Saturday, February 1, 2025

Try Again

Sometimes you find yourself against the wall, you feel like you wont be able to move or bounce back. And we feel like we have nothing left to give, and...

Stuck Like Glue

I don’t know about you but I hate to wait. Do you hate to wait? You know you can go and have an appointment at a doctor’s office, say...

Can A Non Christian Go To Church?

When I mention the word 'church', what comes to your mind? As you sit reading this now, you may be someone who is very actively involved in a church...

Who Is The Holy Spirit

You might say the Holy Spirit is our "identifying mark" as believers in Christ. In the Bible, we see three reasons why God gives His Holy Spirit. First, God...

Religious Leader: “Women Cause Earthquakes”

Just the other day, I was reading the news online and I stumbled upon a bizarre article that read "Women who wear jeans are responsible for earthquakes: religious leader". A...

How Do I Stop Doing Bad Things?

Life on this earth can be one big story of major contradictions. Those who have ever known what it is to love another person are constantly perplexed by how...

Do You Have A Statement Of Faith?

A few days ago, I had a conversation with a close friend of mine and she told me, plainly and simply, that she doesn't believe in anything. Any mention...

I Am Christian: Denzel Washington

We see the big Hollywood stars on our screens - big or small - almost everyday. The paparazzi feverishly take tonnes of pictures of them to try and fill...

What Is A Real Christian?

While catching up on the news just the other day, I found myself quite taken with the unfolding drama in the east African nation of Burundi. There, the sitting...

Overcoming Your Fears

For reasons we don't always understand, we find ourselves constantly carrying fears in life. Fears fall into various categories and it's believed that the majority of those fears come...

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