Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

Making a list, checking it twice


Saving time and money this Christmas season does not have to be an impossible task. In fact, it could be as easy as making a list and checking it twice. I know the shops are crazy, the malls are bustling and there are so many lists of things to buy. Christmas gifts, groceries and school supplies are just a few of the things you still need to get done.

The shops are chaos this time of year. But there are a few easy tips you can follow to keep you sane.

  1. Make a shopping list – you think you’ll remember what you need to get but trust me, you won’t. Write down exactly what you need to buy and then stick to it.  You can save yourself a lot of money by only buying what is on your list.
  2. Go early in the morning – the best time to go to the shops is first thing in the morning. The shops are freshly stocked and the staff are not yet tired and therefore friendlier. Beat the crowds by getting there when the store opens.
  3. Check the fine print – many shops will lure you in with specials and discounts. It’s important to first check the fine print. Compare prices and make sure that what they claim is a special is actually saving you money. Often it can simply be a way to get you to spend more money.

So there you have it friend. You can save time and money this Christmas time by following a few of these easy tips.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of this time of year, don’t forget the reason for the season. God sent His Son, Jesus to live on earth. He made a way for us to have our own relationship with God. To learn more about this for yourself, click on the link below or on the pop up banner.

Walking where Jesus walked

Have you ever thought what it would be like to walk where Jesus walked? The fact that there is a place on earth where you can actually walk where Jesus walked, is incredible to me. You are able to go to Israel, walk where Jesus walked, see where He died and visit the tomb that He was buried in.

I often forget that the places written about in the Bible are still accessible today. A friend of mine recently visited Israel and was telling me about all she saw and did. She told me all about how she walked in the streets of Jerusalem, put her feet in the Sea of Galilee and sat in a synagogue where Jesus taught. This fascinates me.

I heard of how Jewish people rush to the Western Wall for prayer. My heart was moved. Their fervent and heartfelt prayers echo through the streets of Jerusalem. I would love to visit Israel one day to experience these incredible things for myself, wouldn’t you? But until then, there a few things that struck me about visiting Israel.

  1. People didn’t realise who He was or what He came to earth for. Many people missed out on knowing Jesus because He didn’t come to earth in the way they expected. Isn’t that still the case today? People celebrate Christmas, they know about Jesus but they don’t realise who He is or what He came to earth for. People reject knowing God because He doesn’t do things the way they expect Him to.
  2. Devotion will drive you. Jewish people rush through the streets to get to the Western Wall for prayer. It really challenged me to hear this. There they are, crying out to God in a public place with no shame. They are so devoted to God and desperate for Him. They pay no mind to all the tourists standing by. How many of us rarely pick up our Bible because we don’t feel like reading it? How many of us neglect prayer? Many of us barely pray in private not to mention praying in public.

We are so blessed to be able to know Jesus for who He truly is. We should never take for granted that we know this Jesus who walked on the earth. It’s a privilege to have our own personal relationship with God. Let’s make an effort to treasure it and nurture it.

If you would like to know more about who Jesus truly is, click on the banner below or on the pop up.

Surviving your family this Christmas


Are you wondering if you’ll survive your family this Christmas? It’s the holiday season and you may find yourself spending some time with relatives and extended family. This is good news for some of us but for others, it may be a time that you dread.

Perhaps your family relationships are strained. Families can be a great source of joy but they can also be a source of pain. If you are dreading upcoming family interactions, don’t worry. This post can provide some helpful hints on how to stay sane this holiday season.

Setting boundaries will keep you sane.

Know your limits when it comes to family interaction. If you struggle to get along with a certain member, limit the amount of time you spend with them. Make your rounds and chat to other family members. Keep interaction with strained family members brief but polite.

Choose your words wisely.

If you know talk about politics gets people hot under the collar, then stay away from that topic of conversation. Some people are sensitive about politics, religion or their season in life. If you know this, then stay away from those topics. It’s not worth getting into an argument over.

