Wednesday, March 12, 2025

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Smoked Cat fish (Poisson Fume)

Smoked Cat fish (Poisson Fume) Feature Cook: Caroline from The DRC Ingredients: Cat fish (poisson fume) Tomatoes Onions Green pepper Garlic Cooking oil Salt and spices Preparation: Cat fish (poisson fume) preparation – Soak the...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Caldeirada (Portuguese Fish Stew)

Caldeirada (Portuguese Fish Stew) Featured Cook: Cassidy from South Africa Ingredients: 2 White Potatoes Lamb meat Olives 2 Fresh tomatoes 1 Onion 1 Green pepper Chorizo 4 medium carrots 1 clove of garlic    Method: Boil the...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Chicken and Butternut Quiche

Chicken and Butternut Quiche Featured Cook: Cassidy from South Africa Ingredients for crust: 1 cup cake flour 110g butter or margarine 50g grated cheddar cheese Ingredients for filling: 300-400g chicken breasts 1...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Pineapple and Pea Salad

Pineapple and Pea Salad Featured Cook: Tamburai from Zimbabwe Ingredients: 500g Cut pieces of fresh Pineapple 1 cup Frozen or fresh peas Fresh coriander Lemon juice   Method: Fry up Pineapples in some...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Kapenta Peanut

Kapenta Peanut Featured Cook: Billings from Zambia Ingredients: Kapenta Pounded Raw Nuts Onions Green pepper Olive Oil Salt Method: Fry the Kapenta until Golden brown. Add Onions and green pepper with a hint of salt. Fry...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Chicken Livers

Chicken Livers Featured Cook: Ben from South Africa Ingredients: 500g of Chicken livers 1 Onion 2 Tomatoes Curry powder 2 table spoons of sunflower oil. Salt.   Method: Put Oil in a pan till the...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Baked Sweet Potatoes

Baked Sweet Potatoes Featured Cook: Maria from Uganda Ingredients: Sweet potatoes. Salt. Black Pepper. Method: Cut up some sweet potatoes. Rinse them.  Put them on a baking tray. Spice them up with black pepper...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Pumpkin Leaves

Pumpkin Leaves Featured Cook: Billings from Zambia Ingredients: Fresh Pumpkin Leaves Pounded Raw Peanuts Water Salt Pepper Pot Method: Cut the Pumpkin leaves into small pieces. Add the cut Pumpkin Leaves into boiling water. Add some...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Isigwamba/Isijabani

Isigwamba/Isijabani Featured Cook: Thuthula from South Africa Ingredients: 500g of Spinach 1 to 2 Onions 500g of maize meal/mealie meal 3 of cups of water Method: Boil...

AAA Kitchen Recipes: Hamburger Angolano (Angolan Burger)

Hamburger Angolano (Angolan Burger) Featured Cook: Angelo from Angola Ingredients: A burger roll Slice of cheese 1 Large egg 1 Potato Lettuce 150g piece of beef steak Slice of ham Mayonnaise Ketchup/Tomato sauce Method: Rub some salt...

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