In a recent episode of Shades of Blue, a father and son had a conversation in the hospital, after the son survived multiple gunshot wounds. At the time of the shooting the two did not have the best relationship. If fact, the night when the son was shot, they were having an argument. After a visit from his father in the hospital, the son said this to him:
“Everything is cracked, because that’s how the light gets in, Things break, and light forces it way into the dark places and illuminates what matters.”
“What’s that?”
Brokenness is always seen as a negative thing. We view brokenness as something that is incapable of ever being repaired. Why do we choose brokenness and not the light? Or do we force the light out with all our brokenness. I believe that if we allow ourselves to forgive, that we will allow the light to repair the broken pieces that we have.
Before dealing with a tragedy, I believe that we ought to allow God to be the light in our lives. We should also allow Him to help us forgive that which has broken us. Light always exposes the darkness. Here are some ways that I believe we allow ourselves to walk in the light and to heal.
Forgive, even when it hurts.
Often unforgiveness holds us back and stops us from moving forward in life. By hanging onto your hurt you not only hold yourself for ransom but you also prevent yourself from allowing God’s light to shine on what matters most. It is in those painful seasons that God uses us the most and radiates His light through us. Forgive, and let God do the rest.
Light exposes the darkness.
Don’t try and hide from God. He isn’t out to get you, He just wants to help you. Allow yourself to be honest with a friend that you can confidently confide in about what is going on in your life. Most importantly, be honest with God. He is just waiting for you to ask, so that you can receive all that He has set out for you. We all have broken places in our life, but God will still use you to shine brightly for Him.
Choose to live in the light.
We actively need to choose to live in the light. Brokenness can consume us, but we need to choose forgiveness and choose to live and walk in the light. There will be days when we feel like we don’t want to choose the light, but those are the days that we need to remind ourselves that hiding is never a good thing. For light always exposes the darkness.
I pray that you choose to walk this life with the light of the world, Jesus. He will help you through your brokenness and give you peace through your brokenness. All you need to do is ask.