They say you can choose your friends but not your family and that is true. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that your family relationships have to remain strained. Before a family function, pray and ask God to help you love them. Ask Him to help you see them through His eyes. And if all else fails, ask Him to help you bite your tongue.

If you are facing a strained family time this Christmas, I am praying for you!

God is never far away and is always ready to help us when we need Him. If your family has been a source of pain, God can heal your heart. To speak to someone about this, click on the pop up or on the link below.


What’s missing this Christmas?

Christmas music is all around. Decorations and Christmas trees abound. Office parties, vacations and family dinners are awaiting us all. But in the hustle and bustle of this season, could something be missing in your life?

It’s funny how at Christmas time we can still feel lonely, even though we are surrounded by friends and family. In spite of what we’ve achieved throughout the year, our life can seem empty. Perhaps 2016 was a delightful year for you. Perhaps it was a difficult one.

If the year was good to you, how do you feel now that it’s coming to a close? Do you feel a sense of loss or emptiness? On the other hand, if the year was difficult, how did you get through it? When experiencing loss or trial, did you have someone to turn to?

Something about this time of year causes us to reflect on our lives outwardly but also inwardly. The music stops and all we are left with is our thoughts. Once all the people have gone home, we are left with only ourselves.  We don’t like to sit in silence or be left alone, do we? It’s often because we don’t like who and what we have become.

Perhaps this describes you? Could there be something missing in your life?

What is missing is quite clear. People try to edge Him out wherever they can. They change Christmas to Xmas and say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. In our politically correct world, we’ve taken Christ out of this time of year. People are feeling empty and dissatisfied and it’s no wonder why.

This time of year makes no sense if we take Jesus Christ out of it. Amidst all the parties and festivities should be the celebration of the one and only significant event – the birth of Jesus Christ who is Saviour of the world.

Jesus came to earth to show us how to have true life. He came to show us true love and purpose. Our lives don’t make sense without Him at the center.

The next time you see a Christmas tree with presents all around, or bright lights decorating the street, remember this: Jesus is the greatest gift of all and His light will show you the way.

To know more about how to connect with Jesus for yourself, please click on the link below or on the pop up.

Are you a Christmas tree Christian?


It’s that time of year again where we all put up our Christmas trees. They only come out once a year and they are only around for a short while. We all work hard to make sure they look just right. Lights and ornaments are hung up but before you know it, they are packed away again until the following year.

Are you a Christmas tree Christian? Do you only profess commitment to Jesus once a year? Perhaps you attend church around this time of year but only for a short while. You work hard to play the part and look just right but before you know it, you pack up your faith and devotion until next year.

Many of us have been there. We have a faith in Jesus but it really only comes out at Christmas time. In addition, we go to church but again, only at Christmas time. The rest of the year just seems so busy and we just don’t get around to spending time with Jesus or attending church.

It can happen to any of us. Has it happened to you? Perhaps the reason you are even on this website is because Christmas time draws you back to Christ.

I want to encourage you to not be a Christmas tree Christian. Instead of coming out once a year and just looking the part, embark on a consistent journey with God.

Here’s some ways to do that:

Dust your Bible off the shelf

Try to read some Scripture every day. Maybe start in Psalms and read a chapter per day. You will be surprised how it will encourage you and inspire you.

Keep going to church

Attend other services besides the Christmas ones. Join a small group perhaps. A wise man once said, “You’ll never come second by putting God first”. Your faith will be fueled and your life strengthened by being amidst like-minded people.

Be encouraged to cultivate your relationship with God all year-long, as you put up your Christmas tree this year,

The right time to drink coffee


Did you know that there is a right and a wrong time to drink coffee? The effects of coffee on your body has a lot to do with what time of the day you drink it. So what is the right time to drink coffee?

Most of us drink our coffee first thing in the morning. This may actually be the worst time to be drinking it. Why?

Your body runs on a circadian clock.

