Sunday, January 19, 2025

God Hears Your Prayer

Do you believe in prayer? I find that praying is something that comes naturally to humans. Regardless of who you pray to, there is something in us all that...

Where’s My Blessing?

If God really wants to bless us and take care of us, then why are so many people not experiencing a blessed life? Everywhere you turn, there are books and...

Faith Makes a Fool of What Makes Sense

When I grew up I never had a strong foundation in who I was, even though I grew up in a Christian home I would let others determine who...

When Light Is Loud

“What advice would you give to a Christian who is doing art or anything else outside of the church but who still wants to be ‘relevant’ to the world...

I’m Here But I Want To Be There

Do you sometimes think you have been dealt a rough hand in life and everything you try fails, every great idea gets shut down, every time you say what...

Counterfeit Marriage

One of the saddest statements I’ve heard time and again when a person loses their spouse is, “I feel like I’ve lost a part of me.” And they truly...

What To Do When You Lose Your Faith

Loss Is More than Failing to Try But what do you do when, with all the sleepless wrestling and the furrowed-browed prayers and the ceaseless questions and the best-intended efforts,...

God Can Do Something Powerful In Your Life!

Do you feel as though everyone else seems to have it all together except you? Are you struggling with a life-crisis caused by a personal character flaw, indiscretion, or...

Keep Your Eyes On The Dream, Wait, What Dream?

It’s a great reminder to hear when things are tough; keep your eyes on the dream. Of course right? So easily said, yet at times, it’s close to impossible....

What To Look For In A Church

There are so many churches with many different flavours, options and unique characteristics; but with all of these variants, how do we know what church to go to? Before choosing...

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