says, “let sleeping dogs lie”. Well my advice to us all is to let dead things lie.

So how do you overcome temptation?

  1. Recognise your triggers: Know what will awaken the desire in you to do what you know you shouldn’t. Switch off that soppy love song if it makes you want to pick up the phone and call your ex. Maybe it’s a questionable series that lures you to look at things you know are wrong. Avoid things, places or people who will trigger that desire to do what you know is not good for you.
  2. Turn your attention to what matters: If you find yourself tempted, distract yourself with something uplifting. If you are reaching for that bar of chocolate, get up and go for a walk. If you’re tempted to look at dodgy things online, put on some worship music or pick up your Bible. Phone a friend if you have to and, as a last resort, wash the dishes, ha ha! That is sure to perish any thought you had to stray on a dangerous path.

The bottom line is that when we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, our old way of living and thinking dies and we can live a new life, free from the power of temptation.

If you would like to know more about this freedom for yourself, click on the link below or on the pop up banner. You’ll be glad you did!

Dealing With Difficult People

I’ve only been in a fight once in my life. In Grade 7, I accidentally tripped over the class bully’s foot and she tore into me like nothing I’d ever experienced. I tried some moves I’d seen on Karate Kid but she was much too quick and experienced for me. As a final resort to get her off me, I shoved her as hard as I could. She ended up tripping over a small step which tore a ligament in her leg. She was on crutches for 6 weeks and every time someone asked her what happened, she had to answer that she had gotten into a fight with me.

My victory was a total accident and stroke of luck, but needless to say I didn’t have any more trouble from her. Nowadays, in the grown up world, we still have people we don’t get along with, but the way we handle this is much different from how we settled scores on the school ground.

So how do you deal with difficult people? Maybe it’s a grumpy neighbour, a competitive school mom or that co-worker that you just dread running into – not to mention having to work with on a project.

Here are a few things to remember when dealing with difficult people that will hopefully keep you from going crazy with frustration:

  1. Everyone is dealing with something that you know nothing about – Maybe they’ve recently lost someone close to them, or they are having financial difficulty, or they’ve gone through a break-up. We are all facing situations that flow over into our personal and work life and very often impact the way we react and respond to those around us. Before you give them what for, take a second to think about what they might be going through. A little compassion goes a long way. There’s a great verse in the Bible that says, “A kind answer turns away a sharp tongue.”
  2. Even though it seems like it’s personal, it’s not – when someone is rude to us or treats us unfairly, our first reaction is often to take it personally. We think things like, “They probably don’t like me”; “They got offended when I got the promotion”; or “They’re jealous of me”. But can I shed some light on this today? Very rarely is the way someone treats you about you. It is almost always about them. It’s about their insecurity, their hurts, their disappointment, their issues. They just happen to take it out on you.

So what can you do?

  •  Try react in the opposite way they are responding to you. That usually defuses the situation.
  • Show some kindness and compassion. It will either totally confuse them and freak them out or you might just start to rub off on them.

At the end of the day, difficult people are everywhere. You can rarely escape them. We are not responsible for the actions of others. We are only responsible for our own actions. So be someone you can be proud of. Be someone worth following.

It may not be easy, but it will be worth it!

Which Way Is It?

Have you ever been heading somewhere but suddenly you don’t know which way to go anymore? You’ve forgotten if you had to turn right or left and suddenly the surroundings don’t look so familiar anymore. And of course you didn’t save the address into your GPS because after all, you thought you knew where you were going. And then you find yourself asking the question, “Which way is it?”

You’re not alone! It’s the beginning of a new year and change is all around us. Maybe you’ve been offered a promotion, or a job at another company. Maybe you’ve met someone special and you’re wondering if they could be the one. Maybe you’re trying to buy a house and need to know which house is right for you.

Many of us are facing decisions of different kinds. Sometimes its difficult to know which way to go. What if I make a decision and it ends up being the wrong one? Often the fear of making the wrong decision can paralyse us into not making a decision at all.

It doesn’t have to be that way! Do you know that you can know which way to go, which job to take, which house to buy, whether he/she is the one for you?

I love this verse in Psalm 37:24,

“Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.”

How do you know if you’re going in the right direction?

