Saturday, March 15, 2025

Revealing Jesus

This lady needs very little introduction.  She’s been writing songs, leading worship since the late 1980’s, has numerous gold albums and has her songs...


We had the privilege of catching up with Nicolas from a very trendy, as well as interesting company called AFRICA IS THE FUTURE. Check...

Sometimes Democracy Doesn’t Work

We often have discussions in our office about the best way to do things. We get into massive discussions about how we should work...
Home Movie for the Deaf

A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?

As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good...

The Ancestor

  My grandfather was a proud man who never compromised when it came to his culture and values. Many knew him as Ashumba, the Lion,...

What Women Want: The Inside Scoop For Guys

Today we continue our series on men and women in relationships, in particular as it relates to gaining the inside scoop on what women...

The “Do’s and Don’ts” when going for a Job Interview.

So, you've  got a promising Job Interview coming up and you don’t have a clue what to wear?! Here are the “Do’s and Don’ts” when going...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Cassava

Cassava and peanuts porridge dish Featured cook: Gloria from the DRC Ingredients: Dried peeled cassava Fresh or dried peanuts Method: Get the dried cassava pounded using a mortar and...

BIG UP to my African Brother!

We often speak about absent fathers, men who have abandoned their roles as fathers to their families and more importantly the role of fathers...

Somali Piracy

  I think by now we all know about Somali Piracy. We've heard about it often enough in the media. And when you hear about...

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