Get Up And Work
For some of us, waking up early means falling out of bed, wandering around like a zombie until that third cup of coffee, and then taking...
Why Is This Happening To Me?
I always imagine that if we could have a chance to see inside someone's brain, among the many shocking things we will see, will...
Keeping Everyone Happy
Have you ever been in a very busy restaurant where the tables are overflowing with clients and the restaurant is short staffed? Those poor...
Caitlyn Jenner celebrated Father’s Day
This is one confusing story for me. About a month ago Bruce Jenner introduced himself to the world as a lady by the name...
Zoe Saldana: He Uses My Last Name
Recently we heard that Zoe Saldana's husband took her last name. She believes criticism about her husband Marco Perego's choice to take her name is...
Forgive and Accept
Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny... C.S Lewis
Make no mistake about it, in this life you will endure some serious hardships,...
Benefits Of Coconut Oil
10 Amazing Beauty Tricks With Coconut Oil
On a budget you can solve 10 of your beauty problems—naturally.
Let's work backwards. When you think about the...
Biscuit Thieves
Theft and thievery is practiced all over the word. Some steal to survive due to severe poverty, others for the thrill, still others because "that's...
Taking Care of Personal Hygiene (Part 2)
Today is the second of a two-part series on taking care of personal hygiene. This is an issue that a lot of young people,...
I Wish I Had a Body Like Her..!
I wish I had her job. I wish I had her clothes. I wish I had their lifestyle. I wish I had a body...