No, you didn’t read wrong. Hollywood has officially lost the title of having the highest paid actors! The new title holders are really at the top of their game – no one can come close to matching their skill and apparent gift for drama.That’s right, the highest paid actors in the world aren’t found on a stage but rather on the soccer field.
If you have been following the world cup, you would have noticed on many occasions a player being harmlessly tackled, and immediately dropping to the floor in excruciating pain. This injuries don’t usually seem to last very long though, as the player is back on the field and running around within seconds of being attended to by the miracle-working medical staff.
We should probably give credit where credit is due. These players have made being injured an art form and it’s hard to tell who’s acting and who isn’t.
All jokes aside, I think there is a life lesson that can be learnt here. Often in life we find ourselves putting on a show to try and impress someone or we act a certain way because we know that that’s what all the “cool” kids are doing. Just as soccer players fake an injury to get a penalty, we often find ourselves faking who we are in order to achieve greater success, whether it been at school, in a work environment or at Church. Never fake who you really are.
The problem with being fake is that it eventually catches up with us. It’s impossible to consistently be something we are not. Eventually something has to give, and often the consequence of “faking” far outweigh the reward. All the pressure we put on ourselves eventually leads to low self-esteem, stress, anxiety and a loss of hope.
But with all the expectations the world puts on us, is it even possible not to be fake?
Yes. But it is not easy until you start seeing yourself a bit more like God sees you. Read Psalm 139 to get an idea of how crazy He is about you – just as you are.. We are all individually made by Him, all unique, all original. None of us are the same. If you are so wonderfully made by a perfect Creator, why would you want to be someone else? No one will ever be a better version of you, than you.
Jesus died to save you, not the person he wants you to be or the person others think you should be. He doesn’t need you to be something else, something fake. All he wants is you to have a relationship with him, just as you are. We are all made in his image (Genesis 1:27).
So make a choice not to live your life like the worst kind of soccer player, constantly faking your way though life. Rather live out your life knowing who you are and whose you are.