Friday, December 27, 2024

I Don’t Trust You

Trust.  Imagine for a moment that typical Hollywood movie trailer voice, forward selling the following: "Trust.  One word, great responsibility" *huge sound effects of glass shattering and explosions*  BOOM!! There are...

What I Learned From Kim Kardashian

Many say Kim Kardashian has no talent whatsoever and, therefore, does not deserve to be famous. But who, in the world of cyberspace, does not know Kim Kardashian? This name is so...

Don’t Label Me Please

Most of the time we don't even know people well enough, we don't pay attention to things long enough to engage on a unique level; yet we pass judgment so...

Who Is The Greatest Man In History?

With Father's Day approaching on the 21st of June, it might be that a few of us are reflecting on our relationships with our own fathers and, if you're...


Superheroes are everywhere you look.  They're all over TV, cinema, comic books, children's bedding, and you name it.  It seems that since time began we have been fixated on...

Is Life A Race ?

I watched a movie few weeks ago where a college professor taught his students that life was a race. He explained that the process leading to conception, pregnancy and child...

I Thought I Knew

So when I switched to “full time” mode online/digital. I thought I knew everything I needed to know about writing/blogging, social media etc. And I thought I had it...

Where Is God

Where is God?!  This question gets asked more times than I could even imagine.  Where is God in the tough times?  Where is He when the world is in...

How To Prove The Haters Wrong

  When it comes to coming up with catchy little words and phrases that spread like wildfire and capture the heart of the culture, nobody does it quite like the...

Kickstart Your Day

Have you ever had days where you just don’t feel like doing anything, you just want to stay in bed and sleep all day? Well I do have days...

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