It’s easy to criticize and to speak negatively of others. We do it sometimes without even thinking, it’s almost like second nature to us. We spew out words that break the character of others, instead of using our words to build others up. It’s almost as if we have become desensitized to the feelings of others, and we get excited when we relish in failure of others. It has become the norm to most, when it actually shouldn’t. We need less criticizing, and more empathizing. We need less judgement, and more encouragement.
The word “to encourage” means :
- To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
Did you know that through encouraging others we:
- Inspire others.
- Fortify others.
- Stir up others.
- Encouraging words can cheer someone on.
- Encourage hope in disheartened hearts.
- Lift others through kind words.
- Breathe fresh life into tired weary hearts through loving words.
If we had to pause and make a point of encouraging at least one person a day, I think it would turn into a natural habit or character trait. It will not only benefit the person on the receiving end, but it will encourage you too. Plus, I am a firm believer of “what we sow , we shall reap.” If we sow kindness, love, encouragement to others, we too shall receive it when it need.
Take note of the people in your world, from family, to friends, to college friends, through to work colleagues. Take a moment to encourage them, either in character or encourage them with the things they are passionate about. Then note how their faces light up, and how it will stir their confidence, faith and hope in themselves and in the things that they do going forward.
In the bible it says:
Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. – Proverbs 16:24
Let’s try to cultivate words that are used to build others up. Words that are sweet like honey, words that encourage , and feed the soul.
Who can you encourage today?