Carrying Dead Weight
There is nothing worse than carrying a heavy load. Consider a car overloaded with goods, transporting far more weight than it should. Have you...
Show Me The Money!
Movie buffs all over the world should be familiar with one of the most widely-quoted and famous scenes in film culture - the "show...
I Don’t Trust You
Trust. Imagine for a moment that typical Hollywood movie trailer voice, forward selling the following:
"Trust. One word, great responsibility" *huge sound effects of glass...
Before You Buy A House
As we all grow older, we start to think about some major things we want to achieve as part of our journey. There's no...
Don’t Label Me Please
Most of the time we don't even know people well enough, we don't pay attention to things long enough to engage on a unique level;...
5 Foods To Boot Out Of Your Fridge
Five foods to boot out of your fridge.
When it comes to food, FutureLife dietitian Angela Bentley advocates everything in moderation. There are however, some...
Is Life A Race ?
I watched a movie few weeks ago where a college professor taught his students that life was a race. He explained that the process...
I Thought I Knew
So when I switched to “full time” mode online/digital. I thought I knew everything I needed to know about writing/blogging, social media etc. And...
How To Prove The Haters Wrong
When it comes to coming up with catchy little words and phrases that spread like wildfire and capture the heart of the culture, nobody...