Identity Crisis
Everywhere we look in the world today, it's patently clear that the question of identity is more relevant now than it has ever been....
Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn
On Monday 01 June 2015, Bruce revealed his/her new identity, appearing as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair. The photograph of Ms. Jenner...
Big Up Africa: Murendwa Mmabasotho Mukwevho
At just 25, Murendwa Mmabasotho Mukwevho is a multimillionaire, with a string of businesses varying from logistics to printing.
Today on Big Up Africa we...
3 Healthy TV Watching Practices
According to an Australian study of National Health, every hour you spend watching TV after the age of 25 reduces your life expectancy by...
Things NOT To Say At A Job Interview
There are some things that you should not say during a job interview, regardless of how much you would like to share your opinion...
Be Confident In Yourself!
A funny story of something that happened a few years ago came to mind recently. This time, though, it carried an important encouragement that...
Why We Should Respect Our Parents
Regardless of our faith, culture, economic status, ethnicity or nationality, we all came from somewhere. Whether our home is a city alight with activity,...
How To Trick Your Heart
All is Well! This three-word sentence is my new inspirational slogan, taken from an enthralling Indian movie I watched recently called 3 Idiots. I'm not sure if I...
Smoothie: Energy Booster
Lately, my energy levels have been so low. I feel tired most times and get too lazy to exercise as well. So, one good...
Do I Deserve Love?
Have you ever found yourself alone somewhere, asking yourself the question, "Do I deserve love?" Because all around us we've seen love go wrong...