Thursday, January 23, 2025

S.A Army Wants The Youth

Johannesburg - As soon as June next year, young people could find themselves forced to become part of a youth military programme as government tries new ways to contain...

20 Salary Negotiation Strategies

Going for a job interview can be so complicated as there are so many do's and don’ts involved.  Here are 20 Salary Negotiation Strategies to assist you once you've been given the...

10 Career Tips For A 20-Something

As college graduates venture out into the real world the journey begins for them to start their professional adventure. They are looking for a definitive path and the best...

God Can Use You Too

1. He was one of six children and only son of single mother. 2. He graduated from high school, moved to Chicago, and eventually to California. 3. He took tennis lessons from...

How To Control A Job Interview (Part 2)

Turn Questions Around to Your Advantage In our primer on answering difficult questions, we shared Woodall’s advice on how to respond to challenging queries. The trick is often to adjust...

How To Control A Job Interview (Part 1)

There are two ways to approach a job interview. With the first, you take a pretty passive stance. You control what you can on your side of things — dressing...

I am Responsible

When it comes to accomplishments and the glitz & glam of life, we enjoy the attention and recognition - it does feel good to achieve much and to be recognized for...

3 Keys To Creating Better Business Relationships

Relationships make the world go round. In many aspects of life, relationships are a big key to growth and success. This principle holds very true when it comes to...

How To Be Taken Seriously

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to make a great first impression? How about feeling like you wanted to be taken more seriously...

How to step out of your comfort zone

Do you ever feel like something is holding you back from reaching your full potential? You might have a dream or an ambition that you can't quite get to because...

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