Someone once told me: “get in the habit of catching your thoughts and you will be surprised to discover the kind of thoughts that cross your mind sometimes”. I’ve taken this advice seriously and have tried this. I have to say that when I did it, my thoughts were not all beautiful and full of hope.
If you have kids or are someone who has spent time with toddlers, you will have noticed how from a very tender age, as cute and innocent as they are, some can already display selfish tendencies when asked to share a toy or chocolate with their friends. You just wonder: “when did they learn to think and behave this way? Their tiny and still developing brains can’t possibly provide them with any info other than that which leads them to be sweet and lovely, can they? Or could it be that their parents are responsible for those early ‘selfish’ tendencies?”
The experience I had with my own thoughts and hearing those who’ve had their own experiences watching little ones grow and innocently act in ways that reveal human weaknesses simply shows that a human being is never perfect. No one can truly say they know it all and have it all figured out. There is, in each of our lives, an area where we strive to be better. It could be a bad habit we desire to break, our attitude that we want to see improved, or just learning how to genuinely love others. And the kind of help we need cannot come from ourselves.
“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,a puzzle that no one can figure out.But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human.” Jeremiah 17:9-10
You may have had moments like mine where you stand face to face with your weaknesses, your faults or whatever side of you that is not too beautiful and you feel like there is no room for escape and you lose all hope of becoming that “better” person you desperately want to be. Do not lose hope! The mere fact of acknowledging you have a weakness and desiring change is such a good place to be because there is help. Choose to make this simple prayer to the only One who knows your heart and has nothing but love for you. He will listen and answer you:
“God, create a pure heart in me, and renew a right attitude within me.” Psalm 51:10