Monday, September 16, 2024

An eternal romance song

An ancient king once composed a song. A song whose every note struck a chord that tugs at more than just the heartstrings of man. Rising in elation at...


So we all get scared.  It’s natural.  But during certain times of the year, fear becomes the focus of our attention.  With Halloween having just passed it dawned on...


Out of curiosity, I recently did a search on Google just to see what people want to know most about Christians. What I found left me with mixed emotions...

Eyes of Wonder

Here I am, all the way from The Netherlands, travelling in Africa. A dream is coming true! And time flies when you’re having fun... Sometimes time actually seems to stand...

Death is not the end

Death is not a word we like to associate ourselves with. Many of us have been touched by it directly or indirectly. No matter how much dying is part...

Worth Something

One of my favourite pastimes is watching TV; more specifically animated TV programs. I love cartoons; I find they work best in clearing and emptying the mind. One of...

Spot Test

Everyday, we're put to the test in some way or another. I've never really enjoyed spot tests, but I do love quizzes. So, today we have a little spot...

What is your destination?

Imagine that I did not tell my best friends that I would leave them for a couple months to travel in Africa. Just packed my stuff, boarded the plane...


2014 has arrived! It’s a time of new thinking, new diets, new resolutions, new relationships & maybe kicking a few bad habits to the curb. There is a fresh excitement...

Your Personal Vision for 2014

Like me, some of you reading this hit 2014 running hard.  Short holiday, Christmas chaos, wondering why you bothered staying awake for midnight on the 31st… and suddenly you’re...

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