The friendship clean up
The people that you hang out with determine the amount of success you have in your life. Harsh. Hard. True. It’s hard to feel...
Either your too curvy, too thin, too tall, too short. Basically you can never win when it comes to either how others perceive us,...
Getting to the heart behind the #metoo movement
If you have been online for the last few months you will most likely have seen the “me too” hashtag being used by women...
A place called home
Home: A place where you belong; a place where you can be who you really are; a place where you just fit.
The idea of home...
How to cope in a season of drought
Waiting for Rain
Have you ever experienced a drought? There is something about a season without rain: Looking at the things that should be...
Does Everyone Experience This?
The first time I asked myself this question was when I began having issues with my skin. I had some terrible breakout on my...
Contented Discontent
You’ve got the spouse, the kids, the job, the house, a fridge full of food and your own ride. You’re blessed with love and...
Self Care, is not Selfish
So often we can find ourselves at the hand of comments and criticisms from people.
'You did that wrong. Do not do that. Do this...
It’s been a tough week
On a scale of 1-10 my week has been horrible. It’s the first week back at work from my blissful 2 week holiday with...
How to cope with trauma and become stronger
I remember the first time in my life I experienced what I could really call trauma - I moved high schools. I went from...