The Perception Filter
Having a Perception Filter is probably one of the most naturally human tendencies each and every one of us has. Of course you may disagree...
Advertising, Media and the Manipulation of the Nations
Advertising, media and the manipulation of the nations
We live in a media driven generation, even more so than in the previous decades where everything...
David Imani interview on BASSLINE
Earlier this month on Bassline, I spent time in the studio with musical prodigy, David Imani. Originally from the DRC, now based in Johannesburg,...
The election of Kenya’s new President Uhuru Kenyatta could be a problem
Kenya’s new president has been announced; however this final result contains many surprises and contradictions. The man who has been appointed as president is...
What is Love?
When talking to a spouse, a child, a parent or even a friend, do you find yourself saying ‘I love you’ when you say...
Wait a Minute! Did He Just Say ‘Addicted To Porn’?
Yes, he did just say ‘addicted to porn’. Being addicted to porn is not only a reality for many men in society but also...
When you are told – you are the hope!
Ghandi said: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ – that quote is often used and has become quite cliché. It’s...
Why Denim never goes out of Fashion
Why Denim never goes out of Fashion
“I have jeans with holes in them and I have nice jeans. I have casual and I have...
To Die For
Did you know that there is blood on your cell phone?
When I first heard this question, I had to find out more.
What I discovered...
Get angry – Three Little Pigs Video Release
Get Angry
Through all the news coverage and more and more explicit movies being released nowadays, we've become numb as a society. We are bombarded...