Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Do You Have A Statement Of Faith?

A few days ago, I had a conversation with a close friend of mine and she told me, plainly and simply, that she doesn't believe in anything. Any mention...

When It Rains It Pours

When it rains it pours. Isn't it funny that when you're going through a hard time in life, it affects not just that one particular area, but others as well....
you are worthy

You are worthy!

Understanding a deep sense of self worth, and to truly know that who we are is: special, beautiful, unique, and worthy of love, worthy to feel valued and appreciated,...

How to stop talking past each other

Do you ever feel like you have your wires crossed when it comes to communicating with certain individuals? No matter what you say, or how you say it, that...

Is There Power In Poverty?

Is There Power In Poverty? Money is good. It’s surprising how many people would believe this is heresy. There is no world where lack is desirable or should be held as...

I Want To Feel Like I Matter

One of the great phenomena of 21st century entertainment is reality TV. You can't switch to any mainstream station anywhere in the world these days and not see a...

How To Survive A Broken Heart

Ah, the joys and pains of living on planet earth and being part of that race called the human race. Life can be as much a thrill as it...

The power of resting

If you're like me, the word "rest" may seem a bit foreign to you. I struggle with this word. I struggle to say it with a sense of ease, as...

11 Habits you need to quit

Habits can either produce good healthy fruits in our lives that motivates us to achieve our goals or, on the other hand, bad habits become a distraction and negatively...

Should Churches Produce TV Programs?

It’s pretty popular these days to bash local churches producing broadcast TV programs. Even megachurches with adequate budgets for media don’t escape the criticism. After all, the history of...

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