‘It might seem crazy what I’m about to say. Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break.’ I’m pretty sure you have heard these...
Out of curiosity, I recently did a search on Google just to see what people want to know most about Christians. What I found...
Speak Life
No matter what we may be facing in life we have the ability to speak both negative or positive words into the atmosphere.
We may...
Book of Remembrance
Our past laid the foundation for our future, who we are today and how we handle situations through learning out of past experiences. In...
Street Light
This is a poem about the internal battles we face as human beings.
Street light so bright, you provide me with the spot light….
You bring...
Sometimes You’ve Just Got To Laugh It Off
I was chatting to a couple of volunteers after a service at church one night. We're all part of the audiovisual department which often...
Musical Freedom
Have you ever listened to a mainstream artist that you've always admired but heard a lyric or 2 that's bothered you and you've asked:...
Share your good news
In today’s society we get bombarded with constant bad news. Reading about murders, rape and accidents every single day has become a norm we...
A Deaf movie that speaks volumes?
As clichéd as it may sound, I have always been (very unashamedly) one of those girls who loves being comfortably couched in front of a good...
Judgemental Much??
How judgemental are you? Take the quiz and find out (and be honest!)
1. Your friend has re-decorated their house by painting their walls mustard...