How to find a church home
This time of year sees many people visiting churches. It can be difficult to find a great church you can call home. And sometimes...
Adding Value This Christmas
Do you want this Christmas to be significant or are you happy for it to float on by and fade into the mists of...
Are you a Christmas tree Christian?
It's that time of year again where we all put up our Christmas trees. They only come out once a year and they are...
God heals with Doom?
A South African "prophet" has recently made the news for healing people with an insecticide called "Doom". His claim that God heals with Doom...
My Gran was so great
My Gran was a crazy old lady. I sometimes think all old ladies are a little crazy, it’s the passing of time that makes...
Jesus had no time for religion
"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world..." John 17:15
Growing up, I came to realise there was a certain wariness...
Building a nation: Christians and racism
Being in a mixed race relationship is one of the biggest adventures I have ever embarked on. To be honest, I don't know if...
How do you handle Halloween?
For many years Halloween remained a bit of a non-event in South Africa. The high walls and fences, guard dogs and armed response around...
God and dating
Most children find moving schools hugely traumatic, but I thrived when we moved from one side of town to the other and had to...
You’re such a snob!
I’m a coffee snob. When it comes to coffee it should be properly ground black coffee – no sugar.
Maybe it’s your favourite brand of...