So we all have someone in our lives that we love, whether it is a family member, husband, wife or friend. These people all mean the world to us and I’m pretty sure that we would do anything for them. But does anything include loving them unconditionally? I’m not saying we don’t love these people, but rather do we love them no matter what?

Well to be honest that’s not an easy question to answer because what is unconditional love, is it when we forgive our partner for disappointing us or not holding our friend responsible for crashing our car, maybe it’s when we choose to love the person who is bullying us? All of those are good examples of love, but unconditional love doesn’t just love in certain circumstances but rather loves in every circumstance, whether it be big or small.


I personally can’t imagine a love that sees no record of wrong, I’d be a liar to say that I loved everyone in my life and wouldn’t allow anything to come in-between that. The truth is I’m human; I get annoyed, disappointed, hold grudges and often let my emotions get the best of me.

That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of love but rather I’m incapable of unconditional love. But does that then mean that there is no such thing as unconditional love? The answer quite simply is NO.

There is a love that is unconditional, no matter the circumstance, a love that goes above and beyond anything we have ever experienced before, a love that forgives us even when we turn our backs on it. This isn’t a love that is here today and gone tomorrow, but a love that has been with us since the day we were born.

This love can only be found in one place, and that is in Jesus.


Jesus isn’t just a historical figure, he is a man who came down to earth to die for us, so that we may have access to and experience this unconditional love. He is the one that brings freedom and allows us to be able to approach God and have a relationship with him. It’s hard enough loving one person unconditionally, now imagine loving everyone like that.

What is even crazier is that God doesn’t love one person more than another, he loves everyone equally. Whether they acknowledge him or not!

So if there is such a thing as unconditional love, why wouldn’t you want to embrace that? Jesus died to set us free, there is no price for his unconditional love, all we have to do is follow him and live a life that brings glory to his name.


If you would like to know more about Jesus or unconditional love, please send us a message. We would love to hear from you.