Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Wendy Grages

Wendy Grages

The surprising key to being strong

Do you feel like you need to be strong? Or perhaps feel like you need to have it all together? Do you feel like a failure when you’re weak? There is pressure on us to be strong no matter what we are facing. I find it difficult to be strong all the time. What about you?

However, there is a surprising key to being strong. Many of us may think that the key to being strong is to just get stronger and be stronger. I have tried that in my life and it has not worked out well.

So what is the surprising key to being strong?

Learn how to be weak

The key to being strong is learning to be weak. It may sound like oxymoron but I found this to be true. What does this look like practically?

  1. Know your limits – When you feel yourself reaching your physical or emotional limit, take a break. It is okay to take a step back for a moment so that you can get your strength back.
  2. Allow yourself to be weak – It’s only in accepting our weakness that we can become stronger. When we accept our weakness, it allows us to rest and refresh. Allow yourself to be weak so that you can get stronger.

I love this scripture found in 2 Corinthians 12:9,

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Christ’s power is perfected when we are weak. So there is no need to be strong all the time. When we are weak, God’s power makes us strong. What a beautiful thought.

If you need this power that the Bible is talking about, it is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We can trade our weakness for His power. To know more about this, click on the pop up banner or on the link below.


Why moms need a break

Are you a mom? Do you hope to be one someday? Moms carry so much weight and responsibility when it comes to caring for and nurturing our children. Moms are on duty all day and night and rarely get a break. Here’s why moms really need a break:

We can all agree that we love our children and would do anything for them. If you’re not a mom yet, you’ll see when you have children of your own, how true this is. However, constantly caring for and looking after children can be tiring, if not downright exhausting.

Take for instance a mom of two children, both under the age of two years old. Just as she is feeding the one, the other starts crying. As she puts one down to sleep, the other wakes up. It’s a never-ending loop of running up and down from morning ’til night. It’s not just the working moms we should hail as heroes, but the stay at home moms who never get a break.

Taking a break as a mom is so important. You can’t be a great mom if you are frustrated, irritable, tired or overwhelmed. Believe it or not, you will be a better mom if you take a break than if you just tough it out. Give yourself a chance to miss your child/children. And give them a chance to miss you.

It may seem impossible to find a way to take a break. Here are some things that have helped me:

  1. Do something for yourself – Much of what we do as moms is for others. When it’s time for you to take a break, spoil yourself. I recently redeemed a voucher I have had for months and got my toe nails painted. You’ll be surprised how a change of pace and scenery can help calm and refresh you.
  2. Let others help you – Let your husband bath the kids while you read a magazine and drink a cup of tea. Alternatively, ask an older sibling to watch over the kids as they sleep so that you can take a nap yourself. Don’t try to do it alone. People are willing to help, even if they don’t offer. Just ask.

Moms are incredible and are a vital pillar in every family, so look after yourself. A relaxed and rested mom is the best kind of mom there is. Take a break, you’re worth it.

Finding real and lasting rest can often only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ. To find out how you can know this rest, click on the link below or on the pop up.

How to stay out of trouble

Have you ever found yourself in trouble? Have you ever found yourself in the wrong place, at the wrong time? Did you know there is a way to stay out of trouble?

I came across a very interesting story in the Bible, found in 2 Samuel 11. You may have heard the story of King David and Bathsheba. He was attracted to her when he saw her bathing and summoned her to his palace. She became pregnant with his child, so he arranged for her husband to be killed in battle. However, do you know how all this started? Here’s a clue:

2 Samuel 11: 1, “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army…But David remained in Jerusalem.”

Where did David go wrong?

  1. He wasn’t where he was supposed to be, when he was supposed to be there – All the kings went off to war in the spring. But David stayed behind instead of going off to war. While wandering around on the rooftop, he found temptation and temptation found him. If he had been where he was supposed to be, he would have avoided this temptation and sin altogether.
  2. He gave in to temptation – David could not control what he saw but he could control how he responded to it. He could have looked away and gone back into his palace. Although he couldn’t control being tempted by Bathsheba, he didn’t have to act on his desires.

