Five years after their last album, Bon Iver is set to end this drought with the upcoming release of their latest masterpiece, 22, A Million.
As with all things Bon Iver, the title really doesn’t make much sense, but we really don’t care. We simply cannot wait.
Bon Iver broke the news at Justin Vernon’s annual music festival Eaux Claires, in Wisconsin, USA, last Saturday.
In fact, most of the set at Eaux Claires included songs from the new album. Pitchfork live blogged the whole concert.
The album is set to be released at the end of September. In the meantime, you can check out the track list on iTunes.
While I’m sure the new album will carry the distinct Bon Iver sound, I am not entirely sure what to expect. Most of the song titles, as you will see on iTunes, make very little sense.
I cannot wait for the interviews where Justin Vernon explains the journey and creative process behind this work.
September may be a tad too far, if you’re a Bon Iver fan. That’s why they have been kind enough to give us a taste of things to come. Check out the video below – this one is called 22 (OVER S∞∞N):