Have you ever passed up an amazing deal because of one simple reason – even after all your friends spurred you on to take it ? Have you ever been in a situation where you’re 99% in and it’s just that 1% that convinces you to go the other way?
How often do we make life choices exactly like this?
Sometimes we are blessed with something, but we hesitate because it doesn’t look exactly the way we expected it to. We discard the gift because it didn’t come wrapped the way we wanted it.
My fiancé recently highlighted this important truth, and it really hit my heart. Sometimes we’re presented with a gift, but we reject it because we expected it to look different.
We tend to get caught up in the way the wrapping looks, and totally forget the gift inside.
It’s a human tendency to feel this way, but when you receive something, the “wrapping” shouldn’t matter.
Rather, be thankful for the moments and gifts God has sent along your way, and grasp every opportunity that presents itself – regardless of whether it matches your expectations.
You’ll be surprised how much God blesses you with when you start counting those blessings in disguise.