Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I Don’t Trust That Easily

As I grew older I became very careful about who I put in my circle/space. I'm not that trusting after all. People have disappointed me before. There are people I've...

Be Grateful

If there was one absolute practice I would recommend to everyone, that would elevate their lives, it would be gratitude. The simple practice of gratitude has the ability to...

Changing The Way You Think

I have a fascination with people who think differently - people who swim against the current and see blue when everybody else sees yellow. Recently, I had the privilege...

Scream and Shout

I recently heard an interesting story highlighting the differences between Western and Eastern shepherds and the way they herd their sheep. It is said that shepherds in the West herd from...

Stop Blaming Others

There's nothing in this world easier than finding someone or something to blame when things go wrong. The emotionally distant man chooses to blame his parents who never hugged...

Leave Everything To God

In the Bible, the Book of John 16:33, Jesus says, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will...

How To Say No

One of the greatest time wasters that many people struggle with is the 'disease' of living life trying to please everyone and saying "yes" to every request that comes...

Take Care Of Yourself

Every so often consciously step off life’s ceaselessly churning wheels to catch your breath, take care of yourself and connect with your inner self. We all know of people...

The Element of Surprise

We all enjoy receiving gifts. When it happens, it's a heart-warming moment.  Irrespective of what it is, it brightens our day and puts a smile on our faces. It could...

Refuse To Fail!

I am constantly amazed by the rate at which innovations are increasing in the age we are living in today. You don't even have to be a 'tech geek'...

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