So how can you stay out of trouble?

  • Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there. Don’t allow your hands to become idle.
  • Don’t let temptation find you. But if you do, don’t act on it. Simply look away and head in the opposite direction.

Although we cannot control what may tempt us, we can certainly control our response to temptation. Let’s stay out of trouble.

If you find it difficult to resist temptation, the Holy Spirit can give you strength to stand firm. To find out more about this, click on the link below or on the pop up.

Get off your phone

There have been many times that I have found myself driving behind someone who was driving badly. I would pull up next to them, look over and see them on their cell phone. Inevitably I would say out loud, “Get off your phone!” Now I know they cannot hear me but I shout it out anyway.

Perhaps someone has bumped into you in the mall because they were on their phone. Perhaps you got stuck at a red traffic light because the person in front of you was on their phone, thereby missing the green light. Have you also shouted, “Get off your phone”? Hopefully I’m not the only one.

It is really annoying when people are distracted because they are busy on their cell phones. I think we can all agree on that. However, if we’re honest, many of us are guilty of that very thing. We are distracted in life because we are busy on our cell phones.

I have three children so this topic really applies to me. I can easily drift off and not be paying attention to what they are saying because I am busy on my phone. Our whole society is obsessed with being on our phones. I wonder how much more we could get out of life if we would just get off our phones?

What does this look like practically?

  1. Schedule off time – be intentional about switching off your phone. Perhaps you could wait to check emails or social media until after your children have gone to bed? Another suggestion would be to not be on your phone during dinner time? These would go a long way in helping stay more connected to those around us.
  2. Focus on the people in front of you – it has been said that social media helps you to connect with people who are not with you by ignoring the people who are in front of you. Crazy isn’t it? How long can you be in someone’s company without getting on your phone? Make a decision to interact with the people in front of you instead of people out in cyber-space.

I know that I need to get off my phone. What about you?

The most important person you can connect with is Jesus Christ. To find out more about how to do that, click on the banner below or on the pop  up.

You only have one day

What would you do if you only had one day left? One day left at your job, one day left with your family or one day left on this earth. Would you do things differently? Would you appreciate the little things more?

I know I can answer yes to these questions. Did you know that you really only have one day? The Bible says in James 4:13 that we do not know what tomorrow will hold.

Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

All we can really focus on is today as we do not know what tomorrow will hold.

Setting goals is popular. Everyone has a five-year and ten-year plan. Planning is good but we can become so fixated on what is to come, that we miss out on the moments that are happening right now.

Here are some things that I have committed to do to ensure I enjoy every moment:

  1. Stay present – When we are thinking about tomorrow or next week or next year, it’s easy to mentally checkout from the here and now. Instead, give each moment your full attention. As a result, you may just find more fulfillment in the moment than you thought possible.
  2. Don’t wish the time away – Those of us with kids are often guilty of this. Perhaps you are in a difficult season and you are wishing the days away. The days will pass before we know it and we will look back longingly at days gone by.
  3. Find God in the everyday moments – God is present in each moment. By praying and tuning in to Him, we can discover His plan, His joy and His peace in each moment we face.

The next time you start wishing for tomorrow to come or next week or next year to come, remember that all you have is today. Find the joy that is hidden in each moment.

To connect with God and discover Him in each moment, click on the banner below or pop up for more details.

I’m too old for that

I recently saw some friends of mine skateboarding. My first thought was, “I’m too old for that.” But then a few days later I saw something that has changed my perspective.

I was walking along the beach and looked up to see two elderly ladies in one piece bathing suits. To my surprise, they were walking towards the ocean. Now although the weather was warm, the sea water was freezing. I should know because a rude wave crashed on my legs when I wasn’t looking.

These two ladies were clearly friends. I could see their tan lines which told me that they spent a lot of time outdoors and in their bathing suits. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched them strolling into the freezing water, jumping over the waves and then falling into them as the water got deeper.