  1. Follow the One who knows the future – The Bible is full of verses that teach us that God is there to lead us and guide us. If you were lost, you wouldn’t hesitate to follow someone who knew the way would you? God knows the way you should go for your life and if you follow Him, He will lead in the right direction.
  2. Let God’s peace be your guide – peace is the absence of anxiety and worry. Whenever I need to make a decision, I talk to God about in my prayer times and I ask Him to guide me. If I am anxious about one direction but feel quite calm about another, I know that is His peace that is guiding me.

Whatever decisions you may be facing right now or may face in the future, I pray that you will remember that God longs to lead you and guide you into the best for your life. He knows the beginning and the end and He can be trusted!

If you would like to know the peace of God and have Him lead you and guide you, I encourage you to click on the pop or link below. We would love to chat to you.

Getting Out of Debt – This Is Your Year!

New Year’s Resolutions are rife this time of year. It seems we’re all making them. We’re all making an effort to get healthier, wealthier and happier.

Sadly, not many resolutions end up sticking but that’s a topic of conversation for another time. What I want to chat about today is how to get out of debt this year.

Millions of people are drowning in debt and there’s a vicious cycle of “robbing Peter to pay Paul” that seems to have no end in sight.

That doesn’t have to be you. You can get out of debt and this is your year to do it! I recently watched a brilliant seminar from Dave Ramsey on Financial Fitness. We’ve begun implementing some of his points in our household and it’s been super helpful. Start with number one and move down the list as soon as you can.

  1. Save up R10,000 (or your country’s equivalent) as soon as possible – This way if your car breaks down or your water geyser bursts, you’re not reaching for your credit card.
  2. Pay your minimum payment on all your debts but pay down the smallest debt first – this creates the debt snowball effect where once the smallest debt is paid off, you then take what you were paying on it and put it towards your next smallest debt. You keep doing this until all your debts are settled.
  3. Have 3-6 months worth of living expenses in a savings account – this is there to help you if someone gets retrenched or loses their job until you can get back on your feet.
  4. Put 15% of your income into a retirement annuity – this may seem like a lot of money but once you have no more debt payments, this will be much more doable.
  5. Start saving for your children’s university education
  6. Pay off your house bond early – do you know that paying R500 a month extra on a R600,000 loan can shave 4 years off your bond!
  7. Build wealth and GIVE – I know it seems contradictory but money is like seed. The more seed you sow, the more there is to harvest. Give to the poor, give to your church, give to charities. Just find a way to give and do it.

It’s easier to get started on something than to continue to see it through. Once you have your initial R10,000 saved up, leave it there. If you do need it for an emergency, be sure to put that money back as soon as you can. And once those credit cards are paid off, cut them up. With your money in savings, you should never have to use them again. And if you’re tempted to put that beautiful handbag or new sound system on your credit card, just remind yourself how hard you worked to pay it off the first time. Don’t put yourself back in that position again.

One of the reasons this plan is fairly easy for us to follow is because we trust God with our finances. We believe He is our provider and if we put Him first, He will take care of us.

If you would like to know more about God in this way, we would love to chat with you. Click on the banner below or on the pop up.

How To Embrace a New Season

Many of us are invigorated by change but not all change is pleasant, especially if it catches us off guard. Many of us will inevitably find ourselves facing a new season of our life in 2016 and we can either resist it and hope for the best or we can embrace and make the most out of it.

We get comfortable with the way things are in our life. For instance, my bathroom light cover broke a few months ago and to be honest, for the first few weeks, it really bothered me but now I don’t even realise it’s missing. I have to remember to pick a new one up at the hardware store!

It’s so easy to settle in with what we know and what we’re used to but the truth is, there are many changes awaiting us in 2016. It could be in your family, at work or in your relationships. So how can we make the most out of the changes that are bound to come our way? How can we embrace a new season we are facing?

  1. Understand that times and seasons change – as much as we are enjoying summer right now, we can’t stay in summer forever. The other seasons must come so that there can be balance in our environment.
  2. Understand that you are not alone – no matter what new season awaits you, God promises to be with us and help us whenever we need Him. I love this age old quote:

“You don’t need to worry about what the future holds as long as you know the One who holds the future.”

With God on our side, we can face any situation and flourish in it. There’s an awesome scripture that talks about if God is for us then no-one can be against us.

Gear yourself up for an exciting 2016 filled with the new things that God has planned for you. He loves you and only has good things in store for you. Trust Him with it all and you will see your life move forward in an incredible way!

