There is nothing worse than carrying a heavy load. Consider a car overloaded with goods, transporting far more weight than it should. Have you seen how the boot (or trunk) sags all the way to the ground, it looks weird, but imagine the damage it’s causing to your car. It was never designed to carry the load, yet you’re abusing it. This reminds me of the saying: “The last piece of straw that broke the camels back.”
You and I were not created to entertain habits of stress! Stress will cause all kinds of medical complications for our bodies – this has been proven, medically! Our problem is that we’re too busy carrying dead weight. It causes us to loose sight of what’s really important and involuntarily causes us to become so focused and consumed by the mountains in our lives.
It’s time we, shake it off and free ourselves of the dead weight that we carry. Imagine carrying a 5kg bag on your back. It might not seem like an extravagant weight, but trust me, after an hour, you’ll feel it. This is what we do. We have all these little weights that we carry around with us. The problem is, they pile up and cause us great strain.
The best solution I have for all or us who are carrying dead weight – let it go! It might even help you to break out in song and sing “Let it go, let it go”…
But seriously, life is too short for us to be bound by our negative circumstances and troubles. Let’s deal with them, find solutions to them, and begin living as free people, who are not bound by these things.
If you are heavy laden and feel weighed down, please click the banner below and get in touch with us, we’d love to help you in giving you advice on how to truly live a free life.