Here I am saying that I am too old for this, yet these grandmas are swimming in the ocean. They are swimming when I won’t even dip my toe in it. This truly challenged me. These ladies inspired me to remember that age is just a number. I want to keep being adventurous and having fun, no matter how old I am.

What about you? Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’m too old for this”? I believe being old is a state of mind. I believe we can keep ourselves young and get the most out of life, no matter how old we get.

How to stay young:

  1. Look for ways to be adventurous – stay active and participate in activities even if you feel you are too old for it. As long as you are physically able, keep moving.
  2. Keep having fun – you don’t have to stop having fun just because you had a few birthdays under your belt. Find fun friends and make having fun a priority in your life.

I love that I got to see these two grandmas having fun at the beach. I am inspired to keep being adventurous and having fun, no matter how old I get.

We can search for a fulfilling life in many different things but true life is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. To find out more, click on the link below or on the pop up.

Trust your gut

Have you ever been told, “Just trust your gut”? Here’s why you should.

The other night I was on my way to drop my son off at a birthday party. But as I got into the car, something didn’t feel right. My gut was telling me that it wasn’t a good idea for him to go. It was difficult to explain to my son.  Although I didn’t know why my gut was telling me he shouldn’t go, I knew I had to trust my gut. Has that ever happened to you?

Now I have no idea what might have happened that night. There could’ve been a mugging or a car accident, who knows. Nevertheless, I knew I had to trust my gut.

In 2001, there was a tragedy in New York city involving the Twin Towers. Many people gave testimony afterwards that something didn’t feel right that morning. Many reported having a gut feeling to stay home that day, or go in a little later to work. Those people who heeded that gut feeling lived to tell the tale.

Trusting your gut is something we can all get better at. There’s also another word for it. It’s called discernment. The Bible talks about the fact that God gives us spiritual gifts when we come into relationship with Him. One of these gifts is discernment.

The definition of discernment is: distinguish, discern, judge or appraise a person, statement, situation, or environment.

When something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. God may be using it to steer you away from danger or harm.

Practice trusting your gut. The next time something doesn’t feel right, act on it. You’ll soon be able to identify that gut feeling and trust it.

Spiritual gifts are available to us all when we enter into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you would like to more about how to do this, click on the pop up or banner below.

Do your feelings rule you?

I recently sat across from a dear friend and we were discussing how life was treating us. We laughed at ourselves because we both admitted that our feelings often rule us.

What about you? Do your feelings rule you? I would say that many of us would answer yes to that question.

Don’t get me wrong, feelings are good to have. We would be heartless robots without them. Yet feelings have a time and a place. Our feelings can rule us if we are not careful.

Sometimes we don’t feel like going to work or going to church. Or maybe we don’t feel like exercising or going out with our friends. Nevertheless, regardless of how we feel, there are times where we need to rule our feelings and not let our feelings rule us.

So how do we get this right? Our world is obsessed with expressing our feelings and having the right to feel. How then do make sure that our feelings don’t lead us astray?

You’re in charge

When it comes to managing our feelings, remember that you’re in charge of your feelings. Often, our feelings steer our decisions and moods, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Take charge of your feelings.

Circumstances influence your feelings

Have you ever woken up in a great mood and then felt totally down after an unpleasant phone call or interaction? Circumstances definitely influence our feelings. If we are not careful, our feelings can cause our mood to go up and down several times throughout the day. When you realise that circumstances will try to influence your feelings, you can arrest it as soon as it happens. Remember, you decide how you are going to feel.

I know that much of this is easier said than done. Feelings are good things to have but not when they control our mood and responses.  If we are not careful, we can over feel and over think things to the point of paralysis. Our feelings can consume us and stop us from doing what we know we should.

So the next time you find yourself saying, “I just feel like…”, remember to arrest that immediately. Feelings can be deceitful and can lead us astray.  We decide our mood and our feelings. Despite what circumstances, or others, may do to try to ruin our day, we can look at ourselves in the mirror and tell ourselves how we will feel.

