Monday, March 10, 2025

TRAILER: The Heart of Man

In my usual Facebook perusal (I am guilty of a few a week) – I came across a recurring link that stopped me in...

Lessons learned from The Shack

I recently watched the movie, The Shack. You may have read the book? It's a very interesting story that really makes you think. Without...

The image of God in you

Do you see the image of God in others? I will let you into a little secret, an idea I had a week or so...

13 Reasons Why Not (Plus 2)

By now you’ve probably seen or heard of 13 Reasons Why. It’s been everywhere and has been hailed for getting people talking about bullying,...

3 signs that you’re not listening

How do you know if you are hearing and receiving what you need to live well? There is enough information available for you to...

I need help praying!

Sometimes there just is nothing you can do about a situation. The line at the grocery store is too long and you end up...

The powerful whisper

If you ask anyone to tell you what surprised them most about becoming a parent I’m fairly certain that the list of unexpected realities...

We don’t need to fix everyone

You see yet another wounded damaged soul, someone who is ready to go to war, someone who needs you to fight on their behalf, let's...

Careful or Fearful?

My youngest daughter is starting to become mobile by crawling and cruising around. I find myself saying "Be careful baby" many times per day....

Poverty of the soul

What is poverty? There are a lot of conversations happening in my country, South Africa, at the moment about black and white people. But at the...

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