Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to ‘follow the peace’

I remember being young and very impressionable, sitting in the lounge of a close family member’s house, talking about the things (and the people) that I had to get...

A love like no other

Are you simply tired of looking for love in all the wrong places? You know, that quick fix love that never truly fixes anything: Finding love through alcohol. Finding love through unhealthy...

The secret to real confidence

I don’t believe that we were born insecure or lacking in confidence. You see it in children all the time. Children embrace life with a sense of adventure and...

Where’s your heart at?

Above all else, guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 I've read this verse before, but for some reason when I read it recently it sat...

I just can’t get my head around faith

Some people go through their entire life and never experience the kind of love that sweeps them off their feet. And such people often go through their entire life...

Should my situation define me?

The easy answer should be a flat resounding "no". But how often do we let our situations define us and eventually steal from us? How often do we say,...

The truth about fear

Why do you give up, before ever giving it a proper go? These words were said to me by someone very dear to me recently, and it really forced me...


The Christmas season is normally a holiday season for us here in South Africa. It’s Summer, and everyone for the most part takes leave and enjoys some much needed...

4 Questions That Will Deepen Your Understanding Of God

Throughout the four biographies of Jesus in the Bible, He is asked 183 questions. Of those 183 questions, how many do you think He answers directly? Four. He responds to...

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