Monocle is one of the top companies when it comes to positive literature in the world today. Whether you subscribe to their monthly magazines or follow them online (check them out by clicking here), they always produce current, relevant content that expands your worldview while appealing to the fundamental desire for a world that actually works.
One of their more recent offerings, however, has taken it to a whole new level. As a Christian in Africa, I believe that it is my mandate – and the mandate for a whole lot of other people – to build our respective nations. Monocle has released a comprehensive and extremely broad-covering coffee table book in which they tackle this very topic in How to Make a Nation: A Monocle Guide.
What I love is the celebration of diversity that is represented in the pages. There are multiple articles focussing on what DOES work instead of what doesn’t. Check the promo out below:
Not just pretty pictures
You cannot help growing your perspective when you take time to read through this publication. Not only do you find yourself accepting the differences of others, but also seeing where you, and your nation, sits within the patchwork group of continents we call earth.
In a time when national and societal problems can overwhelm us, it is refreshing to read something so innovative and intentionally constructive. I wish I could buy every single person a copy. It would be worth the cost just for hope it could instill.
If you are looking for hope. If you need a break from the bad. If you need to see the relevance of your daily struggle, it is scientifically proven that focussing your thoughts on God can change your stress levels. If we need healthy nations, we needs healthy souls – leading others to healing. Jesus is an essential part of that journey. Click on the link below if you want to find out how He changes not only your perspective, but the world you live in.