A funny story of something that happened a few years ago came to mind recently. This time, though, it carried an important encouragement that I’d like to share in this post.
A young boy from my church (let’s call him Mac), about 12 or 13 years old, approached me and told me that he urgently wanted to speak to me. Upon hearing him out, I learnt that he was desperately in love with a lady friend of mine who, if I’m not mistaken, was about ten or eleven years older than him. He asked me to tell him as much as I could about her and I did so – although I must admit I didn’t take him too seriously. When I had a chance to speak to my friend, I narrated to her my conversation with Mac and of course she too, like me, brushed him off and made nothing of it. ‘A little boy’s crush’ she said it was.
Soon, the great day came when the two met face to face and Mac got an opportunity to make his feelings known to my friend. I stood a short distance away and watched in amusement as he stepped up to her, shook her hand and started to speak. I would have started laughing my head off except that something completely amazing happened during the encounter. As he chatted her up, he didn’t let go of her hand but lingered and she seemed unable to fight it. He looked her straight in the eyes and didn’t flinch but spoke with supreme confidence and built his case. Like the classic Tom and Jerry toons, my jaws dropped as I noticed that she was actually beginning to tremble and even blush as the boy poured out his heart…
I’ll leave it to you to imagine how this story ended.
What a lesson about what confidence can do even for those who have been told that they don’t qualify! Perhaps all you need to break through is shift your attitude about yourself in relation to that challenge or mountain you’re facing.
One thing is certain: it can be done by you. Be confident in yourself!
One thing we know for sure here at 1Africa is that self-confidence on its own is meaningless if not rooted in something deeper. Where do you find your meaning and where does your confidence come from? Is it in your looks, your accomplishments or your family name?
If you’d like to know more about living life with a deeper, higher form of confidence, please click on the banner below. We’d like to tell you more.