Complacency Will Kill You
It's no secret, I love the outdoors. I enjoy hiking and exploring wild life. One of my favorite animals are birds. I enjoy studying...
Dream Effectively
We all have goals and ambitions. If we all reached everything we have dreamed about, the world would be a remarkable place! But we...
6 Ways To Tell You Are In The Wrong Job
There’s always excitement and motivation in starting a new job, especially if you’ve been in the market for a while or just started working...
Why Is Having Friends As an Adult So Hard
I just accepted a great job several hours away from where I currently live. I have a great group of friends here, and I’m...
Why You Should Start a Business in Your Twenties
If you are anything like me, you'll have an aptitude for entrepreneurship and making money using the skills in your heart and the tools...
3 Little Habits That Will Kill Your Dreams
If it seems like everyone else is succeeding but you – you might be sabotaging your success with these bad behaviours.
If you look around...
The Creative Benefits of Solitude
Without great solitude no serious work is possible. — Pablo Picasso
Being in community is a crucial part of the human experience. Our lives and...
Traffic Congestion Changed My Life
If you live within a 50 km radius of any city in Africa, it is probably part of your daily life. According to, 59 198...
The Benefits of Routine
Having a daily routine is very important for anyone trying to stay motivated and on task. I know, for myself, without a routine I...
Job Interviews Go Both Ways
You are ready to accept a new job. Or so you think.
You've done everything the experts recommended to do before your interview or before...