9/11 Perspective
Some of the most captivating stories from the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA were recounted by the many firefighters who served and saved...
God can use an ass. And He does!
There has been plenty of speculation regarding God's sense of humour. Does He enjoy a good chuckle over the same things we do? Or...
Behind every wow…
This weekend is the African Cup of Nations final!
That’s not what I want to talk about but I am glad I have your attention.
How To Change A Life
The hype over Lance Armstrong's confession intrigued me. I didn't really care much for it at first because the media loves to make a...
Waiting for Christmas?
I recently came across this advert for the John Lewis online store. It's a quirky little video about a little boy who couldn't wait...
A King who came to serve.
The guys from Igniter Media put this beautiful animated video together about Christmas.
It really puts things into perspective when it gets explained like this.
I Look Better In That
Our church hosted our annual end of year party the other day - Â and what a party it was! The theme was 80's and...