Wednesday, March 12, 2025

War on shame

Many think that shame is synonymous with guilt. Guilt is a fact. If you go to a court, you will find people arguing to...

True accountability

I have been appalled at what people perceive to be 'accountability' today. If we look at government and big corporations, it is unfortunately clear...

When people hurt you

Have you experienced this in your life? When people hurt you it is such a difficult thing to go through. People hurt us for...

Getting along with difficult people is impossible

Have you ever had to deal with a difficult person? Perhaps at work or at school? Maybe even in your family? People can be...

Always choose the light

In a recent episode of Shades of Blue, a father and son had a conversation in the hospital, after the son survived multiple gunshot wounds. At...

Dangerous Decisions: Self-pity

Sometimes we can find ourselves in dangerous situations - we can balance precariously on the edge of our existence, trying to hold ourselves together...

Who goes to heaven?

Back in the '90's there was an animated film that came out called, "All Dogs Go to Heaven." It was a cute movie but...

Dealing with tragedy

Dealing with tragedy is such a difficult thing. We think we have all the answers until tragedy strikes us. Unfortunately, no-one is exempt from...

Let writing be your medicine

It’s hard to think of a group of friends without one or two which struggle with depression. Mental illness and emotional difficulties are on...

Happiness isn’t wholeness

Let’s dance the night away. Party ‘til the break of dawn. DJ turn the music up. We just want to have a good time....

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