If you are honest today and realise that you need to know the One who hold the future, we would love to talk to you more about the awesome plan God has for your life. Simply click on the pop up or link below.

Have a blessed New Year and we’ll chat again in 2016. Bring on the new season!

How To Get the Most Out of Your Holidays

It’s that time of year again, everyone seems to be going on holiday. Do you remember that old song that says, “We’re all going on a summer holiday, no more working for a week or two?” It always plays in my head this time of year.

So with a few days off from work and a much needed rest period coming up, how do you make sure you get the most out of your holiday?

Can you imagine going back to work in 2016 and all your colleagues are talking about what an amazing holiday they had and they turn to you to ask what you did over the holidays and you realize you did nothing, went nowhere and don’t feel anymore rested than when you went on leave in December. Don’t be that person! I’m not going to let you!

So here’s how to get the most out of your holidays:

  1. Have a plan – do some research on some great sites to visit around your city. You don’t have to go to some exotic destination to feel rested and refreshed. Many cities in Africa are some of the most beautiful places in the world. Find out what is awesome about your city and go explore! Make a list of a few places you want to visit, things you want to do and places you want to go eat at. That way, when you wake up each day, have a look at your list and go do what tickles your fancy.
  2. Do something you don’t normally do – Have breakfast for dinner, take a different route home, order a new drink or try a new restaurant. Just getting out of your normal routine will feel refreshing. We are creatures of habit so break the monotony of the year and try something new.

Whatever you end up doing, remember that this is your life and it can be as awesome as you decide it will be. Don’t wait for things or plans to come to you. Go out there and make it happen for yourself!

Take every opportunity to rest, relax and refresh your soul so that you can start 2016 strong and full of energy!

The Bible talks about an abundant life that God has for us to live. Abundant life means fullness of joy and strength for mind, body, and soul.  This kind of life signifies a contrast to feelings of lack, emptiness, and dissatisfaction. Only a relationship with God can allow us to experience this abundant life.

To discover more about this way of life, click on the pop up or link below. Have a happy holiday!

Christmas – The Unopened Gift

You’ve seen this happen before. There’s that one gift left unopened under the Christmas tree. Maybe you forgot it was there, maybe you’re unsure of what it might be and let’s be honest, if you get one more sock bunny from Aunt Maggie, you’re going to scream. Or maybe you don’t trust the person who the gift is from so you feel like it’s better for everyone if it just lays there unopened.

But can you imagine if you open it and it’s nothing like you expected? What if that oddly shaped box contains the keys to a new car? Or what if that envelope is not just a card, but a cheque for a deposit on your first home? What if it is leaps and bounds beyond what you expected it to be?

I think it can be like that with the true meaning of Christmas. Amidst all the hustling, stress, family drama, work functions, present buying, it can all seem a bit overwhelming and maybe we should just leave Christmas there in the corner, like an unopened gift.

But what if the true meaning of Christmas is nothing like you expected? What if all you don’t know or understand about Christmas is better than anything you can imagine?

You see, the true meaning of Christmas is better than the most extravagant gift you could ever hope to receive. The gift of Christmas that often is left unopened under the tree is the gift of salvation that Jesus Christ came to give us all.

I love this verse in 1 Corinthians 2:9 which says,

No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
    for those who love him.

Maybe the gift of Jesus has been packaged in a strange way which turned you off. Maybe you’ve tried going to church but people disappointed you. Maybe it all seems too simple so you’ve assumed it’s not for you.

Wherever you find yourself today, I believe it’s no accident that you are reading this. I want to encourage you to pick up the true meaning of Christmas, that unopened gift under the tree and discover it to be more than you ever dreamed or imagined.

No matter your previous experience, there are a couple of truths that never change:

  1. Jesus loves you more than anyone ever has or ever will.  Why you may ask? Well it’s because He created you in His likeness to have a relationship with you. He longs to be in your life.
  2. People may disappoint you but Jesus never will. We as human beings are all the same in the sense that we are not perfect and we will get it wrong and mess it up. That’s why it’s important to not follow people but follow the example of Jesus. He’s the only perfect One that has ever walked on this earth. He will not disappoint you or let you down.

Regardless of any previous experience you may have had involving Jesus, can I ask you this Christmas to take a bold step and open His gift for you? You may just find it more amazing than anything you’ve ever known.

Click on the link below or on the pop up, we’d love to chat or pray with you.

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