Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Why Do Women Stay?

We often find ourselves asking, "Why do women stay in abusive relationships?" or "Why don't they leave?" These types of questions -  whether it's intentional or not - actually put...

Who Do I Talk To?

The fact that so many women and their children are abused are beyond shocking.  The more statistics I gobble up, the worse everything seems, and then it dawns on...

Is It My Fault?

What did I do to deserve this?  How could it have been avoided?  Is it my fault?  Questions like these are all too familiar when terrible things happen to...

Can The Abuser Change?

Very often, we focus on survivors of violence and abuse. However, no one ever thinks of what happens to the perpetrators except for the fact that they go to jail. Do...

Do Only Women Get Abused?

Last weekend, I watched a horrifying video. In all honesty, a part of me regrets watching it and I've been battling to erase the images of what I saw...

Is there hope after abuse?

Well, for the past few days here at 1Africa we’ve been tackling the issue of violence as one of the major issues affecting humanity and yes, it is happening...

Am I Alone?

More often than not, victims of abuse feel they deserve every bit of pain and humiliation they have suffered at the hands of their abusers. At first glance, abuse...

Where did all the good men go?

A recent book by  Guy Garcia, emotively titled The Decline Of Men states  'At the dawn of the 21st century, men are not just the weaker sex, they are also...

How Do I Protect My Children?

Sometimes parents, especially mothers, feel a sense of helplessness and don’t know if they can protect their kids from harm. What can parents do to protect their kids? Here are...

I want to leave but where do I go?

People who have suffered abuse often live in a constant, paralyzing fear, and because of the bond established between them and the person who's abused them, leaving the relationship...

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