Our feelings and emotions can often get the better of us. I always find it helpful to bring these before God in prayer. If you would like to know more about how to do that, click on the banner below or on the pop up.


How the ordinary, everyday and boring are good for you

Did you know that the ordinary, everyday and boring things in life are actually good for you? I know it sounds crazy, but bear with me here.

I sat down last week at my dining room table to read my Bible. Sometimes I’m honestly excited to read it and other times I’m not. This was one of those ‘not’ times. It didn’t help that my reading for that day was in the book of Jeremiah. I don’t know if you have ever read it but it’s not the easiest, lightest or most encouraging book of the Bible. Nevertheless, I opened my Bible to where I had left off. The reading unexpectedly blew me away. I certainly wasn’t expecting God to speak to me through it.

Great expectations

Many of us are eager for God to do great things in our lives and through our lives. We are expectant for Him to bring along bigger things in our lives. Such as more opportunities, a pay increase, a promotion, a relationship or even a ministry platform. Desiring bigger and better things for our lives is a good thing. The Bible talks about God granting us the desire our hearts, therefore we know that it’s also His desire to bring bigger and better things into our lives.

However, it’s the ordinary, everyday and boring things in life that are actually good for us. As I was saying earlier, I never expected God to speak to me about this through a passage in the book of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 12:5

“If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?”

Mastering the basics

This passage teaches us that we first must master the everyday and ordinary things if we are going to be successful in handling bigger things. I love the analogy it draws. It says we won’t be able to compete with horses if we falter at an ordinary foot race. Profound isn’t it?

What does the ordinary, mundane and boring look like in your life? Perhaps you are a mom at home looking after kids, or a student or working at a menial job. We all desire greater things for our lives but it’s so important to do the ordinary, mundane and boring things well.


Ordinary things forge our character.

Mundane things grow our capacity.

Boring things increase our perseverance.

This post challenges me to do the everyday things well so that I will be fit to handle more. What about you?

If you would like to know more about all the good things God has in store for you or to reconnect with God, please click on the pop banner  or link below.


When you don’t feel like exercising

We all have good intentions when it comes to fitness and exercising. Almost all New Years resolutions include plans to exercise more and become more health conscious. It makes me giggle when I see how full the gym is during the months of January and February and how empty it is by October.

We are all guilty of this though. If starting to exercise and sticking to it were easy, we all would be doing it. We like the idea of being healthy and exercising but actually doing it is totally different.

Take me for example. I recently had a baby and I’m struggling with this first hand. Before she was born, I had my fitness strategy planned out and ready to implement after 6 weeks. But then came the sleepless nights and the housework, my other kids. I laugh at myself thinking I’d be running 5 kilometres pushing my baby in her pram.

Even though I am far away from my original fitness goal, that doesn’t mean I should just give up and hope my body miraculously returns to its former shape.

So what do you do when you don’t feel like exercising?

  1. Start small – I try to meet my friend once or twice a week to take a walk along the beach. I don’t beat myself up if I can’t manage to get there but I always enjoy it when I get it right. It’s not an all or nothing thing. A little bit of exercise is much better than none at all.
  2. Find something you enjoy – I do not like gyms. They look like colourful torture chambers to me! I have never been the gyming type and that’s ok. I prefer walking, jogging, bicycling outside. Find what you enjoy and use that to exercise.
  3. There are no quick fixes – Reaching our health and fitness goals takes time. We should take a life-long approach to exercising and not look for quick fixes. Instead of focusing on how much weight you want to lose, rather focus on being healthier. Let your goal be a consistent, active exercise routine instead of a number on a scale. If you do that, you will be surprised that you can achieve your weight goals without fixating on them.

As a friend of mine said, “Desire will get you started but discipline will get you to your goal.”

Happy exercising!

Being physically healthy is important but being spiritually healthy is even more so. To find out more about a relationship with God, click on the pop up or banner below.



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