Thursday, March 27, 2025

Ways to fall back in love with your job

Many of us fall in and out of our jobs like they are relationships. And, like relationships you have to keep working on them,...

The comparison game

Have you ever played the comparison game? It's the game where no-one wins and everyone loses. Why is comparison such a tricky thing that...

Do you love drama?

We all have seasons in our lives which are chaotic and unpleasant. From time to time, we all experience some drama. Hopefully, it's short-lived...

The ‘Resistancy’ of Consistency

I know… ‘Resistancy’ isn’t a proper word. But I’m not just trying to sound clever. In my short experience of life I have found...

Help! I’m addicted to my phone

It's not something that we are eager to admit. Being addicted to anything is something we all try to avoid. But that's the tricky...

What must I do with my life?

We all ask this question at some point in our lives, "What must I do with my life?". Everything else comes with an instruction...

How to become Instagram famous

Step out of the way Hollywood - everyday girls and guys are becoming internet famous and they are not even moving to LA. The...

How to start a blog in 2017

It’s 2017. The world is changing, more and more people are building their own platforms and creating a piece of digital space online they...

Have you stopped dreaming?

Life can be cruel. Somewhere in our lives, we start dreaming about what our lives can be. Perhaps you feel that God placed a...

Excuse abuse

It’s so easy to have an excuse. Nowadays everything has become a reason to skip out on things you are expected to do. We...

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