Friday, September 20, 2024

The Price of Redemption

So, it’s a fact that we all mess up.  We have all made mistakes along the way. Some bigger than others, but the truth is, a mistake is still...

We Are One

I've started to wonder about the power of sport.  I'm South African and when our rugby team won the Rugby World Cup in 1995 on home soil, just a...


Whether we think about it or not, every day we walk by faith. That’s right, today just by walking, you are walking by faith. You might be reading this thinking,...

What Does It Mean To Know Life?

So to state the obvious, if you are reading this you are quite clearly alive. But what does it mean to be alive, I mean when one day you...


To be honest, I must say the headline “Sudanese Christian may soon be free” took me by surprise. I’m sure you are familiar with this story that’s been reported on...

Your God-given Ability

In a room full of people no two people are the same. I always find that so interesting because we are all human, all alive... yet all so different. But what...

My Mother’s Favorite

I’m always in contact with people and especially ladies that have kids and the one thing that I have picked up through many conversations is, that unfair as it...

What is Your Story?

We all have a story to tell,  things that have happened to us in life,  both positive and negative. Stories are one of the best ways to communicate; we...

Disqualified Before You’ve Even Started

Imagine training your whole life for a race, and on the day of the event as you walk up to the starting line you decide not to run.  All...

Homeward Bound

I’m not sure how many of you were like this, but as a child at the shops I was constantly running off and getting lost. I think my mom...

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