Monday, March 24, 2025


The word was made up by the founder of Operation Mobilisation (OM), George Verwer and refers to the ‘mess’ we often find in the...

When Justice was served

Yesterday I spent the day with a diverse group of incredible people who largely had one thing in common. We had all been a...

Who are you really?

When last have you stopped to ask yourself this question, "Who are you really?" As the years go by, the circumstances of life can...

What’s the big deal about Jesus?

All over the world, we are approaching the Easter Weekend. It is the time of year where Christians remember the death of Jesus Christ....

Valuing diversity

Value is such a contentious issue in our world today. Everything has a price - everyone is measuring worth. Whether it is likes on...

Counter Culture at Hillsong Powerhouse Summerfest

Last Friday we attended Hillsong Church’s young adults event called Summerfest! This was the second edition of the event held at the Hillcrest Quarry...

Is Jesus into that justice stuff?

It is exactly fifty days to go til the first ever Justice Conference in South Africa. This is a significant occasion. One of the biggest...

Good Looking or Looking Good?

I recently went through a massive overhaul of my closet and overall look. The next thing you're probably thinking is why? Well before I get...

When what God gives you is not enough

Have you ever prayed and believed for something? What was the outcome? Have you always received exactly what you prayed for? What do you...

What Matters Most At Christmas?

I did all my Christmas shopping before the start of December this year – that’s a first. Then, much to the delight of our...

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