This is a question many women have.
If anything should give us hope in life, it is the realization that God is a merciful God. He is a loving Father who never rejects a repentant soul. “A contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn” (Psalm 51:19).
Abortion is a terrible sin; in fact, God views abortion as murder. Yet His grace is so sufficient. If you have been through an abortion and are asking: What do I need to do to be forgiven?
The very first thing you need to know is that God wants to bring peace, forgiveness, and joy to your life—and He will if you will let Him. Anything that separates you from God, including having had an abortion, can be forgiven if you come to God in true repentance.
To repent is to change your mind about your actions so completely that you change your actions. Part of that is being sorry for what you’ve done. Not just sorry for the circumstances that you feel forced you into doing it, but sorry that you did it, regardless of the circumstances.
There is no question about God’s forgiving, but sometimes we are not willing to confess our sin and commit it to Him for forgiveness.
But as you commit the actions of the past to God, you will receive peace, comfort, and assurance through Jesus Christ. We believe that God, through His Word and the power of His Spirit, can minister peace to you in the midst of your emotional distress; God’s Word offers us the peace that passes all understanding. As you fully commit this problem to the Lord, you will begin a new relationship of hope and comfort in Christ which will assure you that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
While God does forgive, abortion carries so much guilt that it is difficult to feel forgiven. After turning a problem over to the Lord, we often pick the problem up once more and agonize over it again and again. Instead, we must decisively choose to leave the matter with Him and put it out of our minds, refusing to think about it or dwell upon it in any way. As God forgives, He also forgets.
As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12).
However, it is not good to think about a sin (abortion or something else), decide that you will repent the next day, and go ahead and do it. That isn’t repentance. And God does not forgive someone who hasn’t truly repented. So if you are thinking about having an abortion, you will come to deeply regret it.
When you submit to God, in return, He forgives completely. He never brings your sin up to you again. He chooses to forget it, and treats you as if you had never sinned. He gives you peace instead of guilt. He heals your broken heart. He assures you of His love for you. He gives you help to do what you ought to do when you feel like giving up. He promises that He will never leave you. He adopts you as His child and He guarantees that no power or circumstance, including death itself, can ever rob you of your relationship as His child.
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy (Micah 7:18).
Don’t try to punish yourself and think that if you cause enough pain to yourself, God will be more likely to forgive you. That’s the wrong approach. That’s trying to pay for your own sin and satisfy God on your terms.
Don’t forget that you might need further help for yourself. The abortion has left a deep wound in your psyche that needs healing. This requires time and the help of others.
Whatever your situation, just submit to God and enjoy His forgiveness. Allow Him to heal you. If you are tormented by feelings of guilt after an abortion and would like to speak to someone who can help you get back on your feet and move forward in life, click on the banner below or send us a message at [email protected]. We would like to walk this journey with you
Partially sourced from : billygraham.org, stl-defenders.com