Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Does Mr Right Exist?

Growing up, we watch fairy-tale movies and think that in reality things always end up the way movies are scripted. Most ladies are looking...

Invasive Species

If you know anything about fauna and flora, you’ll know that there are certain animals and plant life that are indigenous to a particular...

Is It Wrong To Look At Women?

The other day, an extremely traumatized young man ran into his uncle’s office, having just attended a meeting for Christian youth at his church....

5 Things You Can Do To Feel Better

Life is tricky and so are our moods and our feelings.  There are days I'm on top of the world, and then there are...

YOLO You Only Live Once

Ever heard of the term YOLO (You Only Live Once)? This is a common phrase used among people, especially young ones my age. This is...

You Are Not Beyond Repair

You're driving in your car when suddenly you hear a strange sound coming from the engine. You lose power, pull over and call for...

Why Did God Make Me This Way?

If you've never dealt with insecurity in any shape or form, congratulations! You're one of the 'lucky' few. For many people though, the war...

How To Sleep Better

Feeling crabby lately? Or simply worn out? Perhaps the solution is better sleep. Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night's...

Insurance Options

Finding the right insurance options for your needs is very important.  Insurance, by the way, is important!  It seems we place very little value...

We All Make Mistakes

"The FEAR of being nothing, achieving nothing and becoming nothing should be way bigger than the fear of making mistakes". These are the first words I...

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