Our bodies each have their own 24 hour hormonal cycle called our circadian clock. It guides our body on when to sleep, when to wake, when to eat and more. Our bodies produce cortisol at certain times of the day. Cortisol is what makes us feel alert and awake. For most of us, cortisol levels are at their highest between 8am and 9am. This means that our bodies are naturally being caffeinated during these times. If we drink coffee during these times, it greatly diminishes the effect of the coffee. In addition to this, if you consume coffee at the same time as peaking cortisol levels, your body will decrease its cortisol production.

Do you find yourself having to increase your coffee intake in order to get the buzz you are accustomed to? If your answer is yes, you are drinking coffee at the wrong time of the day.

So when is the right time to drink coffee, you may be asking?

Instead of drinking coffee when your cortisol levels are at their peak, try drinking it after they have dropped. Here’s a breakdown:

6am-9am: Body produces boost of cortisol

9:30-11:30am: Right time to drink coffee

12pm-1pm: Cortisol boost

1:30pm-5pm: Coffee time

5:30pm-6:30pm: Cortisol boost

If you drink coffee at the right time of day, you will get its maximum effect. Give it a try to see what you think.

It is not advised to drink coffee after 7pm as it can interfere in your ability to fall asleep. I do, however, know of people who can drink coffee right before bedtime. I wouldn’t recommend it though!

This has been a fun article around one of the world’s most beloved beverages. Nevertheless, I always want to present the message of Jesus Christ no matter what topic I write on.

Knowing God is the only thing that gives my life meaning. If you would like to know more about this for your own life, please click on the pop up or on the banner below.


God heals with Doom?

A South African “prophet” has recently made the news for healing people with an insecticide called “Doom”. His claim that God heals with Doom is attracting much criticism around the world.

Apparently, people come to him for prayer when faced with various diseases and ailments. He claims that when he prays, God turns the Doom spray into healing spray and people are miraculously cured. He is pretty convincing and even uses Scripture to support his claims. The verse he uses is this one found in Mark 16:18 which says that followers of Jesus can “… drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

I believe this verse is not referring to drinking poison for the sake of it and expecting not to be harmed. Rather, this verse is saying that should Jesus’ disciples be captured and persecuted, if they are forced to drink poison as a means of death, God will miraculously save them from its effects.

God does not need us to spray Doom in people’s faces in order to heal them. The Bible teaches in James 5:15 that prayer offered in faith will heal the sick. It’s God’s miraculous power that heals, not insecticide that has been “blessed”.

It’s stories like this that gives Christianity a bad name. Please don’t be led astray by strange accounts of absurd things. Yes, God can do anything and He can use anybody. But I honestly do not believe that God is involved in healing via Doom insecticide spray.

Furthermore, the Bible talks about false prophets who deceive and lead people astray with various sign and wonders. Matthew 24:24 says, “For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.”

Any awesome and miraculous things that God does can be confirmed in the Bible. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

If you would like to find out more about an authentic Christianity, please click on the link below or on the pop up.

Protecting your kids from porn

Did you ever think you would need to worry about protecting your kids from pornography? It saddens me that we even have to have this conversation.

Because so many kids have access to cell phones, laptops and tablets, porn is just a click away. In my previous blog, we looked at when it is appropriate for kids to have a phone. Click here to have a look Should your child have a cell phone?

The reality is that kids are being exposed to porn at a young age. This is because the internet is so accessible to kids of any age. What’s more, many parents are blissfully unaware of the dangers that their children are being exposed to online.

I know of 6-year-old kids who have their own phone. I know of 10 year olds who have their own Facebook account. We have opened our kids up to the world-wide web and I fear that when we realise what we’ve done, it’ll be too late.

The major problem with kids being online is that it is not monitored. Kids spend hours on tablets and in front of gaming consoles. Many parents think that pornography is an adult problem but this simply is not true.

