Have a Little Faith
Faith. We have it, we can always do with more of it, but we think we never have enough. We need faith for when we're...
An open heart
There is a man whose life is a constant source of inspiration to me and whenever I read his books, even those giving an...
If Jesus was an African
If Jesus came as an African, would He have been heard? Would anyone have taken him seriously or would they have scoffed at Him...
You Matter
I have a dream. Part of that big dream is to make a difference in someone's life. The sort of 'difference' that at some...
Work Hard. Be Diligent.
Work. Depending on your experiences, background and upbringing, this word either traumatizes you or energizes you when you read it. When we look into...
Worship God
Worship God! That's what the Word of God directs us to do, but that should just be a reminder of something we want to...
People Are Angry
I love reading people's online comments. The story that has caught my attention and filled that 'I-simply-must-know' gap should be enough, but for...
Who’s Your Guide?
Every sportsperson or musician who has made it big in their career has had one thing in common - good coaching. Vince Lombardi said:...
What Do I Give?
A Mango tree never produces guavas, it can only produce mangoes, because it is a mango tree. Everything that can reproduce itself, reproduces after its...