Monday, March 10, 2025

Choose To Forgive When You’re Hurt

Pain happens Have you ever been in a situation where no matter how good you are, or how much effort you put into something, you’ve...

If You Found Yourself Before a King

What would you do if you found yourself before a king? We don't really have kings and queens ruling countries like in the old...

Wish You Were Someone Else? Not Anymore!

Some words make me sad. It was a Saturday morning, I sat in my regular coffee shop in town with a friend making patterns...

What Part of Death Is Fair

Heaven is something my heart is set on. Living for eternity is within my bones because God has created us to last forever with...

Directions: We Are All Experts, Until We’re Lost

MOST of us would know the famous analogy of the couple driving somewhere. They haven’t been to this place before, but the driver –...

Look To God

There are moments in life where nothing makes sense. Every avenue you take leads to a cul-de-sac and you simply do not know where...

While There’s Life There’s Hope

Life is very unpredictable! No matter how much planning goes into something, inevitably it won't go 100% as smoothly as planned. In preparing for...

Why You Should Not Give Up On The Church

I have heard many people advance the excuse that church people are fake or that they've been hurt by the church as the reason...

4 Questions That Will Deepen Your Understanding Of God

Throughout the four biographies of Jesus in the Bible, He is asked 183 questions. Of those 183 questions, how many do you think He...

Step Out In Faith

Often when we are in the midst of trials and tragedies in our lives, we struggle on our own power, rowing our boat frantically...

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