Here are a few things that you can do to help protect your kids from porn:

  1. Monitor their internet activity – Do you know what your kids have searched for? Have you any idea what YouTube videos they are watching? There are a number of great internet monitoring sites that can help you. For computers, I can suggest It’s free and very effective. For mobile phones, I can suggest
  2. Talk to your kids – Frequently chat to them about what they are viewing online. Ask them if they’ve seen anything dodgy and warn them about the danger of clicking on pop ups.
  3. Limit their internet access – When I was growing up, there was a big push to limit TV watching but today it’s a different story. Set timers for internet access and help your kids explore other ways to relax and unwind.

Remember, helping them to instill discipline now will help them later when they are adults. They will remember your caring words of warning.

Let’s all work together to protect our precious kids from the dangers and evil of pornography because they’re worth it!

Ask God to give you wisdom and guidance as you parent your kids. To learn more about a relationship with God, click on the pop up or on the banner below.

Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?

Do you know the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat? A thermometer reads the temperature or reacts to it but a thermostat sets the temperature of a room.

I realized this week that as parents, and especially moms, it’s our job to be thermostats. We should be setting the temperature or the atmosphere in our homes, not reacting to it.

Have you ever come home from a long day at work and there are socks on the floor, beds aren’t made, school books are strewn everywhere and you find your children glued to the TV screen? If you haven’t then you are better parent than me. In moments like these, I so often lose my patience and become terribly annoyed. Suddenly, the whole house is in turmoil and everyone is on their nerves.

Now don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying that I should not address situations like that. What I am saying is that it is up to me to set the tone and mood of my house. If I come home frustrated and irritable, that is what the tone of my household will be.

How can we be stable thermostats who set the right temperature in our homes?

  1. Control our emotions – Before we walk through the door, we should take a deep breath and leave the worries and troubles of the day at the door. Walk in with a smile and you will set a pleasant atmosphere for the rest of the evening.
  2. Remember they are little people – I say this to remind us that although our children are small, they are still people. People with emotions and feelings. They mimic the mood we are giving off. Therefore, if we are stressed and anxious, they will be too. On the other hand, if we are calm and joyful, they will be too.

Let’s all work at setting the atmosphere of our homes instead of reacting to our circumstances. When we can do that, it will make for happier homes, more peaceful children and flourishing marriages.

If you need help controlling your emotions, going to Jesus in prayer is always helpful. If you would like to know more about this, click on the pop up or banner below.

Should your child have a cell phone?


My 11-year-old is already asking, “Mom, when can I get a cell phone?” Many of her friends have cell phones, many have Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts and Whatsapp. So the question is, should my child or your child have a cell phone? And if so, at what age is it appropriate?

Please understand that these are my opinions and you are under no obligation to follow them or agree with them. If what I am about to lay out works for you, great! And if not, that’s ok too. Do what works for your family. These are simply my thoughts.
When should a child have their own cell phone?

When there is no longer adult supervision

My son only got his own cell phone when he went to high school. Why you may ask? In primary school, there are always teachers supervising children. If my child needs to get in touch with me, they can go to the secretary’s office and make a phone call. However, I found this changes in high school. Teenagers are less supervised at high school and many times sports are cancelled or school lets out early. I found my son needed to get in touch with me because of the frequent changes to schedules in high school and the diminished adult supervision.

When they grow in self-control

I find that my 16-year-old has a lot more self-control than my 11-year-old. My 16-year-old can switch off a game when he knows his time is up or he needs to study. In contrast, my 11-year-old can spend hours playing video games or watching TV if I don’t control it and keep an eye on it. Giving an addictive device such as a cell phone to a child who is yet to grow in self-control is a recipe for disaster. I heard someone say that the addiction to a cell phone for a child is similar to a cocaine addiction. That is a pretty sobering thought.

In my next blog, we will look at the dangers of cell phone use by children and what you can do to protect your child.

We all need wisdom and insight to raise our children. When I don’t know what to do, I turn to God in prayer. Do you need to reconnect with God or know more about a real relationship with Him? If so, click on the banner below or on the pop up for more information.

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