What Is The Truth?
I recently heard a woman talk about astroturf. Yes, it's the name given to artificial grass that never needs watering or mowing, but in...
How to deal with Insecurities!
We are all born with certain characteristics that make us unique. One characteristic of mine is that I often say things before I think...
Looking For Love
That word we love to love and use oh so generously. “Oh my goodness, I love my new shoes!”, “I really loved that movie....
How HIV Saved Her Life
Imagine finding out that your husband had cheated on you. Then, you discover that not only was he unfaithful, but in the process he contracted HIV....
The Glass Is Half Full
The ability to enjoy life seems to be a matter of perspective. Some people love to complain about what they don't have, while others...
Why We Want You To Be Rich
A couple of years ago, two American business tycoons - Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki - wrote a book with one of the most fascinating...
What Is My Purpose On Earth?
It would be a reasonable thing to say that most of us want to feel that our lives matter. In this vast world of...
P.S. I Love You
How often do we tell those we love how much we love them; how much they mean to us?
I come from a background where...
Face Your Fear
Every person deals with the fear of failure. Fear on its own is a problem, because it can damage everything. It ruins your productivity, destroys...