What does it mean to have hope in Jesus?
The word "hope" in ordinary English vocabulary is generally distinguished from certainty. We would say, "I don't know what's going to happen, but I...
Will you dare to have hope?
Humans have definitions of hope that are different from God's. We hope for things to work out, or for that job, or maybe for...
A journey of hope
Losing hope was never something I planned on doing.
Hope used to be my best friend, but at times hope was mistaken for temporary lights. To...
What is God all about?
There are many attributes that describe God such as love, kindness, and faithfulness, and they are all descriptions of who He is. But have...
When prayer doesn’t work
If you believe in any kind of higher power, or maybe even if you don’t, chances are that at some point in your life...
Living in the deep end
We are made to be different.
In a world that is going to try and classify you – by your behaviours, your preferences, your ability...
Building a foundation of hope
So you've lost hope. You have tried everything. Perhaps you have even been going to church more than usual – but life just seems to...
What to do when your prayers aren’t answered
Many of us have prayed for something haven't we? Whether it's a promotion at work, a baby, a spouse, more money, or healing, we've...
The opposite effect
Have you ever wondered why the opposite of something good exists?
Before you dismiss the question into the realm of philosophical complexity, I want you...
Things you shouldn’t say when bad things happen
You don't have to look far to read about or hear about a tragedy that has struck some part of our world. Whether it's...